Was Prey the last game in the genre? Is it finally dead?
Was Prey the last game in the genre? Is it finally dead?
All media before I came of age good.
All media since I came of age bad.
No this cant be because I grew up, its the industry that changed.
Development tools are getting better and better, so we will get indie Deus Ex/Thief eventually.
It's dead for big devs for sure, too high iq genre.
The best immersive sim is Hideous Destructor
Are you stupid?
OP is talking about a genre of games that is no longer popular. It's not about old good new bad. In fact it's implied that he would enjoy if a new game like this was made.
Feel like Dishonored 1 and 2, Deus Ex HR and MD, and possibly Vampyr should also be on this list. Struggling to think of anything more new than Prey and Vampyr that could technically be classed as an immersive sim, though.
I think Bioshock deserve to be there too
Hitman 2 came out a year later
I feel pretty stupid for forgetting Bioshock 1 and 2, but then again the series probably had its ImSim license revoked after Infinite.
Cyberpunk 2077 will be the next big one.
>Was Prey the last game in the genre?
If only it had a different name, it would have more success.
I've finally taken a bit of a break but I've been playing HD every other day or so since late 2017, it's so good it blows my mind.
This was never a genre
I retardedly though Cyberpunk 77 was going to be the next one. Less and less so for every new thing learned about it.
How good is thief or which ones are the ones really worth playing.
Loved nuprey
>prey 2017
Streets of Rogue. Made specifically with deus ex inspiration. Check it out.
>ones are the ones really worth playing.
All of them.
Except the reboot.
It's deep Sim if I'm going by the pictures posted.
The words itself mean nothing to me but I understand what they mean when they say Deep Sim.
what? it was great
Prey 2017 is great and I never even played the original.
Do yourself a favor and play Streets of Rogue if you haven't.
Oh, well.
down the rabbit hole I go
For 1 and 2 you just need the Tfix patch to get the games run at modern resolutions.
Prey reboot wasn't good. Horrible audio and just all around boring everything.
Thief and Thief2 are great, although IMO calling them immersive sims is a bit of a misnomer due to the hyper-focus on stealth.
Thief Deadly Shadows was a pretty severe downgrade but still worth playing. Thi4f was arglebargletrash.
Also check out the Dark Mod.
Underworld Ascendant, although I hear it's bad, but it's an immersive sim for sure
>Is it finally dead?
Yes. Immersive sims aren't easy to make, so they need a budget. But, immersive sims require players actually wanting to play a game; whereas, mass audiences hate videogames and only really care for movie games, skinner boxes, or at best well established console staples.
>Underworld Ascendant
>game is so shit that it killed System Shock 3
Metro exodus definitely deserves to be on this list In my opinion
vtmb 2
If you enjoyed Prey 2017, give Dishonored 1 and 2 a try. Death of the Outsider is less essential due to horrible writing but if you can get it extremely cheap there's a couple of extremely well-designed missions, at least.
Dishonored for sure.
What about this?
It checks with some things on the immersive sim list, right?
What's the immersive Sim checklist anyway?
>What's the immersive Sim checklist anyway?
You can do things that aren't just shooting and opening doors
Oh, I played Dishonored 1 and 2, although 2 only with Emily and it was not as great as 1 in my opinion.
I don't care for politics, so I guess Death of the Outsider could be fun.
I think they did improve it a bit since release
now you're just shitting out words.
do you actually mean this vampyr with an y or are you talking about vampire bloodlines? because bloodlines constantly get talked about alongside dx but vampyr seems generic and mediocre
I made a mistake, I meant Immersive Sim.
That name is still very misleading.