Post a healing item from the last game you played

post a healing item from the last game you played

Attached: citra-qt_2020-04-26_15-44-25.png (142x131, 5.1K)

Attached: qhnydJT.gif (294x233, 553.22K)

Attached: 144-1442170_left-4-dead-team-fortress-2-medkit-clipart.jpg (840x570, 123.25K)

Attached: Dreamfluff.jpg (225x225, 5.89K)

pretty much the only way to heal

Attached: file.png (1170x658, 1.22M)

I never actually use these, I just run the regen kit at 24/sec
both pretty based.

Attached: ps2 medkits.jpg (728x621, 41.02K)

Attached: UncommonMed-Kit.png (360x450, 175.64K)

Attached: poccw.jpg (37x39, 1.17K)

Attached: mordhau_bandage.jpg (266x266, 37.22K)

Attached: FO3_stimpak.png (1000x600, 242.99K)

very generic

Attached: First_Aid_Kit.png (360x450, 128.6K)

Attached: Screenshot (278).png (70x81, 10.2K)

This is the closest thing

Attached: 24px-Manpower_recovery_speed.png (24x24, 1.45K)

Attached: file.png (350x267, 185.53K)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (415x581, 85.2K)

Attached: file.png (487x261, 55.55K)

Robots are items, right?

Attached: 088ccf89d82262c325bc35fe6f961bbb.jpg (730x1095, 126.06K)

Attached: 521246.png (340x313, 136.61K)

Attached: file.png (488x564, 327.39K)

I'm having a good amount of fun

Attached: Chest_green_souls.jpg (1280x720, 268.49K)

Attached: elixir.png (16x16, 1.05K)

Attached: potion.webm (640x360, 1.13M)

Im jumping between Clover and Emerald Kaizo right now. Clover is ripping me a new one because I can't be assed to lern 400 new stat spreads and IVs, Emerald Kaizo is slightly more forgiving because I've already memorized 500ish Stat spreads and IVs

Attached: Dream_Moomoo_Milk_Sprite.png (64x90, 3.36K)

You just gotta ask nicely.

Attached: OIP.jpeg.jpg (332x442, 26.76K)

Attached: Potion_of_Vigorous_Healing.png (584x584, 297.42K)

Attached: totem.jpg (229x636, 20.08K)

>"hey retard the enemy is that way!"

My brother

Attached: Stimpak.png (540x540, 241.54K)

Attached: mates.png (563x491, 550.92K)

Why should I show my healing potions, when you guys can't even handle them?

Attached: b8a.jpg (373x590, 57.21K)

Attached: Hypo.png (340x181, 46.25K)

Attached: syyx7jnyusk01.jpg (1536x2048, 172.41K)

Attached: file.png (800x450, 515K)

Attached: Methadone.png (58x56, 5.54K)

PSU or one of the older PSO games. Can't tell.

Attached: 1.png (396x377, 26.75K)