Reddit post:
Someone in the comments of the video said they saw a potentially true leak that says Joel AND Ellie both die. Joel is killed in the first few hours by Abby, the daughter of the surgeon you kill in Part One. This is apparently what happens in that scene in the trailer where Ellie's being held down. Ellie dies at the end of the story, but he wasn't told how. Jesse and Dina live. You play as Abby for half the game.
I absolutely believe this because it's the complete opposite of what I want and what every fan wants, and that's how literally every fictional property (except maybe Marvel?) has seemed to be going, lol.
It makes sense too, with what we know-- Ashley Johnson cried when she first heard the story, that PSX thing where both of them sang that ominous Johnny Cash song, Abby being the daughter of the murdered surgeon speaks to the whole, "cycle of violence", theme that Neil and Haley Gross keep repeating.
Troy Baker just said something like, "The Last of Us Part II will make fans question everything". According to this guy, Ellie is portrayed as the bad guy because of her body count, and so showing Joel and Ellie from the perspective of someone who had their life destroyed by them would certainly make us, "question everything".
Again, not the story I want, and if this is true, both Neil and Gross are going to be burned at the fucking stake by fans.

Posted 22 days ago

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Other urls found in this thread:

Post yfw you’re not an TLOUfag

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>Joel is killed in the first few hours by Abby, the daughter of the surgeon
How this nigga be finding joel in a chaotic post-apocalyptic world without internet LMAOOOO

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>Joel dies

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I'm glad America continues to produce high art.

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Where's the sex appeal?
Why are companies so afraid of making sexy characters but love to put violence in their games?
Every women in AAA western games look like ugly fucking dykes.

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Imagine a Time Jannie appearing when you try to save Joel.

thank you based leaker for btgo sony and cuckman. god bless

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She's a big it

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>Ellie fucking dies
>Control Abby
Fucking based

This game probably needs the time jannies

>FFVII remake and Doom eternal are more of a lock for goty now
you love to see it

>Yas Forums heavily moderates any spoilers for upcomming movies
>Yas Forums doesn't
Guess who has tranny mods

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I mean, not all women need to be cute, but making ugly women the normal is not the answer.

>Getting offended for spoilers from this garbage

What's he thinking about right now? Do you think Sony is gonna kick him out? He's probably cursing. He's probably even in one of the threads right now raging. Do you think Amy is laughing at his ass?

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i never though wed get a biger tortanic than ff7 and so soon. but here we are

woke fest ruined hahahahaha back to hiding at recuckera if you don't want to get spoiled trannies hahahaha

Killing the protagonist from the first game when they become an enemy is a based idea, but it can be literally the biggest mistake you can ever make in storytelling if you don't do it right because it's fucking easy to mess up.

Look at the size of her hands

It gets better you KILL Ellie yourself as Abby lol

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Why are you talking about movies in a video game board?

>implying normies will not buy it
Even tortanic made money

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What an absolute unit

This game could use time jannies

Na nigga

>Corona-chan crashed the TLoU and Naughty Dog along with Druckmann's career tied in a little bow.
Fucking priceless.

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Does anybody genuinely gives a shit about this "game"?

>the game was supposed to come out in a month
what in the everlasting fuck did they do

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post the vid

Too bad none of these actually appeals to most women, maybe Ellie would have if she wasn't a gay, then the game could have had Lifetime Movie Network potential.

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I can't believe ND ripped off your game.

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>TLOU2 is actually another shitty subversion story
FF7R still somehow looks better during all this.

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>TLOU """"fans""""
Can you imagine anything more disgusting?

Don't let her near any rabbits.

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It's like these people want the opposite of a fulfilling and satisfying story. If this is all true they literally went OUT of their way to create misery.

Who the fuck is abby?

That's the most unexpected part. This mess makes FF7 Remake look better in comparison.

So this is how Nomura keeps getting away with it, Western devs are actually more retarded than he is

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Its kinda of based that they are killing not one but both of 1 protagonists, imagine a RPG where you kill the party of the first game

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TLOU fags do and they are rabid about "spoilers". They also know that if they know the story, the "game" is ruined.

A MtF trans whose dad was the head surgeon that Joel kills at the end of TLoU1.

your new protagonist please understand

Druckmann seemed to skip over a crucial step of actually making Joel and Ellie the villains or at least having Abby be sympathetic to the player.

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Only to then get raped by Sephiroth.

Being that main writer Chuckman or whatever. I bet the stupid nigger will be fuming when FF7R and Doom hog all the awards.

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Just by not having time jannies it its already better, that is despite the sjw shit

it's still gonna sell millions so who really cares

She is known as the Dyke Slayer

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>pit your player character in boring, contrived shootouts with agro-on-sight thugs
>don't let them progress without spilling blood of wasteland bandits who would do horrible things to ellie without hesitation

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Also the only single good game on pic is Nier

You now realize that some people were not only excited but paid money in advance for this "game"

It doesn't matter what fans think.
Critics eat this kind of shit up.

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She also kills Ellie. But otherwise correct.

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How this leaked? I mean, its a lot of stuff and important plot.

What do you mean?

first one was so boring, cant imagine waiting 8 years for this shit

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joel also killed him the day before abby was going to transition


Spec Ops all over again, fuck the white phosphorus

kek mgs3 did this better

Congrats on not knowing what a nitpick is, Söynitard.

daughter of the surgeon Joel kills at the end of TLOU 1

Ignore the other meme replies

they also force you to kill that one doctor in the ending, while you can totally just leave the others

>Someone at Naughty Dog heard the whole "If you kill them you'll be just as bad as them!" and wrote an entire story on it

Wow, so unique and original. Really makes me think

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This is what happens when you take the people who call Nathan Drake a mass-murderer seriously and try to account for this in your story

naughty dog is a notoriously shitty company and no one likes cuckmann from various reports

Why would he care? He got his sweet HBO deal which is what he wanted in the first place. I sincerely want moviefags to fuck off from gaming forever. TLOU is literally just generic modern Hollywood schlock that's completely devoid of any kind of ambition or technical excellence. They think they can just throw homosexuality and sadness into a story and that inherently makes it good or some shit.

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Lets post the ugly girls from nip games too retard

>showing the lives of others as affected by Joel and Ellie
That sounds like a smart fucking direction, actually, and one of the few sensible decisions to make if they continued the story. It may also explain why they've shown next to fucking nothing regarding the plot, because the plot itself has nothing to do with Joel/Ellie and we're getting a bait and switch, ala MGS2. I'm fine with that. TLOU's world was interesting enough to expand into other character stories and letting us play from the perspective of one of Joel's victims would be welcome.

Apparently from some pissed off dev who started to post them on youtube.

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>Killing the only one with immunity
>not keeping her alive
>not forcibly breeding the immunity out of her and into the rest of humanity
Not touching on these very important story aspects is what pissed me off about the first, like why dissect the dumb bitch instead of keeping her alive at all costs and doing experiments on her to see what the fuck causes it. Theres this giant fucking plothole of why they're going to kill her, it makes zero sense, there are other tests to run my dude, dont gotta go straight for the autopsy. Its my biggest fucking problem with the game it just shits itself right at the end.

>get TV deal
>corona-chan hits
>thinking this won't be canceled

Nice goalpost but you're a retard.

The only thing this game has is this Jewish titcow now

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