Motivated. Determined. Resilient. Confident. Mentally untouchable. Notice I didn’t say physical because no man is...

Motivated. Determined. Resilient. Confident. Mentally untouchable. Notice I didn’t say physical because no man is. Unfortunately, our physiology limits us anything past that. More words can describe my presence but let’s not be selfish.

I walk a path. A path that was aligned for me since the beginning of time. The Creator gave me life through abundance. Allowing the correct blend of souls to cross paths but not only through eye contact, but to share passion with one another. A passion that allowed human life to be conceived, over, and over, and over again. And through it all with proper planning, placement, and the correct space and time, here I stand. Mistakes made. Battles fought. Time elapsed. Ridicule spewed. I refuse to let the actions of mere fellow humans distract me from serenity.

In this life do you feel a purpose? A longing? A yearning? An itch for completion. If so than we both share something. Something unbreakable. Something remarkable. Never fall short to the false obstacles some call roadblocks. I’m a walking example and breathing blueprint to what resilience can display regardless of the sagital dividing support. You see hate. Hate is nothing but an expression of colluded emotions. Hate can be controlled. Hate can be tamed. Hate is nothing but an insecurity within one’s self, but can be overcome. Giving humans specific labels makes me slightly uncomfortable. But I thank all categories regardless.

So to all of my supporters, fans, members of the covenant, and all of my emotional haters that are truly disguised: I thank you. Your years of words have allowed me more motivation in myself than i have had in my entire life. Some of the messages i receive are unbelievably touching. They're humbling. You see the creator has blessed you, has blessed me with a gift. A gift to allow others sanctuary through my actions. Through my words. Each and every last subscriber, you mean something to me.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Going to any events in the future, transphobe?


le quickly forgotten nobody

Ricki is my waifu

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>forever banned from any Capcom event ever
Lmao, dumb coon.


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You are so gay for that dude. This isn't even video games at this point. It's just youtuber worship


>another attentionwhoring nigger
Hope he pulls an Etika.

>"i will NEVER rage quit again. if i'm rage quitting on this tag, means i'm weak minded and i will never be famous"
>2 games later
>rage quits
>starts almost crying
>"fuck you, i will still become famous"

Fuck all you transphobes you all are pieces of shit.

He will unironically, literally kill himself when Youtube finally bans his channel.

They did a week ago. He just hopped on his backup channel until the ban ended.

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i meant completely. also they didn't ban his channel, they paused it for a week, retard.

More like Low Tier Legs

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This is a fucking video. To some tranny fuck on twitter named ceroblast. Now, I'm tired of this faggot fuck popping up on all my fucking search engines when I'm looking for a fucking street fighter video. I don't give a fuck about the aftermath from any of you ceroblast fans that feel sorry for this gay fuck. You fucking disgusting crotch smelling. Fag. Jizz Drinking. Semen bathing. Cum gargling. Anus thieving. Adams apple having. Thai ladyboy looking. Cock eating. Scrotum gorging. Male bone structure having. Non dick splitting. Take estrogen pills for years just to look like an ugly man. Wide shouldered. Shemale. Pretending to have a fucking mental illness. Man slash "woman". Speedrunner. 41 percenter. Testosterone dodger. Bridge jumper. Go to the women's room but pee standing up. 100% man. Happy because the government pays for your estrogen pills motherfucker. I know there's gonna be a lot of people out there calling me a bully. Well guess what? I'm not. I just don't feel sorry for these fucking "people", especially tranny fucks who sit there all day tweeting and making money for doing absolutely nothing, while a bunch of sorry fucks like yourselves play into it. If you don't like what the fuck I'm saying, then FUCK YOU.

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So he moves to the next channel/site and all his fans follow him. Just like every other time he's been banned from anywhere.

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>testosterone dodger

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best girl

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Fuck off, Scotsman

this pasta is amazing god damn it

He has a backup channel? Where?