It looks cool, how hard is to play it?

It looks cool, how hard is to play it?

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It's pretty hard. You don't know your chances to hit targets and action points are dynamic.

Probably one of the most intuitive strategy games of the era next to HoMM

Get 1.13 and Arulco Vacations Tweak

Man, when that fucker Sseth releases his video, JA2 threads will be popping up like never before.

Should I get Back in Action instead? The 3D looks awful compared

Early game is a bit of a pickle unless you get an early rifle. Your 4 pistols will get ungunned by the 12 in the airport if you try to brute force it.

Sseth is such an unfunny retard
I could punch the shit out of his dog and beat his wife and he'd just smile and go uhuuhhuhuhu thanks merchant guild

Pretty much. He self-doxed himself in that one video, wonder how long till someone finds his house?

No, you should play ja2 definitely, just don't expect it to be a breeze.

No, you should play the original, then install 1.13 mod and play again.

I need to get into JA2 again and leave the counterattack on.

He's making a JA2 video ?

NCTH is shit.

First time seeing him today. Utterly unfunny. Couldn't finish the video.

Who's your favorite merc?
Hard mode: No Ivan

play ja2, not bia

My own.

What is even the rationale behind it? What is it supposed to accomplish?

For me, it's Buzz.

Attached: buzz.jpg (1200x699, 522.86K)

It tries to be more realistic and all it does is make you miss 10 feet shots.


high level: spooky, gus, reaper, mike
low level: igor, beth, barry


Attached: ja2 2020-04-26 14-57-03.png (637x478, 182.56K)

It's fine, but dont play 1.13 because it adds tremendous autism and IMO is poorly balanced and a lot of the new guns have terrible sound effects.

Play on Stracciatella, adds a couple quality of life controls like mousewheel scrolling without fucking with the game itself

It has saving/reloading, so not really hard

jagged alliance is a tactical strategy game, it's meant to have autism

Is the option there or I have to download something?

He literally made a video comprised out of almost only stolen footage. That guy isn't just unfunny, but also scummy as fuck.

are there any good modern games like this?


xcom 2

He said good.

7.62 isn't modern but it's the closest thing to a worthy 3D successor.

The autism is poorly implemented and does not add to the game experience.

Honestly overall I just love slowly transforming Ira from a completely green rookie into an elite operator.

Attached: elite ira.png (530x210, 181.83K)