so this is the power of VR Games...
So this is the power of VR Games
How about trying the power of a gun, to your head?
Aren't you tired of posting the same cringey webm over and fucking over fag?
very cute
he's mentally ill so no
why the fuck people keep posting these retarded models with just grown-up man doing retarded dances?
seriously people even think that these shitty models are cute?
They are cute and there’s no proof they’re grown men
They look like they'd have crusted cat litter all over their disgusting, piss smelly unwashed clothes.
Fuck off with these nappy cats.
what gun should he use
There's no proof they're attractive women either. Do you really think an attractive woman is going to waste their time doing this shit when they could be getting attention for their looks literally anywhere else? They'd have to be autistic or socially retarded. These are ugly lardasses if women doing this or grown ass men.
>grown-up man
you people fixate on this part like it's an undeniable truth
which is retarded because there's enough to make fun of regardless of who is piloting that thing
One character doing this would be cute.
More than that is just awful.
Bad models, and generic character design
It sounds ridiculous but.. CIA propaganda.
>Do you really think an attractive woman is going to waste their time doing this shit when they could be getting attention for their looks literally anywhere else?
anime is replacing women even on dedicated cam whore sites
Then humanity is doomed and I hope we all get nuked sooner rather than later.
It's perfectly fine to pretend that you're someone else in a video game.
That said the videos this goes into are borderline obsessive. It's like the chat logs of the r9k cult that leaked several years back that got people to transition by blackmailing them.
mentally ill agp faggot
>why the fuck people keep posting these retarded models with just grown-up man doing retarded dances?
I question this too. We get this thread more than once every fucking day. There are supposedly hundreds of not thousands of people using VRchat, and some percentage of those people use Yas Forums. Where the fuck are all the webms of people doing things? Why is it literally the same 5-10 webms on a board with hundreds of unique users per day? What the fuck is going on?
This honestly wouldn't surprise me at all.
Not him, but there's no way those camwhores would make even a 1/10th of what they were making if they weren't women.
The illusion sells more than the avatar
>I question this too. We get this thread more than once every fucking day. There are supposedly hundreds of not thousands of people using VRchat, and some percentage of those people use Yas Forums. Where the fuck are all the webms of people doing things?
I don't think people want to post themselves on VRChat because that's a good way to get stalked or kick off another Redditide of something like Ugandian Knuckles.
Kill yourself tranny.
>paying to see a fictional 3d model naked instead of a real woman
>paying even to see a naked woman you can't touch to begin with
Like I said. Nuke it all. Time for a reset. Too many retards.
I like the purple ones pantsu the most. Really cute.
Hey settle down.
every day the same thread
>Admits to being both a simp and a newfag in a single post.
Don't forget where you are Yas Forumsnigger-kun.
Post the video
If you're paying money to see a woman nude online, fictional or real, you're a massive retard that might as well be burning money. Nowhere in my post did I criticize or belittle Japanese media either, you're coming to a lot of conclusions based on nothing. A tripfag is an idiot, not big surprise.
somebody posted pictures of some discord group that spams these webms ealier this week so yeah