Does the avatar you use affect the way you speak or interact with others in any way at all?

Does the avatar you use affect the way you speak or interact with others in any way at all?

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Probably subconsciously.

My Steam avatar is the default question mark.

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No because I'm not a faggot

>use anime avatar
>act like a faggot
>use literally anything else that is not anime
>act like a normal, adjusted human being
wtf bros...

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Imagine putting your nose in that ponut.

All my avatars this past decade have been extremely tired looking Japanese girls. Yeah, kinda.

I've been using the same avatar for over a decade, pic related. Fuck people that change their pictures every fucking day to some asinine bullshit.

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Nope. I'm not a weak beta easily-influenced soja boy/weeaboo tranny.

I had a trans person think I was trans for having an anime girl avatar once.
It is honestly a lot to take in.

not at all

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Sometimes, and I change it every once in a while to suit my mood. I often forget who people are who change their avatars a lot though, so I only ever use donut steels since people remember my artstyle anyway.

I think there's more nuance to it than that. OP is probably a pretty cool guy, but anyone with something like Astolfo or some fotm "waifu" is probably some kind of subhuman or autogynephile.

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Pretty much.

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>use satania avatar
>no one knows who satania is
wat the heeeeellllllllll

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*lip smacks* Sure

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No, it's just avatar.

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I enjoy shitting on some fags with terminally bad tastes in some of threads on this board

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smelly satania poster

I put characters I like as my avatars
This varies from cute girl to bro tier characters
And no it doesn't I acted just the same when I had my profile picture set to Indiana Jones as I do when my picture is set to a cute anime girl

I think /g/ is right up yo alley

No, I don't even speak.
I'm a mute.

No I'm not 20 anymore

Mine has been that mspaint drawing of yui eating a hamburger for a few years now.

No, why would it?

based avatar

no you're not you're just autistic

Actually, my esophagus got melted when I was a baby.

Damn bro thats rough

I'll set my name to be relevant to my avatar but that's about it

One of my favorite albums

That sounds like a mean deepthroat

faggots in this thread

I like cute anime girls but don't want people mistaking me for some seasonal waifufaggot ironic normalfag
So I just stick to things I find cool, like mechs

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