Other urls found in this thread:
She's a slut
We know Cloud
Literally me
I want to stare into Aerith's green eyes forever
why do FF7 characters constantly call her ugly, though?
god she's so cute
Kept you waiting huh?
is he the worst addition to the game or does that honor belong to nuJessie?
Y'know, on his reveal I thought he was going to be an absolute KH shitfest,
I actually think he fits in alright.
No, he's fine. Literally the only problem I have is time ghosts
I want to marry this big boned girl
She has always been best girl.
post yfw she isn't real
You mean like the one time that the massage lady said she was plain looking?
Reminder that this is Canon.
Aerith in FF7R is the one shown in the last moment of OG FF7.
Hes ff7 gilgamesh
Theres always that rival in every ff7
Gilgamesh, zigfried, biggs and wedge in ff8, that thief from 9 dont remember the name, that nigga summoner in x
It's more than one time, I think it might be a joke since when her redesign was announced some nips were buttblasted that she looked western and posted ''fixes'' on twitter complaining that her AC version looked better(i.e. asian).
Different beauty standards aside they're fucking retarded, she looks 10/10.
For me, it’s mommy teacher.
Whats that?
another one of nomura's shit-tier fanfics
Disgusting long flat feet.
There are no women in real life that are like Aerith. All you have are feminist and closet feminist.
>Aerithfags still exist.
>Meanwhile, Tifa is literally dying to suck your dick.
Explain yourselves, Aeirthfags.
We know that Cloud relax. You m8ght get your chance
Who the fuck did that edit and thought it looked good. Literally goblina tier.
>wanting a woman that reeks of desperation
It's part of a series of Canon storylines that fill in between 7 and AC. Keep in mind that Sephiroth's final line directly to Aerith in FF7R is "You can not protect him.".
Delete this right now.
What do Aerith smell like?
is aerith POOR?
She canonically smells like flowers