Shit game

shit game

Attached: 127968.png (420x480, 225.62K)

Post tummy.

I can't really see which game but if it's shit then it's probably FF7R

>Covering up any identifiable traits on your arm so we don't seek you out and buttfuck you in the street

Lol pussy.

Its bloodborne you blind retard

cute femboy hands
post it gripping a fat cock

Ah yes, trannies hate it BB. I forgot about that

You look like a cock sucking faggot who wears his sleeves over his hands and posts :3

But Bloodborne isn't a shit game.

i thought Yas Forums hated trannies??

>getting trannies confused with cute boys
next you'll confuse trannies with tomboys too.

bloodborne is pretty terrible, mr. tranny. i prefer demon's souls myself.

Attached: demons souls.png (477x2415, 132.46K)

your hand is fat, you seem gross

Yas Forums is comprised of a bunch of sexually repressed hypocrites that'll 180 the moment some faggot posts his pasty discolored tranny arm in a screenshot

I've never played Bloodborne

OP's a feminine faggot not a tranny

its all projection. we have all have a tranny fetish.

blease bost boy bussy

op here, i am trans

>goth twink bf
Yes pwse! :3

actual op here
im a cute boy not a tranny

I believe this OP

I just wanna grap op by the balls and twist'em while i spit on his(her) mouth.

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there's literally nothing wrong with trannies

Please stop pretending to be me thank you.

op here, I'm not, just a twink faggot who loves to suck dick while my bf plays vidya :3

Do it~

>mental illness
>nothing wrong

op's boyfriend here, he has an 8 inch cock and moans like a sissy

please finish killing yourself cero

I enjoyed it but i respect your opinion. Also why are you covering your arm?

Attached: db39fe16-a66d-4969-864b-af2a7ac4b02b.jpg (960x882, 59.41K)

Why are you wearing long sleeves indoors fuckwad.

Okay, I don't care, post tummy


how does a hand define a tranny

Yes there is, there's no definitive proof transitioning actually helps lifestyle. On the contrary, there's tons of evidence for the opposite.

A tranny, sissy or a faggot and any combination between those