Animal crossing

Happy Sunday. Post dodos you know the drill

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someone please give me an island to sell my turnips on

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I need an island WITH turnips. Didn't get a chance to buy them.

Leif is here if you need them. Not much else since it’s a 2 day old island

Daisy is no longer here but it's raining on my island!

Does Daisy really not show up if that jewbag Redd is on the island?

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Does anyone have a spare barrel DIY recipe? I've got a shitload of fossils I could offer in exchange.

94 bells GSC24
don't make fun of my island i share it with autistic people

I'm looking for an ironwood dress recipe to make a kitchenette. if anyone has one they are willing to give away that'd be nice

Anyone have a town selling rose bags? :^)

I can give you pink rose buds for access!

I dropped a bit over 600k on turnips, it’s my first week actually playing the stalk market (although I did buy turnips before, so I’m not guaranteed the small spike). Am I going to get Yas Forums‘d?

I'm heading to you

But we can't sell until tomorrow.

*ironwood dresser, sorry

I'll come over and bring some recipes. Maybe you'll have 'em maybe not.

Unlikely so long as you watch threads for codes.

there's 2 schools of thought:

>I got all the time in the world
You buy 1 inventory full of turnips and just drop in on a town thats posted here, as there's no reason to hurry

>*wrings hands*
All money into it every week. More stressful since you need to get into high selling islands more often

Poppy is giving out woodland wall DIYs

Don't have a spare left but I can craft If you have the materials

Manga-library user here.
Thanks to everyone who came!

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anyone got a fairy dress? i could give you a Jotaro hat or an elephant slide

sure, can you tell me how much i need for the recipe so I can bring it over

Anybody still have Daisy? Come on west coast fags, I know you're here somewhere.

No, but she never comes if you are a lazy piece of garbage that can't wake up before noon.

7x hardwood And 4x Iron per Fresser If you News some more. You already have a cutting Board?

yeah I do actually, post your code and I'll come over

turnip sell at 92
dodo: F9K4C
half hour until turnip girl leave
Dom is also making trophy case, his house is at lower left

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25 min left, turnips are 99

dodo code:

Feel free to harvest any fruit you want also. There is a orchard on the west side of the island

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You have a nice island user, I got a few recipes as well.

It's a good thing I got up before noon then.

Did you close? I need to buy

Thanks user!

currently I have KK slider, Redd, and daisy all here at the same time

This 'guide' is a mess to read.
Can someone give me a tl,dr that isn't written by an asl autist?

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Dotty's currently crafting a log bed, get in here
My shop's also selling roses for those who are looking for that
I've also left 14 dupe DIY recipes near my plaza so feel free to pick those up

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thank you very much user, I really appreciate you taking the time out to help me, A+

Anyone got oranges or cherries or both? They're the last fruits I need to have every fruit. Willing to bring a few apples, pears, and/or peaches for trade.

anyone here into amiibo spoofing? i'm having an issue. bought 215's. loaded tagmo up. did the thing with the two files. wrote 3 separate tags. the switch wont scan em. when i hit "scan" in tagmo it comes up. but not on the switch. tried it in game on SSBU and ACNH and i didn't even get an error message. bad tags or am i doing something wrong?

comin over for the bed, thanks

>KK Slider and Daisy at the same time
How? One shows up in Saturdays and the other Sundays.