>What is the Boston Salt Party
Back when Fallout 4 got leaked anons from Yas Forums sent spoilers across the internet. DMing everyone on r/gaming and the steam forums the ending. We even paid (then got the banks to cancel) donations to twitch streamers that show a message telling everyone the ending of fallout 4. It was amazing. Here is a video showing just some of it
>So what about it
The Ending to The Last Of Us 2 got leaked. Joel dies in the end. Time to spread that shit.
Hit reddit, Steam and Twitch.
DM from r/playstation, r/Games, r/thelastofus
Operation Boston Salt Party 3: TLOU Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Not even that much of a surprise
fuck off retard
Not your personal army, faggot
Joel dies in the beginning. Ellie dies in the end, apparently you fight her as final boss.
who gives a shit
Fucking epic bro. Let's do it for the lulz, haha!
Lol, the salt is already flowing. Fuck off reddit
everybody already knows he dies you weird obsessed tranny
that's a yikes from me bruh
Only people here. Also only faggot liking TLOU are trannies
Not clicking on that
What the fuck is wrong with you faggot
What really happens at the end of the game?
I played the first one and my feeling was that I was facing a work done by one of my cousins who have a good image in the USA (I am sandnigga and have bad image). The whole part of the black family is sad and I felt bad for my white friends.
>doesn't want to be part of your circlejerk
Whatever you say autismo
I thought the first trailer established Joel's death or at least implied it.
is there someone in here that actually cares about the game? because im pretty sure no one cares
What was 2?
and they say siny fanboys are toxic... this is the most pathetic thing i've seen, no wonder why playstation is so ahead of the rest
>joel dies
I didn't even play the first game and I expect that will happen in 2.
This actually makes me suspect the leak is fake for being too obvious.
Anything more delicious to spoil? You just know the remaining TLOU audience doesn't give a fuck about "white male" Joel
>you fight her as final boss
How does that work
I'd love to spoil this movie for people, but I need to see it happen. An image of dead Joel will go a long way.
I mean it's someone from the dev team leaking this stuff
>mfw is real
naughty dog is dead, uncharted 4 is very good but nadine destroys the game's story which is otherwise interesting and well delivered
game is a complete casual show but it's fun
if you're on Yas Forums and you care about TLoU, you shouldn't be on Yas Forums.
First of all, cringe.
Second of all, not your personal army faggot.
lets bask in the power of the ps4
Joel is mentioned to be dead in one of the leaked videos along with Jessie.
it's clear that naughty dog has become a company that wants to push more politics than anything else in their games
uncharted 4 is a prime example of that, completely tacked on and forced characters such as nadine feel like a last minute add on to make a political point
Anyone who didn't expect Joel to die in TLoU2 deserves to be spoiled.