How would you rate the Ryū ga Gotoku studio (or Sega's CS1 team) games that you played?
How would you rate the Ryū ga Gotoku studio (or Sega's CS1 team) games that you played?
Yakuza 0 > the rest
I've been playing through the games by time period up to the start of Saejima and I have to agree that Yakuza 0 is the best overall. It's the tone that stand out the most, Kiryu being more hot headed than he is in later games, Majima is a blast to play, the antagonists are a delight and seeing senior Tojo members like Kashiwagi in their prime here is fantastic.
5>0>4>1>6>3>2>dead souls
Yakuza 7 will be the best
1 and 2 kiwami or original?
Was it a mistake for this to be my first Yakuza game? I bought it off Steam just to try it and love this game. So much so that I want to play the rest of the games in the series.
Judgement > 5 > 4 > 6 > 2 (PS2) > Kiwami > Zero
Monkey Ball 1/2 HD never.
0>2>Kiwami 2>5>4>6>3>1>Kiwami 1
Have yet to play the spinoffs
Hell nah
just play the games you can get by release date
I've only played kiwami
0 ruined Yakuza because it brought in PCtard redditors, prove me wrong.
No. All the Yakuza games have highs and lows it's just that Yakuza 0's highs are really high compared to the other games.
Why is Yakuza 0 bottom of the list? Also you missed out Yakuza 3 but I suspect you haven't played that.
gatekeeping a video game series is very reddit, redditor. go back to your home
Do you mean 0? Chronologically 0 takes place before every other game so just play the rest in order
I just forgot about 3.
Judgement > 5 > 4 > 6 > 2 (PS2) > 3 > Kiwami > Zero.
Zero was boring as fuck, lacked any fun sidecontent and le funny man Majima meme is retarded.
If I started playing Judgment first have I ruined the Yakuza series gameplay-wise for myself?
all the Yakuza games have shit gameplay anyway, and I say this as a fan of the series (it's actually my favorite game of all time).
0 1 and 2 are great. Everything else is just too much. Kiwami 1 is decent, kiwami 2 is dogshit that looks pretty because the engine those retarded gooks spent millions of dollars on can't handle beatemups. I want to play the kenshiro and the samurai one.
In comparison to the other games I found it way more fun. The tone is cheeky and more interesting to look at. Also it's the one game where I don't have to interact with the Florist. Past Yakuza 2, the guy just feels like a shoe in to make the plot seem deeper than it actually is.
6/10. The long beat'em up sections are fantastic, but the walking around town talking to wacky people and getting involved in managing mingames gets old really fast, not to mention the ending is pretty dumb: Majima turned into a completely different person all of a sudden for absolutely no reason, because the girl was totally fine in the end.
>Majima turned into a completely different person all of a sudden for absolutely no reason
I can tell you skipped the dialogue in the Majima sections. The mad dog was muzzled and on a leash, not only from the higher ups but also himself.
>the Florist
He is such a shitty and lazy character.
I played 1 on PS2 ages ago and 2 to halfway.
Should I play now 0 K1 K2, or K1 K2 0? I only roughly remember the characters.
>the dialogue
Except I was playing a video game, not reading a Japanese light novel. They should have showed any of that, otherwise it all seems disingenuous.
>should have showed that
They show it in his very first cutscene
Yakuza 0 is a lot of fun. Kiwami 1 is less fun with pretty forgettable substories, still enjoyed it though. The stories in both are engaging but convoluted and basically nonsense. I'll play Kiwami 2 when it comes to gamepass.
Play 0 K1 and regular 2.
So not during the game at any moment. Gotcha.
You don't have to read the text to understand that he's muzzled and on a leash, all the text does is tell you more directly.