Stealing all the valuable resources and nukes in the world

>stealing all the valuable resources and nukes in the world
>making criminal robots that are clearly for fucking shit up, especially with the ability to fire nukes
>plotting world domination to conquer every country, and global military domination
>putting yourself in a political position as president, only so that no one will question/stop you
>bringing in child soldiers for fueling wars
>attempting to make everyone indirectly your slave, praising you and doing your bidding regardless of the the shit you do
>is "being a soldier"
That's not being a soldier, Big Boss. That's called being a ruler.

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Why didn't Para-Medic just treat his PTSD

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>no eyepatch

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Big Boss and by extension Kojima are retarded. They tried to go for the Ozymandias sort of noble villain with admirable motivation, but what happened instead is this shit.

sounds like a badass to me
and also literally a bad ass

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At what point does Big Boss start to become a villain? MGSV was supposed to show us this. In none of the games you play as John does he seem to have evil intentions or behavior.

>Implying the old games are canon anymore
He wanted to remake them too (the way FF7 was """remade""")

mgs4 (maybe) and 5 retconned mg bb behavior. in mg1 and I think 2 he's a straight up evil person who manipulates snake. after the retcons, hes doing what he's doing to fight the patriots and cipher. 3 isn't really a retcon to his character but more of an explanation on what can cause a person to snap and become evil like he was in the msx games. peace walker bb never turns evil but running a private military for anyone is pretty fucked up.

I think I agree. If Kojima had stayed on with Metal Gear, I think we would have seen those games rewritten and Big Boss' image would have been reshaped to be an anti-hero or just a hero.

In the speech from the end of Peepee Walker, he makes the choice to change along with the times even if that meant being branded a terrorist, because that's what he understood was what killed The Boss and he wanted to reshape the world to what he understood was her (actually nonexistant) will of the world.

Missing the point.

The point is that Big Boss is made a villain because of his defiance against the world order.
It's basically spelt out for you through MGS 2 with the "Creating context" monologue

The matter of Big Boss's actual morality is irrelevant, his morality only becomes a concern when it can be used as a tool against him to secure power for the patriots.

When he actively rejects The Boss' dream in Peace Walker and becomes entirely okay with brainwashing his best soldier without his consent into becoming a body-double for himself to take attention away from him.
He violates his core principle (letting soldiers choose the course of their life and the conflicts they engage in) for the sake of his own vendetta

LOL! You got fucking pleb filtered
In every game where BiBo is protagonist any sign of character that makes him unique from Solid is intentionally so subtle that the average player won't notice or literally hidden/obscured by a gameplay segment. Let me provide you some examples since you're such a fag.

>His ruthlessness is developed in GZ through lines that are very, very, very minor in appearance but actually critical when analyzed, such as "silence her before we're compromised"
>true ending to PW hidden behind ZARDONOV HAS ESCAPED quests

Also, TPP is when he shows his true colors without said pleb filter, where he stops being protagonist. You clearly didn't notice that he used his best man AS A TOOL, A PROXY (Proxy wars much?), and that he was willing to use hospital patients as meat shields.

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She was too busy creating a Cyborg Ninja.

I dunno, intentionally taking war-orphans and turning them into child soldiers seems like a morally relevant issue in any context.

>When he actively rejects The Boss' dream in Peace Walker
Let's not forget that it was after he misinterpreted it FOR THE SECOND TIME as "world peace."

He was only able to finally realize that it was "let everyone fight for what they believe in" in MGS4.
god the series is dumb

Black and grey morality is too subtle for most of Yas Forums. They just wanted Big Boss gunning down niglets.

Doesn't Snake say in MGS1 that Big Boss called him to Outer Heaven in MG1 just so he could kill him? And then he does it again in MG2. He had clearly lost his mind in these games.

They needed to go more full-in with Big Boss games. MGS always had strings of anti-americanism but BB was the perfect way to embrace it. Making Big Boss desperately cling to the Solid Snake heroic character archetype beyond Snake Eater strangled the story. Making him still "Snake" was a mistake.

Peace Walker needed to embrace the Central American warlord/revolutionary style. Big Boss and MSF should have been turning up to CIA recon camps and allied millitias, torching them in the jungle on behalf of drug lords and terrorist groups. MSF should have been collecting drugs from their victories and selling them to fund their operations. We should have seen the ethic dilemmas of Big Boss recruiting central american mercs and fighters that are armed thugs rather than professional soldiers, having to straighten them out and stop them from abusing their millitarized power. None of this pussy-footing with Coldman being some super-secret rogue figure or the enemy force being mercenaries rather than actual american agents.

MGSV tickled the balls of this idea, of changing focus from the socialist banana republic revolutionary paradise of 1974/Peace Walker to the cold corporatist private millitary blood diamond/oil conflicts of the 80s. But again we needed to double down on that shit. Battlefield war crimes, actual interaction with agents of the Cold War powers. Big Boss losing his anti-american principles working as proxies at times for the CIA just for the sake of revenge. Again this existed as background strains but it just wasn't enough.

Ultimately it would culminate in Big Boss being rehired by the US government Operation Paperclip style rather than the convoluted Cipher bullshittery that gets him into FOXHOUND in the current canon.

in 5, he uses venom as a decoy to build outer heaven in secret to wage war against cipher. it was fucked up but 5 bibo is not evil. his evilness was retconned out.

ironically that's not out of the menu, as Sony and Konami are on talks to let him make PT and more MG

>details that are minor in appearance are actually very important
Let it be known that if you do this in any fucking game I will refuse to buy your garbage hack job.
Metal Gear was never good.

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Wars have happened over small disagreements before.
That Big Boss was tricked into killing one of his best friend for it is amazingly funny to me, Big Boss died in MGS4 believing Zero wanted him dead and he killed him for it.

>god the series is dumb
It's interesting to see each game as its own self-contained entity that re-interprets the events of the previous games (even if those games technically take place in the future).
Ultimately, I think that the biggest issue is also that every game is also a snapshot of whatever the fucking Kojumbo was feeling at the time
MGSV is basically just an excuse to fuck around with open-world design


name 1 (one) game other than the Metal Gear series that does this

it's just a rumor at this point

>5 bibo is not evil. his evilness was retconned out
But "uses venom as a decoy to build outer heaven in secret to wage war against cipher" is literally evil

Super Mario 64

its evil to do but bibo himself is not evil. he does what he does out of necessity for the world (destroying cipher) instead of being a fucking madman like he was in mg1.

The argument can be made that BB had no say in what happened to Medic, as he was in the Coma.
This does fall apart afterwards when he continues to use this and go along with it, but nonetheless, the argument could be made that what's done is done.

Not to the patriots. The point is that it doesn't matter what Big Boss does that is evil or good, the point is that he defies the world order and that made him automatically a villain. No matter what he does.

As the years have gone by I have actually come to enjoy MGSV. I think people were expecting an MGS4 tier story wrap up and Kojimbo was not making that.

Whether we deserved that as the finale to the series is another question, I guess, but as a game I have actually coming around to MGSV being minimalist as it is, but whether making your minimalist operator sim game your final in a story-heavy melodramatic anime series is a good idea, I don't know.

Kojima hack keep making retarded games only a matter of time before the rest of the fanbase hates you too

despite mgsv coming out after mgs4, I prefer considering mgs4 to the "last game" and ignore whatever mgsv was trying to do.

Same, but replace MGS4 with MGS2.

the gameplay is what pisses me off. so many great stealth mechanics thrown away for small bases with very little enemies. you can blame the 360 and ps3 for that. imagine if bases like afghan central had 100's of guards and 5 helicopter flying around instead of 1 helicopter and like 20 guys meandering around the base. think of the tanker from 2 and you had to sneak past all those marines. imagine if there were huge platoons on the runway doing marches and shit. that would be way more intense. same with the airport. we also needed more interiors. a lot more interiors.