Great tier:FFVI, FFVII

Great tier:FFVI, FFVII
Good tier:FFX, FFXII, FFV
Bad tier:FFII, FFXV, FFXIII trilogy

Is this the common consensus?

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FFIX great tier

>shit tier : final fantasy
>god tier : dragon quest

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ff2 is great

>God Tier: FFXIV: Shadowbringers

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>no FFIII on the list at all
Anyway, FFV belongs in God tier and FFIII at least belongs in good, if not God

God Tier: X, XIV, VIIR
Great: VI, VII, IX, XII, XIII-2
Good: IV, VIII

>Great tier:FFVI, FFT
>Good tier: FFXII, FFV,FFIV
>Overrated tier: FFVII, FFX
>Only play if you are a fan tier: FFI,FF2,FF3
>Bad tier:FFII, FFXV,
>Only play if you are addicted to Final Fantasy like crack: FFXIII trilogy

>Bad tier: FFII
kek get a load of this pleb

>elder god tier: shin megami tensei
>mecha autism tier: xeno

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FFIX no where to be found, finally it belong to ignore/trash tier

good list op

X-2, I, XIII-2, XIII

4 is the best, only zoomies think otherwise

FF newbie here
Why exactly is XIII so hated?
And what should I start with?

It is bad at storytelling. Corridors.

4,5,6, 7,9,10
Whateveer, throw a dart

Lightning is boring as fuck and 13 is just hallways and poor combat. Honestly start with FF1 Dawn of Souls, FF4, or FF6 for 2D and FF7, FF9, or FF10 for 3D

rancid pacing and every part of the gameplay that isnt the combat is bad

Start with III and just work up from there.

I & II are so basic that they pretty much play themselves.

>Universal level tier: Chrono Trigger

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Just start with 6,7 or 10
The other ones you should only play if you really like JRPGs, there's some good games but there's always some problems with each one.

Start with IV, play the I if you want, move up from VI
ignore V, Xiii, XV

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It's just a meme, compared to the big titles is really far away but is still an average FF, is still better than the NES ones and not worse than 8.

It has an awful story. FFgames are not especially known for making sense. But even in Final Fantasy X - where the story was about the dream of a dead person traveling to the future to fight his father who had turned into a giant sky-blob – the story might have been batshit insane, but I could still follow it.I spent the first 20 hours of FFXIII not knowing what the fuck was going on or why the heroes were doing anything, thanks to the world’s worst collection of fantasy proper nouns (the “heroes” have been turned into L’Cie by a Fal’Cie and might turn into a Cie’th? Fuck you).

It has obscenely linear gameplay. The maps are straight lines and there are no towns, no shops, no inns, and practically no other characters besides the players and a few antagonists. It is the least epic world that has ever been featured in a Final Fantasy

The combat is utterly broken. There are three types of fights in Final Fantasy XIII: fights with regular enemies you can win solely by hitting the “Auto-Battle” button over-and-over again; boss fights which last long enough to require some “paradigm shifting” and perhaps a bit of strategy; and finally, fights which regular enemies who are rendered needlessly powerful in order to make you use FFXIII‘s horrible system.

The characters are shit. These characters have no depth and, thanks to the horrible story, no discernable motivation. It’s impossible to root for them, like them, or care about them. I hate them.

There are few and boring enemy designs.

The storytelling is horrible. Of FFXIII‘s first 25 hours, I estimate maybe 8 full hours of it has been cut-scenes - cut-scenes which don’t advance the story ever. They are clumsily forced into the game at every opportunity. They’re never short, and they’re never meaningful. It’s just another chance for Lightning to be a bitch, Snow to be a jackass, Vanille to prance around disconcertingly, and Hope to collapse to the ground.

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You cannot prove me wrong. Also XIV belongs in the S tier too

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This is a good summation. I was playing the game recently and around hitting Gran Pulse, which is supposed to be the "good" part of the game, I realized that it was never going to get better and I was wasting my time by playing it. I dropped it there.

The combat is braindead and stupidly boring. The characters are as deep as puddles and the
endless cutscenes featuring these characters spouting meaningless juvenile drivel just go on and on and show no sign of stopping. There are no redeeming features. There is not a single thing to like about this game. It looks nice sometimes, but even that is a rarity among the samey looking plain backgrounds and the boring enemy designs.

The bitch in pic related was probably the best thing about the whole experience because of her tit window. That's the nicest thing I can say about my 20 hours with the game.

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Great: 5, 6, 7, 9, T
Good: 10, 12, 8, 4, 1, 7R
OK: 3, 15, 13, 13-2, 10-2
Bad: 2, 13-3

Ways to know when to ignore an opinion about FF
XII is not around the top
XIII is below I and II.

While XIII is trash, XIII-2 is alright and LR is actually kind of good.
If you're new to the series, 4, 6 and 7 are all good points of entry.

You forgot:
Great Tier: FFXI
Bad Tier: FFXIV

>>Universal level tier: Chrono
triggerniggers need not apply

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You pass. I still disagree with IV and III being so low.