Alien Isolation 95% off Steam

The greatest horror game of the last decade is only $2.00 on Steam right now


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based, gonna start shilling this masterpiece to anyone I know that hasn't played it yet
remember to play this game on hard, the way it's meant to be played. No mods to make the alien easier. Keep everything vanilla, but get the TAA injector.

>the last decade
amnesia came out in 2010 user

too spooky

walking sim. cringe

no, it's not.

some anons a while back said that the latter half of the game is a piece of dog shit. how true is it?

Partially true. The game went on a little longer than it should’ve. Still fantastic though.

Too spoopy for me.

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grow a pair

It's not that it's bad it just lasts really fucking long. Imagine if Mr. X in Resident Evil 2 existed for the sewer and lab leves

it starts dragging towards the end

I don't like horror games.

>inB4 "pussy"
I just don't get in the mood for them, so basically they turn into crappy puzzle/stealth games.

I thought the second half was fine, though the initial tension was gone. It's a damn good game overall, so there's absolutely no reason not to give the game a try if you've been even vaguely interested in it.

It's only true when you are playing on easier difficulties like a bitch, play on hard or nightmare and it won't feel like that at all.

That weird mobile spin-off, Blackout is also free.
Alias Isolation is one of those weird cases where temporal AA actually works REALLY fucking well because the overall world design in Alien as a whole is made up of sharp edges.

No need to make yourself to feel uneasy, and get bullied on rattan fletching forum

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This game is such an overrated piece of shit. It’s not even scary, the Xenomorph is a fucking joke who you can easily sneak by right by their fucking face. The gameplay is shit: watch this slow animation to unlock door, watch this slow animation to do fuckall. It is so fucking dull that it’s not even worth $2. Play Amnesia or RE7 before you ever play this licensed crap.

Not dog shit, but the game lasts a little too long.
The last hour in particular gets kind of ridiculous with the stuff the main character goes through without dying.

>Radar says alien is behind me
>Walk forward
>Alien cheats and teleports in front of me and kills me because "MUH JUMPSCARE"


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what does that even mean?

I do. I pirated and finished it ages ago.

Don't buy the DLC, it's shit and overpriced

Quick rundown?
I might have played it, but I forget the details

Story is great, but the real fun comes from the DLC missions.

Game looks gorgeous, even today.
If this game got a raytracing update... oh man oh man!

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I think I might get it just to install the vr mod
Looks fun

t. Pussy

main character finds himself in a haunted castle once working for a lord seeking immortality from an artifact from egypt

the duality of man

Oh Shit, Daniel!
I have a bag of milky ways!

whilst we're on the topic of alien,
>almost entirely new engine built for isolation
>upcoming alien shooter is using unreal engine 4
fucking why

Explain your opinions right now

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The game that made pewdiepie popular and thus cannot be forgiven

>the alien was in front of you the whole time and the radar was glitchy/misleading
>the alien was behind you but was moved forward when it initiated the kill animation
>you were picking your nose and it outmaneuvred you
all of these are more likely than it literally teleporting. it only does that when it is in the vents. Isolation isn't try-hard at all with jumpscares, faggot. your actions dictate when and how the alien gets you.

Would you listen to a person that thinks you shouldn't get the bundled DLC that adds content, or the person that knows that it adds great fun content to an already awesome game?

The DLC missions is to AI, what The Great Plateau is to BoTW; compressed elements into a compact concentrated experience instead of dragged out over hours upon hours of walking.

Also get

That'll make the Alien act less scripted and won't instantly know you're in a room the moment you enter a locker.

Always trust... A working Joe...

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is wrong, the DLC is not worth it. the main game leaves you really satiated. the moment I realized it was all time trial bullshit I just uninstalled.

Who hurt you?
>I realized it was all time trial bullshit I just uninstalled.
First time I heard someone had a phobia for time.
Sucks to be you that you can't enjoy fun games you can just start, play for a few minutes and have as much fun as hours in the story mode gives.

People praise the med area, with DLC almost every mission is an experience to that level of action.

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nah it's super boring.

horror games in general are fundamentally flawed experiences once you realize it's a video game and can't actually harm you.

The story dlc is super short (< 1 hour) and just fanservice

The dlc that adds survivor maps is good if you enjoy that mode I guess, personally I never touched it

Either way it is extremely overpriced when the base game is $2 and you get what amounts to like 10% of the content of the base game if you buy all the dlc

>can drive the monster away but never kill it despite having the means to do so because reasons
this ruins it for me

I got an email since it was on my wishlist. Is Corporate Lockdown worth buying?
I'm a bona fide pussy when it comes to horror games, and I'm going to get this. 2 dollars is more than worth it.

well it was on my whislist and i doubt it will get cheaper
may aswell get it even if i'm not playing it in a long time

By the time you finish the main game you'll be sick of it since it's way too long, and you won't want to play any dlc

Some questions from a person playing it for the first time. Which difficulty is recommended? And should I play with the film grain?

Which dlc is the good one?