When did you finally realize that orcs are problematic?

When did you finally realize that orcs are problematic?


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I absolutely refuse to believe PC culture can survive another decade. Everyone is just so tired of being unable to discuss or enjoy anything. The swing to the right is going to be hard and violent.

PC culture has been a thing since the 1970s and shows no sign of stopping

People are literally tearing down statues about wars from 150+ years ago, it will never end

The left always win because the left are the ones making movies and video games, they are singing to the choir.

Anyone on the right or that is against feminism is kicked out of the companies.

>disk horse

my issue is that chinks and blacks havent invented new races. orcs are made by white nerd culture and thats okay

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Why is it that everyone who says this is a massive SJW?

it's a tumblr meme

fuck niggers and fuck herms

>we have people unironically white knighting for orcs now
This quarantine is going to turn us all into lunatics

>Create race of dumb as rocks savages
>Niggers and nigger lovers are actually self aware and draw parallels between them and irl niggers
>Oh no this dumb as fuck retarded race is a mockery of POC
>Why would you say that ?

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>for me, Orcs are black people!
>n-no, I'm not the racist one!

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>PC culture has been a thing since the 1970s and shows no sign of stopping
Bullshit, PC culture as we know it is not about becoming accepting of race like it was back then. The current PC culture is just Jewish bullshit. The fact liberals will feel justified insulting Whites before they remotely consider insulting the race that actually practices blatant nepotism and disproportionately dominates the media, banks, and government is proof of that. It's not about oppressors being liable to criticism, because that's not what's happening. People are scared to criticize who actually controls them and Whites have been scapegoated into that role to give the public an outlet for racial tension. Throwing gas on the flames of racial tension is part of the strategy to keep this country and the world divided. The brainwashed idiots who post bullshit like in the OP are the ones keeping hatred alive. They've been programmed to see this stuff in everything because that's what media has conditioned them for. All these "SJWs" are doing is fulfilling their roles as Jewish tools to keep Whites out of power and enable them to control things without interference from the one group that could do something about it. Nobody actually gives a fuck about race except the people who can gain from being a victim.

So long as (((they))) are in charge of all media its not stopping any time soon.

But he he acknowledges that orcs behave like blacks, that means he also acknowledges that blacks behave differently from white people, and that's racist.


>i'm totally not projecting blacks onto orcs im not the racist you're the racist!!
jesus fucking christ these people

PC culture has always existed in any society, it just morphs over the years. The current strand of social justice, intersectional PC culture obviously won’t last forever, but it will be replaced by a culture that will also suck dick.

even the liberals know niggers behave like orcs

You're underage.

> Twitter thread about some nobody
Not worth any effort or frustration.

Warcraft orcs are german barbarians

Who's next, Klingons ?

user literally all the ideologies you see espoused by SJWs today originated in the late 60s and early 70s. Including the hate for white men. Look up Noel Ignatiev he was talking about ending white patriarchy and killing dead males when he was in the SDS during the 60s. They were passing out pamphlets on this stuff.

she's not wrong, but honestly niggers should double down on it because orcs are based

maybe these retards shouldn't be equating niggers to fucking orcs

wow this guy is racist for associate blacks with orcs

>Dude I found an instance of this that means I'm right
Whatever Rabbi, yes you're correct there are people who weren't racist back then. That's not what I was saying but keep posting bullshit like you don't understand what I'm saying. That's all you Jews are good at, gaslighting.

Cool, again not related at all to what I was saying. Can you Jews stay focused?

this shit was way ahead of its time

This is as dumb as saying "We need to remove elves from our entertainment because it is racist towards Asians"

This is speciesist to orcs, they shouldn't be compared to chimps.

Two can play this retard's game, call him a racist white person for comparing black people to orcs and and trolls. Also toss in accusation of privelege of being able to play video games.

nigger should lynch himself for having such retarded opinions
and you too OP for making another twitter screencap thread


Is this another one of those things like milk or the ok sign being used in racist memes and so now its tainted?

He's right though, just take a look at how orcs are treated in a fetishistic sense, it's literally the same shit as BLACKED garbage

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>Fantasy: an idea with no basis in reality.
>a genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than the real world.

Nigger the entire point of me linking that was showing you that sjw bullshit was prevalent enough in the 70s to be getting made fun of in films of the time. I'm not gaslighting you, retard.

I always thought orcs were more of a Mongol/Hun trope.

The only reason he perceived such similarities between the two is that niggers are indeed sharing those characteristics. That's literally an admission

jesus fuck you're right.

>Thinks black people are brutal, violent cannibals, that rape an pillage where ever they go
>Calls other people racist for not thinking that way

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Imagine this being your child. Fucking shameful.

these people also said goblin slayer was racist because the goblins are clearly meant to be blacks/arabs
they clearly understand that those people are scum, but we must allow them in our society because
>hurr durr racism bad for no reason

i wouldn't know that because i've never watched blacked garbage.

Conservative rich white boy spotted.
You wouldn't have the same opinion if you werent born into a family with Daddy's free money tree.

i literally don't care what coomers think about orcs


that's all i get from what he wrote, that's virtue signalling at it's highest point.

I always imagine orcs as germanic barbarians

Why Yas Forums is so racist? There's a lot of black people posting on Yas Forums you know

He's right but he's still a little baby bitch that whines about inconsequential shit

Anybody got that joke article about LOTR orcs?

There are always going to be people on the far left, the fact there were people who thought this way back then is irrelevant. The current scope of PC culture is the result of Jewish media manipulation and you can't deny that. The modern focus on identity politics is not natural and isn't sustainable. At all time periods there will be people who naturally think this way, but the proportion of people who do in the modern day was manufactured.

That's pretty rude to be honest, orcs aren't nearly that bad and even just making the comparison is very offensive to orcs.

The lack of self-awarness is amazing. Guy thinks Orcs=black people because he is the one who made that conclusion, not anybody else, he. Fucker doesnt realize he is projecting and it's amazing.

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>blacks are so comically non-human that they map 1-to-1 to a fantasy race


the only orc porn I see is of big beefy orc girls

Piko is fucking hot, wish there was more HMOFA art of her



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thats why

he called you a nigger, that's "Wot"

Can't they realize the irony in looking at these savages and monstrous beasts and the first thing that comes to their minds are niggers? Based on xir's profile picture it's probably just an autist that prefers orcs to be just human with green skin and tusks because he likes to be different but not THAT different.

because even blacks must be tired of all the fake virtue white people around them and Yas Forums is one of the few places they know where they can actually interact with every race without filters.

I understood this reference

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>use Tolkien orcs
>"wow user don't you think this 2 dimensional evil race is kind of boring?"
>use WoW orcs
>"wow user don't you think this noble savage race is kind of racist to blacks/natives?"
I just use skeletons now

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