When does it get good?

When does it get good?

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It is good from the first minute.

It's just not for everyone.

It doesn't. You've been meme'd

Day 3


Pathologic general anyone?

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when you press new game for the first time

>When does it get good?
dare I say, filtered?

When you stop being fucking casual OP.

When you actually start playing

The more I play this shit the more I hate the bachelor

How good does my Russian have to be for the original experience?

>Just got to day 7 on my first playthrough
>Rubin died because I didnt have enough time to follow his quest chain
>Got Lara infected because I took the water barrel to her without checking it first like a moron
>Bad Grief was unlucky enough to get the infection on the first day the plague hit the warehouses
>mfw I'm slowly killing off the gang through my sheer incompetence
I wonder how many more are going to die because of me making stupid choices.

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Grief fucking refuses to live for me. My first playthrough he got sick, barely clung to life the first day of being infected despite me giving him the best drugs I had, and then the day after I caved and stuffed a schmowder down his pie hole he got sick AGAIN and then died the next day. I'm doing another playthrough now and it looks like history is gonna repeat himself. Swear to fuck if I have to give him another one just to see him pull through, dumb kid playing robber is gonna owe me big time.

at least save your childhood friend you colossal baka

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>Grief fucking refuses to live for me.
I think unusual low immunity, even with a medrel+ tincture happens when you ignore their quests or don't favour them in the dialogue on the day before. I have no idea if it's true or not but having finished this game three times makes me think this way.

the playthrough i'm on right now i managed to get the gang back together and do all the related friend-group stuff, and I think I've been mostly supportive (if not enabling the little rabble-rouser) so far. You might be onto something though, especially with how the Inquisitor's chat breaks him in the last couple days it was like he'd just straight up lost his will to keep going.

after you leave the theatre, which happens like 3 minutes after starting a new game

I just finished day 7 and I believe it has been good pretty much since the intro finished.
Sure the first 2 days are a bit slow, but that's when you are supposed to get to know how everything works, and try to prepare for what's coming.

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>expected something
>got walking simulator/route planner instead
dumb game, couldn't be bothered to continue with it's interesting but ultimately pointless text.

Morons like you are genetically predisposed to not understand anything past the most simple dogshit media, give up on life drone

>game starts rushing you from the second you get off the train
>juggling multiple objectives with no prior knowledge of where to get anything
So it's practically unplayable without multiple mediocre playthroughs where you fuck everything up, or resorting to guides. Yeah, I think I'm dropping this

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you could nut up and accept you're not going to be able to do everything and be everywhere and learn to prioritize the important shit
maybe ask yourself why it's so important you need to be able to 100% everything correctly the first time anyway.

>b-b-but that's a part of the experience!
lmao, game play is deliberately bad, i swear
sure it breaches a lot of topics that some would call interesting but the flowery prose and dumb 'riddle speech' along with your character ignoring his dreams makes me hate the story

Does this game have multiple ways of figuring things out / multiple endings, or is it just a linear adventure game?

>your character ignoring his dreams
Lmao what the fuck does that mean. You dream and that shit goes straight to the mind map

He won't mention shit in dialogue though nor will your choices in wording make it seem like they ever influenced him, or his decisions, until later anyways.

there are many, many ways for things to go down
there are only two major endings for reasons that make sense given the circumstances, but who survives in those is entirely due to your efforts
there's hardly anything that's linear about it, you can fail or sleep through or ignore virtually every event or scene and the game will keep going. obviously this will not have positive consequences but it won't stop the game.
it's absolutely not a linear game.

>stealing organs is a worthy use of this degree

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>when talking to everyone day 1-2 as haruspex in P2, everyone mentions how the Bachelor is "quick on the draw" or how he's already shot someone
I wonder who it was. Some random-ass mugger?

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tfw no qt depressed childhood friend gf

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give me mudwife or child wife

Thanks user, I'll have to check this out then. I've seen the game's setting likened to being in a Dostoevsky novel who is an author I love so I'm sure I'll be into it (although I'm sure it's more than that too).