Animal Crossing

>balance changes in a predominantly single-player, housewife simulator
Why do these hacks nerf shit as if it's a competitive game, when they should be adding QoL changes and consolidating menus and dialogue?

I'm not even a cheaterfag, but it honestly feels like they're going out of their way to punish legitimate players with all these preventative measures put in place to hamper cheating. But why the fuck does it matter? Nobody fucking cares about cheaters in a game like this

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If they add QOL changes you will be able to do the menial and repetitive tasks even faster and would be left with 5 minutes of "gameplay" per day.
Nintendo would rather make the game a chore to play than add content.
If you take away the polish its literally just a mobile city builder ala farmvile or something.

I've been wondering the same thing. None of this shit matters.

People are only ruining their own experience.

I told Limberg he could move away and now I feel bad about it.

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don't, you're doing him and yourself a favor

Can someone tell why these threads shouldn't move to /vg/?
Outside of /vg/ faggotry

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Two (2) times now campsite retards want to get rid of my favorite residents.

There's literally 5 I'm ok with leaving but they choose the other 5. how dumb is this shit

We don't want this trash moving into the /vg/ thread

Post dodos so i can com tp your island buy shit and water plants

I love Splatoon with all my heart and soul so I feel somewhat bad for shitting on Nogami and the team but I honestly have no idea why this game is so popular with how barebones and inconvenient it is. The fanbase being so cancer doesn't help either.
Why can we still not turn the camera anywhere but in the house? Why does it need my confirmation to exit and enter the construction mode? Why are the animations for crafting, placing cliffs, paths, and water so fucking long? Why can't I see the durability of my tools? Why can't I craft multiples of something? Why can't we turn buildings? Why can you not move buildings one tile over when they're already placed? Why can't you look around when "imagining" how a building will look? Why don't the pathways connect to each other so you always have these ugly seams? Why is there no indicator for exactly what tile your tool will interact with? Why the shit is there no hourly music until the town hall is built? Why are my initial villagers all stuck with the DIY houses, can't they develop their houses too? Why are there only three/four permanent non-residential buildings? Why is there only one shop upgrade? Why can't I move the town hall?

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ACNH is universally considered the worst AC game here for all the reasons you listed and so much more. It's just a bad game in every single aspect. We saw it from the very beginning when the game was advertised as a watered down Minecraft clone.

I've literally not met a single person on Yas Forums in over a week who had anything positive to say about New "Harvest Moon-craft" Horizons. Yas Forums has finally realized that everything about this game is just awful in every way. It takes the spot as objectively the worst AC game, and I can guarantee the next game will be worse.

>was happily farming peacock butterflies
>spawn rate now dropped -80%
fuck this man, now i HAVE to deal with turnips

I think it's part of their game design philosophy to have shitty menus. Because then all NPCs feel more alive.

You're actually taking your time to "talk" to someone and select the precise request you want through many dialogues, instead of selecting it right away like in a terminal or computer

If you knew who this artist was and all the fucking drama, shitposting, CP and paedophilia that comes with them, you'd know exactly why we shouldn't move.

Unironically the next TORtanic. It has literally everything going against it. Definitely worst of the year material.

i think it has honest potential to be the best AC but if all they're going to do to it is a slow content drip of shit that should have been in the game already and really limp-wrist cheater deterrents (that just end up punishing legitimate players) then its just fucked
like the groundwork is all laid out, they just need to put more content in the game and introduce some quality things. but instead they're just making the game feel like a slog. and not a "take your time" style slog, just unbearably clunky and unenjoyable. its fucking obnoxious to have to click through five fucking menus every single time.

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Remember when AC was good

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why is that boy eating a giant pencil eraser

Fucking this. I don't know why loli artists still aren't in prison yet when they literally draw and distribute CP.

We all do user. But everything changed when NH came out and everyone but us loved it unquestioningly. AC is dead to us now and will never come back.

>"big" patch, worthy of a trailer
>brought 0 gameplay changes like shopping cart for Able's
>or fix for abysmal online play
Yeah, devs really need to listen to some feedback.

>Unironically the next TORtanic
No you fucking schizo, this is not the next TORtanic and whatever game you happen to dislike that comes out next month won't be one either. We're a fucking month in and people love the fuck out of the game, for a TORtanic there needs to be widespread fucking rage and shitting on the devs nonstop, the only thing going on with AC to 9/10 people who play it is "oh this is inconvenient, but I like the game anyway", but your faggot ass can't get the fuck off of Yas Forums or even play the game yourself to form an opinion, you just form one based on the "general consensus" on Yas Forums which you STILL get wrong half the time because Yas Forums is not one person.

If the game was so shit it was at that tier, then we would be seeing fucking death threats and mass dislikes on any AC related announcement from launch onwards, but I bet you think a bunch of retards review bombing that Multiplayer (which, why the fuck would you play AC with others on the same system) sucks on Metacritic are people who have a reliable opinion.

So "unironically", fuck off.

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>We're a fucking month in and people love the fuck out of the game
Last I checked everyone is now dunking on this game and the series as a whole. Literally every time AC is mentioned here anons flock in to BTFO it.

Last I checked I haven't seen this opinion anywhere outside of Yas Forums, mainly just people arguing that QOL need to be implemented to make it a 10/10 rather than their 8-9/10, and we still have so many fucking general threads of anons sharing their towns, Dodos, turnip prices, etc. that it massively overshadows the shitpost threads, and half the time these threads where people "dunk" on the game get hijacked by people looking to actually play it. But you wouldn't know that since you don't actually play AC do you?

Embrace the game industry standard: "Pay us $60 now, we'll finish it later."

This exact mindset is what caused us to rate ACNH as the worst AC game. Literally everything is wrong with it and everyone on this board knows it.

I bought the smallest quantity of turnips today just to leave them out for ants, but now I can't find Daisy Mae anywhere here, did I just fuck up for the week?

>But you wouldn't know that since you don't actually play AC do you?
We don't play AC because we're not women/children/trannies/manchildren

What did they change? 220 hours, 100k nookmiles with 2.5m in the bank. What are yall bitchin about

>we care deeply about a series we don't play because it's for trannies
this is your brain on imageboards

>shopping cart

All right, so Yas Forums is already moving on to the "worst ever" stage. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

She leaves at noon dumb dumb

>they literally draw and distribute CP.

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that's fucking retarded

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i mean... if you want to get into semantics... technically that's true...?

in the very specific case of Animal Crossing, why does withholding content even matter
If I'm not supposed to unlock the flower store until day 50 and the update is held until day 49 then what's the big deal? There's an argument to be made that things could possibly be delayed or plans could outright be cancelled in terms of actually adding this stuff to the game as opposed to packaging it at first, but you could also look at the dev team behind it and their other massive game (Splatoon) which also started bare bones but over time grew into a near perfect game over time with constant support and updates. If anything New Horizons is going to be around way longer than any of its predecessors because of this strategy, and both you and I know this.
You can not compare this strategy to something like a new fighting game coming out and 16 characters are fully playable in the data but just locked on the CSS. That's not what this is specifically because of how AC is meant to be legitimately played, on a day by day basis.
The only people seething about this are retards who don't actually play the game and time travellers who NEED a full fucking Christmas set in late April.

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For real. Yas Forumsirgins need to take a deep breath and remind themselves that opinions on Yas Forums are fueled by petty contrarianism and myopic pessimism. The common opinions here don't even reflect 1% of all gamers, maybe not even 0.1%.

This new Animal Crossing is enormously beloved by almost everyone who plays it. It got great reviews and is shattering sales records. Yas Forums hating it means nothing, it's a fart in a hurricane.

And next week you'll wake up on time, lesson learned.

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Does anyone have a Fake Nose in their Able's or a spare I can have? I'll water your flowers.

>Nobody fucking cares about cheaters in a game like this
Time travelers makes losers seethe like nothing else.