Why haven't you played Hotel Dusk, Yas Forums?

Not liking point & click games is not an excuse.

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I only play 18+ games.

I already beat it.
Didn't beat Last Window though, I should get to that someday.

I played it when it first came out. I enjoyed it but it wasn't very long, and I felt like there was a lack of puzzles.

You should, it's just as good as the first one.

I played it and Last Window on February. One of my favorite games.
Kyle is also best husbando.

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I played and loved both Another Code/Trace Memory games, but I just never got around to this one. Anyone know if it plays fine on an emulator? Sometimes DS games can be kinda weird.

You gotta play it vertically, don't know if emulators can do that??

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I did, and last window. Both great games but I prefer the original

Cing thread?

Attached: cing.png (655x983, 214.6K)

I bought a boxed copy new like a year ago, also have a boxed copy of last window didn't beat that one though, god my backlog is long

it works well on drastic, you can play it without displaying buttons so it can be played very comfortably on a touchscreen

RIP Cing, me and the creator of Hotel Dusk are friends on facebook and he's a cool dude.

I have. It's a good game

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The true end requiring multiple playthroughs in a linear game is dumb. That's my only criticism. Otherwise it's great and wish we would get more DS-era point and click ludo.

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Going to have to complete Another Code R soon

>Ace Attorney
>Ghost Trick
>Cing's games
>Professor Layton
Did I miss any DS ludo?

I couldn't solve the puzzle of pulling two levers at the same time. I knew I had to do this, but at the same time I knew that the DS only identified a single touch, so I spent hours looking for a way to activate the two together.

how long are NDS point and click games usually?

I just used a finger and the stylus to pull both at the same time. I assume it looks for some bullshit result that comes out of this (I think the DS tries to average the middle point between both touches).

I dont have a DS

this, its hard to do that part on an emulator
i think i had been able to pass it somehow but then i just stopped playing a while after dunno why
if this game had a proper re-release on PC id think id play it the whole way through

I never tried playing any of thse games but games like Spirit Tracks play great on an android

These games need a PC release. It's too kino to be relegated to emulation and used copies.

I have and last window is one of my favorite games and Kyle is my husband

Last window is soo good

>PC releases
Nintendo owns the IPs of Cing games, so more likely than not they're gonna go nowhere.

I played it but haven't beaten it
i remember getting up to the point where you break into another guy's room
but there was a person in the hallway i didn't noticed
i read later that if you didn't talk to that person first
it would end in a game over
so i stopped there

This thread makes me nostalgic in a sad way. Never again will we get another batch of games like we got on the DS like this. It was such a perfect pocket of time where hardware and game style worked perfectly together.

Depends, Obviously

I finished it around 2009.
I even have a legit copy of Last Window, but didn't finish that one for some reason.

I tried playing it back when it came out but got bored early on. I think i was like meeting every character in the hotel one by one and it was like ughhh why isnt anything happening why do you need to introduce yourself to the entire cast at the very beginning

This was the only time in my life piracy has made me feel really, really bad.

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i did, and also played the sequel too.