You have to eat all the walnuts Angela
Trials of Mana
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That is all
>tags: 2girls, petrification, monsters
Reminder to vote.
Fuck, just beat the final boss on hard and he sadly was a pushover. Mispolm, with class 2, was harder than this shit. A little bit disappointed, but oh well.
Still had fun, will tackle the post-game tomorrow.
The original game's final bosses are long hauls to be sure.
Why does Angela dress like this? She doesn't even have a slutty personality.
Attention whoring, which does suit her backstory.
> miss a chest in the Volcano Island
> "This is fine, I'll do it later once they show up on the map via the Cactus upgrade."
> can't go back to it later
It's the only chest I'm missing and it's triggering my autism. What exactly carries over to NG+?
She has attention whore personality
Class Change FAQ
>You can class change to your 2nd class when you hit level 18 and reach a mana stone, you will be around 18 by the first one
>You can class change to your 3rd class when you hit 38, reach the Mana Sanctuary and get the class specific class change item which are produced from ??? seeds. You can find ??? seeds in the Benevodon dungeons in chests and enemy drops.
>You can reset your training stats at the Bazaar town for a fee early in the game
>You can class reset using a goddess scale which are only obtainable in the final/post, 6 total
>All classes are good enough so don't go crazy
she is literally a slut though?
do you think Angela's mom fucked the Crimson Wizard?
She fucked EVERYONE
Not really. I hoped they'd go crazy with the final bosses.
At first, I was surprised because he had all kinds of new attack patterns and shit, and that exciting, but then he just died REALLY quickly. He died so quick that I thought there'd be another phase, like in the Zable Fahr's fight, but no.
>no bra
what keeps her from sagging?
The companion AI makes me really sad that there's no multiplayer.
Yo what levels/when do the 2nd and 3rd party members join so I can satisfy my even team level autism
Wouldn't her people ask who Angela's father is? Given that she's the princess, that's an important matter.
slut mods when?
Switch or PC?
>My even team level autism
oh no
>so I can satisfy my even team level autism
>he doesn't know
So they actually managed to make a decent jrpg again?
who is they?
i'd eat her nuts
I hate this lesbians.
Are the other stories actually radically different or is it just kind of doing things in a different order with a different mustache twirling villain?
How long is the post game? Kind of want to start a new play through, but evil boobs
Also the end credits theme is really nice
Mana storage
Seriously considering starting over and replaying 10 hours because I'm unhappy with one of my class choices and I don't want to wait until the end of the fucking game to change.
Will this be somewhat moddable aspect?
>Vuscav doesn't like humans
That is BULLSHIT and I don't believe you King Richard.
I bet you sealed that flute away only because people wouldn't stop drunk joyriding on him and crashing into ships
>All classes are good enough so don't go crazy
It doesn't mean all the classes are good for your current party tough.
You don't have to worry about that, because you have an item that increases a team members EXP if they wear it, so you can fix them down to single digit exp differences if you want. But only prior to level 10. Also, you are forced to fight a boss with only two members, so there's ALWAYS someone behind a level later on.
its 95% the same order with a different final dungeon because your moustache twirling villain actually kills the other ones not in your route
Whats a good class setup for Charlotte/Kevin/Angela if i'm planning on turning Charlotte into a Necromancer
The japs. They've only been making shit for years now.
whats your set up?
this game isn't hard enough for random parties not not steamroll, we have people trying to minmax from the start screen when they havent played the game.
Kind of digging Nomad Hawkeye's spell list, crystallize is crazy good it's just too bad the AI is brainless.
The set up isn't a problem. I don't want to play as this class for 95% of the game.
Literal attention whore because her mother was a bitch
What class?
Might be possible to rig up locally but the camera would be an issue
It's really depressing how long you play as the second class because it feels like the game combat finally has actual options at third class.
>coomer party
No idea. But I doubt it.
Our best bet would be some patch or dlc, but this looks a lot like a finished product.
Although I came here to post because my game crashed on a boss kill.
Class 3 absolutely breaks the game in half
At least they added a bit of postgame to mess around it
Character select screen:
>"Because her mother hardly spent any time with her as a child, the princess was prone to act out to get attention, WEAR GAUDY CLOTHES, and play pranks on people in the castle."
Read next time, you fuck.
>Kind of digging Nomad Hawkeye's spell list, crystallize is crazy good it's just too bad the AI is brainless.
Same. I was very pleasantly surprised considering how bad his light classes were originally
Then again even the royal guard runs around in miniskirts so I guess she just lives in a kingdom of sluts
Anyone find a reliable spot to grab ???? seeds yet? The ones in the dungeons have been giving me classes I'm not using and I'd like to be able to class change before I finish the last Benevodon.
I've heard the wolfmen in the moon tower are a good spot to grind for em