the people who like these games are the most unlikable posters on Yas Forums, and that's a fact.
The people who like these games are the most unlikable posters on Yas Forums, and that's a fact
>not a single nintendo game
I wonder who is behind this post and who is actually the most unlikable posters on Yas Forums.
replace morrowind with super monkey ball and thats my chart
But if you like some other game then you're just being contrarian. There's no winning.
Show YOUR 3x3 if you're so great.
We literally had a survey & less than 40% of this board played Deus Ex. What makes you think they played all of those
i'm pretty sure it's been determined time and time again and that it's the sony posters
That's the point
wrong, I don't post on Yas Forums
chew on that MORON
we have this thread
I played it all the way through for the first time last November. I usually get to the part where you go to France and just back off. Globetrotting felt really dumb to me, but I'm at least glad I got to see the church and the sea lab.
I havent played played bloodlines, torment, bloodborne or stalker.
But fuck those are good games, some good games missing from that line up. But hey people have different tastes.
cope OP I was looking for a good game to play during pleb panic, which one should I play bros?
Console game in there. Shitter detected, calling the cops.
Fallout 2 is shit. Fallout 1 is based.
It's all the consolewarfags, and you two are a perfect example. That doesn't count the actual off-topic posters, at LEAST your trash is video games.
What the fuck is bloodborne doing there?
Out of all of those games I only played Deus Ex
>the people who like these games are the most unlikable posters on Yas Forums, and that's a fact.
The point of that image is not that those games are bad. If you are so assblasted that you needed to make this thread, at least support it with a relevant image.
>We literally had a survey & less than 40% of this board played Deus Ex
That's just pointless trivia that is invalidated by confirmation bias. People who have played Deus Ex will take a question in far greater proportions, the real percentage is much smaller, and that is not to say that Deus Ex is obscure or anything.
While some games can be fully completed in under an hour, most are much longer. Many games are lifestyle games, ranging from Mario Kart to Starcraft, which people can build limitless amounts of playtime. Which is to say, limitless amounts of time where they are not playing other games. Even if you avoid timesinks, the reality is that there are still millions of games with little centralized canon defining the classics. Even Deus Ex, a game about as close to a universally recognized classic as possible, probably isn't even close to 4% of people of Yas Forums having played it. Nothing other than the most ubiquitous games, such as Tetris or Chess, are likely even near 40%.
what games am I allowed to enjoy OP
>having this little self awareness
if you find them to be unlikable posters, then clearly you don't fit in and should not be here
There is no problem in liking these games, the problem is when your 3x3 is composed entirely of Yas Forumscore meme shit like in OP or having games that are basically the same shit with a different skin, or being one of those faggots with only pc shit or console shit in their 3x3s.
This thread is basically a support group for newfaggots who are really insecure about the fact that they missed out on the classics.
And it makes you realize how far removed from it's origins this board has become.
these games are all entry-level shit though.
I like all those games.
None of them are my favorites, though.
>classics are entry-level
Fucking hell what an enlightened take.
Relievingly based
>these games are all entry-level shit though.
The fact that you care more about idiotic meme speak and fictional prestige than about the actual quality of those games means that you are quite literally, the worst cancer on this board.
Get this: you are impressing nobody. I know you are product of a lost generation of kids groomed by social networks, but get a fucking grip.
>people who like vidya are less likeable than e celeb posters and election tourists
Keep sucking cock OP
Here's mine
But most of those games are really good. I can't speak for morrowind and I dropped Stalker like a hot rock.
>nobody actually likes popular games.
>If you like a popular game, you're lying
Deus Ex and bloodlines are easily in my 3x3.