Was it bullshit blazing?

Was it bullshit blazing?

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Nah, just boring and shallow.

Now it's stuck in my head. Fuck you. Shame this game is gonna be DOA because Yas Forums already made their mind up about it though

This. It's like every other fighting game

If you only played Strive, SFV, and BBTag, yeah. Those are bottom of the barrel. Nu Arcsys is diarrhea.

No, I still play Vampire and AC/Rev. Now and then I'll play ST too.

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who's getting announced next?
I think Slayer/I-No have a good chance of being the next ones on the roster, or maybe someone new like that Samurai Nigga from the reveal trailer.

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Vampire isn't actually as great or as deep as people say it is though, gameplay-wise. Had to up your e-cred by namedropping an old classic? Anyways Imma Fightcade

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I just said the games I play and have fun. You run away little man lol

Fighting games aren't deep

> was it bullshit
> was it blazing
> was it good

what a badass

I didn't play the beta, what exactly did they fuck up?

Samurai Nig is going to be DLC with how kiked up nu-Arcsys is

Oh. It was bullshit alright

Yes until Jam is announced

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the hud, specially the combo counter.

>that neck

Yes until Ram is announced

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I wonder what will they do with Baiken in this game.

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the short answer is that they completely changed what guilty gear is to appeal to a wider/more casual audience, but every one of those changes actually will just make the game worse for those people

>when the damage is already high as Hell
Imagine getting a COUNTER hit with him

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> tfw slayer player
I'm going to nut

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>I'll just play (dead games with 3 active players)
Sounds like a blast

Man, everyone's thiccer in strive. imagine strive Baiken

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They should revert her


What the fuck happened to them?

>release final update to xrd that ruined netcode and added the spectator bug (never fixed)
>release nothing but shit games ever since

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Her clothes were just baggy and her cheeks were too puffed in the promos, she's still a petite little girl if you look close in the beta.

Everybody be sure to give honest feedback and don't forget that SIGN turned into something good.

She does have hips and ass though and always did.

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Imagine all the accidental wallbreaks

I'd be willing to believe if ArcSys hadn't repeatedly demonstrated a desire to pander to retards to the detriment of everyone else lately.
I can't believe Granblue Versus ended up being decent with how hard they tried to make it a boring piece of shit with no room for individual expression.

If Johnny walks away from her looking like this then his dick has to be broken.

BBTAG was great outside of its retarded DLC scheme, which almost every other fighter uses to a certain extent now.

Imagine something like Omen's command grab from KI that's slow as shit but will do literally 100% damage if not dodged

I wonder what the rest of the Jellyfish Pirates are gonna look like.

Johnny is a good boi that only wants to touch non-jellyfish girls.

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There's no way the damage stays this retardedly high. ArcSys always adjusts this kind of stuff before release, see DBFZ.

May is like a christmas cake at this point, she's gonna die alone because Johnny can't see her as a woman.

I don't want her in that trash pile