

Attached: Wrex.png (720x900, 764.91K)

Tali is the best girl in the whole mass effect universe and you gotta deal with it.

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Anybody playing Stellaris with mass effect mods? I made a Quarian empire once. Was nice.

Sorry, but I had ash kill your bitch ass.
I even had the option to paragon my way through, but you had to go.

Why would you kill the red ninja turtle, user? Are you fucking mental? That is not Pepperino or aldente bro.

All xeno scum must be purged. This is the true path of paragon.



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Does Talis suit make her look fat?

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I miss mass effect so much, bros.

Then play some Stellaris. Get some fine mods to bring in all the species of mass effect and there you go. Mass effect as a strategy game.
Personally I really miss the multiplayer from Mass Effect 3.

The suit is quite snug. In all the right places.


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This but with Jack

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>Then play some Stellaris.


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>Sole survivor

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>tfw assault rifles are only really usable on a soldier because it's the only class that has the ability to spec into them

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>he got most of his unit killed on torfan

Hey man, just a friendly tip from me. You want to play as Quarians and go for the Android Endcrisis, thereby creating the Geth? You can do that.
You want to play as Krogans, conquering the rest of the Galaxy? Go ahead.
You want to build high not wide and be the most scientific faction in the known universe? Go play Salarians.
Take over the galaxy as fascist humans? No problem.
The mods are really well done in my opinion. Of course I would pirate Stellaris and all is dlcs if I were you.

I never liked the whole "every hero must have a tragic backstory" thing and having a living parent is nice and super rare.

>War Hero
I initially went Ruthless, but I didn’t like the "gun down surrendering Batarians" part as it made Shepard look like he is incapable of controlling his emotions. War Hero has the most impressive accomplishment anyway.

Because I like playing the "Magic Knight" class.


So not fat?
I never understood what people see in Jack to be honest. She looks like such a massive degenerate. I would shoot her on sight if I could.

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No, still fat. In all the right places.

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One thing she has and Tali doesn't, a cute face.

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I like my cute blueberry Liara more.

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More like blue plank of wood lmao


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literally me

I think Spacer War Hero is one of the most popular combos

Which mods do you recommend?
War Hero
She has CURVES. I adore her.

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you humans are all racist

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God fucking damn it BioWare i wanted wholesome sex with jack in me3

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Don't worry they'll catch up after the war. but yeah sucks we didn't get a scene with her

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Cute? You call that cute? Looks like me when I was 12 years old.
Great taste!
I kinda don't like the Asari that much, their whole being only exists to deceive every men they can find for their white plasma.

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