FF6 > FF7

FF6 > FF7
Kefka > Sephiroth
Helps that he is actually one of the villains who accomplished what he wanted to, in TAKING OVER THE WORLD.

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>villain is good in measure of how many goals of his own he achieves
when will this underage meme end
Say, in D&D Ravenloft for example, Strahd von Zarovich was one of the most captivating villains of the setting because he'd fail like a bitch constantly because the powers that be wanted to extend his torment.

Kefka was not tormented at all you stupid double nigger. He literally won and became a God for years. Not even Ganondorf did as good a job.

>villain is good in measure of how many goals of his own he achieves
He had no goal. That was the whole point. Kefka was just pure plain good ol' evil and I loved it. Refreshing some the "villains" that came before and after him.

Technically sephiroth would have succeeded in his goal anyway because the part killing him didn't actually stop meteor from falling and holy wouldn't have helped. Aerith ended up pulling afterlife shenanigans and making the planet finish what she started.
Kefka succeeded mostly because he was almost constantly in a situation where an evil person doing evil things effectively gave him access to new forms of power which he always took, right up to the warring triad. He was great at being opportunistic, sephiroth on the other hand just underestimated the party and ended up fighting them at the worst possible time, with him using most of his strength to hold holy back.

Still, this isn't an argument from me, kefka was wildly successful at his task, and he only died at the end because he wanted to flex on a small army of very powerful people.

Sephiroth didn't really succeed, though he was far more persistent than kefka as dying only temporarily delayed his eventual return in advent children.
then....the whole mystery with him in remake where the implication is he traveled BACK through time to mess with cloud. Sephiroth's ability to just...not die coupled with his insane amount of power makes him a huge threat as it is. Imagine how things would have gone if god kefka came back....in any capacity.
that'd be an avengers infinity war ending for sure.

And what's your point, you iq 20 nigger twat? Villain achieving his goals or not is not a measure of how well written a villain is.

Kefka could have been stopped at any time by the Empire if they weren't written to be completely fucking retarded for no reason.

>h-he's cooler because he """wins"""

Why are contrarian hipster fans of this game always so vehement about this argument somehow making a villain better? I never got the argument behind it beyond the childish, basic level, and I'm starting to think there isn't any.

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>villain is good bcuz he shoots bigger beam than other villain
Will anime fans ever achieve self awareness

The empire is supposed to be corrupt and inefficient with only the military winning due to them beating up much weaker targets. Kefka is literally a super soldier and general so it would be harder to stop him.

Except it is you fucking retard. You're why we have trash woe is me villains nowadays.


Why are people making villains more "relatable?"

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lmao neck yourself you dumb subhuman
read a fucking book once in your fucking lifetime

Why are you creating this false dichotomy? A villain having a sob story or failing or winning doesn't make them inherently better or worse, it all depends on writing and execution.

That's the current generation for you. Villains have to be relatable or sympathetic for them or else they're written off as bad villains. They actually like villains more when they're not acting like villains. That's how bad it is

Corona please kill us all

>dude I'm such a boomer
>I only like intelligent, nihilistic villains with a wicked sense of humour like Kefka, who beats up all the good guys with his OP magic!!!
>fucking zoomers will never get it man, all they want is anime bishies with sob stories

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Kefka is literally just plagiarized from The Joker. He's just the late 80s-early 90s Joker in a high magic setting.

Sephiroth is actually somewhat novel.

Capeshit Thanus must be OP's fav villain and OP is probably not older than 15


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Dont mind me just best ff villian

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>>Sephiroth is actually somewhat novel.
You mean he's the Thing.

Yes. But no. Wasnt Kefka a soldier/knight/whatever that was one of the first that got experimented on and went batshit from that? He wasnt evil born. But made into it.

Yeah zoomers are braindead

Sephiroth is far more interesting. Specially because he's a former "good guy" and got mad at Shinra for creating him and other shit.
The best part about him is that he's 100% wrong about Jenova, thinking she's some kind of Ancient.

Sephiroth is relatable, falible, and has a reason to go apeshit

Kefka: I'm le edgy clown xDDD~ m I right, guise?! HEHEHEHEH

I'm surprised to see this meme still going strong.

It's true that Kefka accomplishes his goal, but what people liked about OG FF7 Sephiroth was the presentation of him and the pacing. The way he's introduced to the player in an ominous way, they way he seems to not give one iota of a fuck about Cloud and his crew - the indifference with which he treats him, the flashback scenes in Nibelheim where you realize just how powerful he is and so on.

You'll never convince me that FF6 fanboys aren't just proxy'ing the game for their Nintendo fanboyism and rage over 7's success exclusively on a Sony console.

>zoomer: the post

>villain with sob story
>villain who destroys shit for no reason
Based. Now villains have to have a sob story to be good, and faggots will still deny that with muh execution and writing when sob story is just what they fucking meant but still not.

>autistic Sephirothfag actually believes this

Destroying the world doesn't make you good villain


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Believes what nincel?

>i like a villain because he was good guy and had a sob story
zoom zoom

>FF7fags complaining about FF6 in this thread like always

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OP on the left

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kefka is a faget
look at him, looks exactly like a current year tranny

Who are you quoting?

>Now villains have to have a sob story to be good, and faggots will still deny that with muh execution and writing when sob story is just what they fucking meant but still not.
This. They try to hide their want for a sob story for the villain with "a-atleast if the writing and execution is fine!" Villains are meant to solely be opposing forces for the heroes. That is the narrative. Adding other junk like "he was bullied or raped as a kid " is unnecessary junk

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>i like a villain because he does evil shit for no reason, so cool!

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