Monster Hunter

Nergs are for _______

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Here's your final final boss ;)

Truly the Iceborn.

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why does every monster hunter thread start with these same 3 posts?

Frontier a shit

cope more, Fatalis

farming g. spirit gems

Would any of you guys be actually mad about Nerg getting a third form that actually makes him a black dragon?

Final boss will be a new pale green Fatalis variant with ice powers

>There are "people" that aren't tired of nerg

Combination of less time to type out and the fact monsters are hot

I'm not tired of Nerg and I'm a people fellow people

He's the most enjoyable fight in the game (in my opinion.)
How can anyone be tired of him?

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no they aren't you delusional furshitter

How many great spiritvein gems do you have?

AT Nerg was my favorite fight. Ruiner spazzing out I still find annoying.

I like fighting him a lot too. The only issues I have with ruiner nergi, every other monster in Iceborne suffer from as well.

what weapon do you use?
at nerg made me hate the game

My only problem with ruiner is that nergi was a really physical, one on one close quarters fight with no bullshit beyond the dive if you were in a really bad position.
Giving it a ranged aoe that also causes bleed ruins it, it just fucks up the flow of the fight.

I only have like 28. I fight him a lot in T3 investigations before the event even came out.

Definitely based

The Ruin SnS and Support LBG. I'd hate the game if I had to use the melee weapons with long attack commitments.

Definitely samefag

Ruiner's whole thing is that if you don't lock him down, he goes fucking crazy. He currently has the highest attack of any monster, and some insanly quick attacks that make it hard to approch him, but it's balanced because he trips a lot.
The bleed fits him ťbh, if you start to crouch he's probably gonna get on his bullshit.

But nergs reproduce asexually from shed thorns. The commission could actually plant nerg thorns in the bioenergy farm and grow elder dragons.

There are plenty of in-game jokes about the researchers wanting to fuck monsters.
Not to mention Guildmarm had a lady boner for Brachy and Rajang.

>nergs reproduce asexually from shed thorns
That's just what he want's you to think. He places those thorns somehere else.

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>Grow your own nerg

Sweetheart wanted to be fucked by giggi too. Don't forget that.

How ruiners form?

Yes, jokes, that's what furries are.

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Nerg is the opposite of a black dragon. It keeps the balance instead of threatening entire ecosystems.
>nergigante tailraider against Fatalis

*how do ruiners form?

>slam kulve's head against a wall
>tail breaks
Okay then

It is actually the one Nerg. There are no multiple Nergi, only one who is immortal. He doesn't die, he carts to you. When you kill him and carve, he can regenerate it all, and if his body is completely obliterated, he will regrow into a new Nerg from a bunch of boiling gore, bones, blood, eyes, splinters and pus. Which then forms a vile tumor, slowly gaining shape.

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Ruiner is just a nerg that gorged on energy until it maximized its regeneration and power.

Kushala-heavy Diet maybe
What if Nergigante that primarily hunted specific EDs took on their attributes? Blast Spikes? Effluvium Emitting Spikes? Vibrating Spikes ala Shara Ishvalda? The possibilities are somewhat limited, actually

confirmed nerg is wovernine

>breed with Kush and Teo
>Docile fluffy Nergs built for companionship