>It's bad to not have a story when it's not dark souls
It's bad to not have a story when it's not dark souls
I mean i like the worldbuilding in destiny but the problem was in d1 two thirds of the campaign had no fucking plot
It would be ok if the game was good
The issue here is that Destiny is soulless westoid AAA tripe while most souls games (except for Dark Nu-soul and Dark Soulless 3) have SOUL.
Destiny's lore was on the fucking website rather than the actual game, that shit was retarded as fuck given how interesting some of it was.
But you’re fucking wrong, they did have a story but half assed it so hard they had to implement it all through an online codex. Fuck outta here
Dark souls is so western dark souls 4 is cowritten by george r r martin
Season of the Worthy is even worse than Season of the Dawn somehow if Bungo keeps sniffing its own farts that everythings fine it will be a dead-er game than it is now
tldr fuck Bungie
>you mostly do bounties when the season came out
>with guardian games you do bounties to complete bounties
>you also do bounties to complete triumphs
>and bounties are needed to do quests
It's funny, everyone thought it couldn't get worse, that Bungie wasn't THAT incompetent. Oh how wrong they were.
how is d2 right now? I only like the raids and I stopped playing at the 2nd dlc because the power level to get into the raid was higher than I could get to in my free time before the raid dropped, so knew there would be nobody to play it blind with and gave up
Rly enjoyed the base game and the first dlc sorta raid, they were fun
Day 1 Destiny was so fun.
I didn't play it day 1, but its a nice game. The raids are better than any campaign content in halo
unironically kino and the best game bungie has ever made
and like souls it immediately went to shit when they started realeasing it for pc niggers
Destiny's problem is that it's real story is relegated to wiki pages that are locked behind jumping through various hoops.
Not having a story works better when your game is open ended. When I'm forced into one linear mission after another and yet there's no decent motivation behind any of them it just seems silly.
Better than pre-Forsaken but not as good as Forsaken and the year that followed. Supposedly since they left Activision they don't have two other studios helping with content development anymore and there's just a skeleton crew working currently on the game while the rest works on the next "second collapse" themed expansion. The pyramid ships also have entered the system and Titan will be destroyed in the next weeks. The result is a lot of teasing but boring, repetitive seasonal content with just marginal improvements.
Destiny would have been a 10/10 FPS-RPG, if they separated the multiplayer from the campaign.
who the fuck types like this
Forsaken was a great expansion and step in direction, but Shadowkeep from what I've played up to Dawn was awful. It makes you wonder how much Bungie was really kept afloat by Activision's 2 other studios.
You need a website to view most of the lore, most of which you cant even view anymore unless you download fan mobile apps or go on fan wikis. Also Destiny's story never really goes anywhere, they ignore a ton of stuff with each new expansion.
I didnt even play forsaken. I just wanna know if I have to do lots of grinding with an artificial weekly limiter to be able to play the good stuff
almost as bad when they type "1.000,00" god I hate it
This season is garbage, but hunters are pissed off so that makes up for it
The Vex were based and redpilled though. Their civilization is basicly the pinnicle of existence.
have titanchads won?
have to keep winning everyday for 2 more weeks to win
>most populous class of the game making up 50% of the playerbase
>comprised 90% of new light drooling kids that fell in love when they saw that hunter flipping the knife during character creation and 10% try-hard edgy retards.
>tfw no sentient bacteria evolving in the saline solution inside asteroids.
Destiny perfectly encapsulate everything I hate about modern world design. They make you go a these space travel go on different planets , yet the place you could actually explore are the size of a fucking mall and look no different if it was set up on earth. They should've just kept the whole fucking story on one planet across different continents.
1) There was a story, cutscenes and all; it was a mess.
2) All the lore tidbits were on their website instead of in game.