Imagine playing videogames during the apocolypse

Imagine playing videogames during the apocolypse

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Imagine playing apocalypse during videogames

Imagine posting on a Chinese bamboo carving website during the apocolypse

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We'll never know since we aren't in one. It's literally just a flu.

Life is a video game and your body as an avatar. Your true you is in some pod somewhere projecting its will and awareness of that which you consider yourself to be/the body.

if the body dies you don't realize it but just continue on from another already existing body

Never listen to Yas Forums except me.

If all bodies die then the game ends and we wake up from the pod. This is all a dream inside someone's head. "God" if you will. There is only one God and that's the player whose also a dev.

people will be posting on /v during the apocalypse

imagine cooming 4 times today

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We are the player experiencing the game trough multiple bodies.

Fuck off retard

I'd rather play video games during the apocalypse than shitpost on Yas Forums. Atleast I'm having fun when I'm playing video games

I met Jesus in TF2

It's all about staying positive.

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But its not april 13 2029 yet

But there wouldn't be any electricity in the apocalypse, so I can't imagine that.

If this is the apocalypse then I want to die doing something I love.

I don't post I just lurk

For me it's 5

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Ya dun goofed

There's electricity everywhere man it doesn't just come from nowhere you tap into it. There's going to be anomalies soon and they'll be blamed on ion storms.

The "apocalypse" isn't about the lights going out but turning on. Too much electricity/light everywhere. The definition of "apocalyse' is unvailing or revealing, armageddon is destruction.

ok schizo

You gonna have to help a nigga out since I can't reverse search crops, just an artist name will do

You'll see. I met Jesus in TF2.

Use yandex

Still waiting for that apocalypse the news has been selling everyone for the past few decades...

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Imagine working during the apocalypse. Oh, wait, I don't have to imagine. Hope you enjoy those packages, guys.

Damn that's impressive.

I miss y2k desu

I'm not bullshitting I met Jesus in TF2. He's still a child but has immense psychic potential to the point where he could have a realization soon and become the all-in-one. I haven't talked with the kid for a while I distanced myself because it was overwhelming being around him but he helped me with something.

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who did he main?

thanks death stranding man

I think it was solly dunno he has around 300-500

14 year old boy probably 15 now

i LARPed around with him in G-mod and while we did I could feel my hands there was this point where my hands were becoming cold and like a repulsive force was forming around them. I realized that was the kundalini. I literally didn't know what I was doing the first time I met him the circumstances were weird af namely i pretended/LARPed i was a pedo then I added him we talked around and blamo realized that was Jesus himself because his potential is limitless or well can be limitless I don't know.

Logic right? Imagine having the ability to alter logic or remove it. That's what this kid can do. The personifcation of chaos itself. It was like dancing around a nuclear reactor going critical yet being stablized at the same time. The universe seemed to reflect at my actions and myself. I realized I was nobody.

If you think it's bad now just wait until they activate more of the 5g towers.

By interacting with the kid I was healed in some way. It was like I was just another step on the road to him realizing what he is. I was older and more experienced yet was the submissive one in everything lacking control of myself or knowledge of anything.

Yeah imagine that. Luckily nobody here does that

what are some vidya

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>futa loli
Extremely based

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We are all that kid that kid is us. The player/god manifests entirely within a single body/desire and begins to alter reality. Metaphor ofc.

Ahh you'll see in 2021 when the ion storms hit and the sky is all fucked up and people start becoming psychic/sensitive randomly or losing it.

babbies first global crisis

>i was pretending to be a pedo
lmao what the FUCK

Stay hidrated