When is the sequel coming boys

When is the sequel coming boys

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after afrika 2

what has Crispy's been doing lately?

Or at least a fucking port

Not to open that pandora's box but even if they just figured out how to get PS3 backwards compatibility on PS5 that would make me pretty happy. I'm concerned that one day my PS3 will kick the bucket and that'll be it for this game (among a few others like Noby Noby Boy)

still mad i didnt secure me a copy of the first one in time...

a Tokyo Jungle MMO would be so cash money

They're going to shut down the PS3 store one day, and access to this game will be entirely lost if you don't have it downloaded. It sucks.

all they need to do to get execs to sign off is to brand it to them as a "battle royale"

discs for Tokyo Jungle do exist actually, even in NA (not Noby Boy though, and actually I heard they removed the ability for new users to even download that already)

most if not all ps3s are "hackable" you can just download the game with your preferred internet browser and play it on your ps3

A Tokyo Jungle sequel could be so goddamn good
>bigger map
>more animals
>more hazards
>more in-depth survival elements
>better co-op
>Souls/Journey-esque online where players drop in and out of each others' worlds?
>even more batshit storyline

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>most recent news on their official site is from 2015

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I just want Japan Studio to be released from vrhell.

I'm torn on whether I'd want a giant map or instead multiple maps or roughly the size of the first game's.

Tokyo Jungle's map is a small portion of the Shibuya ward

A sequel, especially on PS5, could potentially have the entirety of Tokyo on the map
And with how nuts the story already is, they could easily justify the animals turning on the railway system for fast travel, so the huge map doesn't become a burden for smaller/slower animals

never ever ;_;

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A Continent based Battle Royale

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Did anybody play that weird grid-based Vita game? Was it any good at all?

Sorry, doc, ain't got much else. However, seeing this OC tells me that I ought to start making my own, too.

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I really wanna see where the game could go in a hypothetical sequel without losing what makes it tick. In particular, I've been thinking about how expanding the verticality aspects and alternate pathing of areas could provide new avenues for animals of different size classes, particularly the smaller ones, or even allow for new kinds of playable animals like snakes (I would really like playable snakes). There could be more overgrowth providing connections between buildings and such, but it'd be somewhat complicated and you have to do some platforming/pathfinding. I also like pondering about how animals that would require some mechanic changes could work, once again with snakes as an example. Because of their feeding mechanism, the wouldn't be able to eat animals that are too large (whereas currently everything eats in bites), so something to balance this out once you start getting nothing but lions and dinos spawning would probably be needed. Venomous or poisonous animals are other concepts I want to see tackled. Most predators shouldn't want to mess with a venomous or poisonous animal, so AI aggression would probably be greatly reduced against them, but not totally.

Along with snakes, a sequel could also have birds, who could access rooftops and other high places locked off to other animals, and be relatively safe in the air, while being vulnerable near the ground (necessary to find food and items)

There could also be some stealth elements for small animals and even larger predators.
That's already sort of in the game in that prey animals will run away if they spot you, but a sequel could incorporate line of sight, camoflage and sound for a more competent and interesting mechanic.

This IP honestly has so much potential, it's crazy that nobody at Sony wants to try it again

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Yeah, birds would be interesting to implement as playable animals. In terms of interactions with other animals, while relatively safe from the ground, birds of prey and flying reptiles of yore could cause serious pressure. There could even be hybrid "glider" types, which the archaeopteryx already in the game ought to be, like microraptors or sugar gliders.

I would hope that next-gen systems should be able to handle ideas like all of these, but they are admittedly quite ambitious. Also, it seems there was an idea of having larger theropod dinosaurs early on (more than likely a T-rex) but that probably got scrapped due to the constraints the devs faced. youtube.com/watch?v=wJSNlUfGKa0&feature=youtu.be&t=69

I'm always crossing my fingers for TJ2. Rough as it is, TJ is genuinely one of my favorite games because of how unique it is. Sony's a bunch of fucking faggots, though, especially these days, so I guess there's no real surprise we're not seeing any push to do more with the IP.

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The game did fairly well when it first came out
Almost every review is a 7/10 or higher, and it did get rereleased on a Best of PSN disc

In the current climate, I think giving the project the big AAA push would work wonders.
If they made it open world and offered online multiplayer, that'd be enough to rope in some normies.
The concept alone will turn heads just like it did when the trailers first dropped for the original.
I think if they gave it a spotlight at a big presentation like E3 (RIP) or PSX, there'd be a lot of buzz for it.

I think so too but I'd rather it stay AA than get the AAA treatment personally. I'll take anything though.

I just don't think that Sony's willing to bring back an old IP like that for another AA title.

They're focused on outputting big titles now. And Tokyo Jungle has the potential to be exactly that.
If TJ2 happened with a AA budget I doubt it'd be too much different or better from the original, anyway. The time might be better spent just remastering it.

Yeah, from the financial history of the game, I can't see why anyone would want to be skeptical of a continuation. Sony of America or whatever it's called almost cucked NA from getting the game until it showed great results in Japan because it thought the game wouldn't sell at all. Still, I don't trust Sony to not continue being fags.

A good chance to take the stage would do wonders for TJ2, were it to be announced, I agree. Every event where a shotgun announcement could theoretically happen, I pray like a fucking madman for TJ2 to come blitzing in. Hell, for one of the recent E3 collages, I even made pic related. Chose croc because that's my favorite animal to play in the game, even though pom would have been more recognizable as the mascot.

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There's still a lot of room for improvement at the AA range IMO but yeah I agree it'd be easier to sell to Sony currently as a AAA.