controversial opinion thread:
CDPR has never made a good game
Controversial opinion thread:
ok wooow, now thats edgy dude.
Random crits shouldn't be removed.
This is just shitposting now.
Wrong. They made cyberpunk
Controversial opinion:
Even their bigger failure, Thronebreaker, is a great game.
They're easily the best AAA RPG developer.
Which is sad because their gameplay design has always been kinda shit.
Then how can they be the best? Gameplay is, as the name implies, the ultimate factor in a video game’s quality.
Sorry you have shit taste user
Only Witcher 1 was good
watch filtered zoomers seethe at this fact
Actually it isn't, otherwise Ocarina of Time wouldn't be the best video game ever made.
I dont care about gameplay in single player story driven RPGs. I do care about gameplay in multiplayer games though.
But cyberpunk isn't out yet, and it could also be that OP doesn't think that it's gonna be a good game.
Another controversial opinion: Perfect vidyas will never be made. Not because it's impossible, but because indie studios don't have the resources and AAA studios don't consider it profitable to make a labour of love.
Yeah, this is *the* argument, which is a pretty good one. While W3 has great story, for example, its combat just isn't all that great.
I have enjoyed every single game CDPR has made and I am looking forward to Cyberpunk.
>controversial opinion
>post an opinion shared by many on this board
wow so brave
W2 was their only good game.
Ocarina is fun to play
>worst game out of series
>ItS ThEiR bEsT gAmE1!
based retard
Here's a controversial opinion: there isn't a single RPG that actually has good gameplay.
No, it isn't.
this is a controversial opinion thread
not pants on head retarded opinion thread
why is it in games 2 is the worst but in movies 2 is usually the best
>Gameplay is, as the name implies, the ultimate factor in a video game’s quality.
Obviously not.
Standard for good gameplay in RPGs have only gotten lower and lower as they make more and more money.
Not a controversial opinion because:
There has never been made a good game ever = fact.
t. >100 iq
Heres an actual controversial opinion people here and normies both disagree with
The meaningless choices of telltale games didn't detract from what made those games good and were never really the point of them
Here's a not so controversial opinion but a overlooked fact, there is more to gameplay in RPGs then just combat.
Witcher 1: Great
Witcher 2: Great
Witcher 3: Fantastic
>worst game out of series
That's W3.
I love Chara!
Witcher 2 is the worst, no question. The gimmick of 2 branching stories is cool until you realize it was at the cost of the 3rd act
They have cool logo tho
Witcher 2 is too political compared to 1 and 3, and was a technical mess on release.
Witcher 1 has the best overarching plot
Witcher 3 has the best writing and side quests
Witcher 2 isn't the best of anything
meant for
I think you meant to type "unpopular". what you said isn't controversial at all
also mine is that heretic is better than doom
If you bitch about non-linearity in any souls game you should play something else instead of complaining.
wow nice some weird pervert shit that really makes it a 10/10
Also it has QTEs and forced stealth segments for fucks sake
Automatically knocks it below the others.
objectively wrong.
EVERY single CD Projekt Red is good, at the very least.
how the fuck is that controversial or unpopular in any way? almost everyone agrees with that
The Witcher was pretty good and was a breath of fresh air because PC devs stopped making big singleplayer RPGs. I remember the buzz around the game and chats in other PC games talking about it.
Too bad CDPR immediately sold out after W1 and started making dumbed down console games.
all RPGs running on Gamebryo are shit or overrated shit
I liked Witcher 1 and 2 but thought 3 was terrible. My taste in gaming has changed a lot as I age so I'd probably hate 1 and 2 as well if I ever tried to replay them. Cybertrannies looks like absolute aids though
I played the Witcher 3 for the first time the other week, expecting it to be a great game that I was about to sink 50-70 hrs into and was completely floored by how boring and lacking it was about 20hrs in. Nothing about the narrative hooked me enough for me to not skip through the long ass dialogue sequences that separated with lots of bad horse riding and incredibly weak combat.... Looks amazing on max settings I guess....
Re2 is office work pretending to be a game
controversial opinion thread not factual statement thread
How far did you get?
Every time there's a souls thread I see a bunch of people (or maybe one aggressive shitposter?) always point out if a game is non-linear and never shut up about it. Always assumed it was a lot of people since I felt like the only person telling them to shut up.
Doing stuff with Triss in Novigrad... some menial task had me quit the game for the night and after a few days I figured I wouldn't play it again. Maybe I'll try again some other time.
TW2 plot is the best and doesn't hold your hand
TW1 plot is too fanfictony if you've read the books
I've actually seen tons of people talk shit about 3 because it's pretty linear and doesn't compare to the first half of 1 where you can seamlessly travel through multiple levels as you want
If you don't like the game you don't like the game, but I'd recommend starting with the first if you don't care about a dated combat system.
The stuff with Triss in Novigrad does blow dick and I don't think anyone blames you for stopping there.
you wouldn't make a truly controversial point even if your life depended on it son
you only know how to be a retarded contrarian faggot
Yeah I just never saw it as a big deal but in another thread just now someone claimed the "point" of dark souls is the non-linearity and I think it gave me an aneurysm.
Again, it's the weakest written of the trilogy. It's too political.
Witcher 1, even with the weak translation and them pointing out "SEE ITS MORALLY GREY" it's still more engaging than 2. Witcher 3 is the best of both worlds.
2 isn't a bad game, but it's the one I would want to replay the least, and that's accounting for Act 2 in the first game
Novigrad has some good side quests but the entire questline up until you find Dandelion is fucking padding. It gets good after that though.