What was his biggest mistake Yas Forums?

What was his biggest mistake Yas Forums?

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Posting on Yas Forums instead of Yas Forums

also the netflix movie was excellent

Either killing Lind L Taylor, or Raye Penber. Those two actions fucked him over.

he thought he was in a Yas Forums-video game instead of an Yas Forums-anime/manga


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Not having Mikami test the notebook before using it

Only morons say this. He killed L as intended.

He killed the FBI guy. If he left them alone he'd never be a suspect. It's the second thread unraveled, after the Japanese broadcast trick

Lind L Taylor for sure.
Underestimating Near a close second followed by the FBI agent.

>killing Lind L Taylor
Literally the entire show would never have transpired if he didn't fall for that simple provocation. He would have been free to be Kira for god knows how long



If you watched the Netflix one without comparing it to the Japanese one, it's a decent movie with a comedic chase scene

Until Ryuk would have gotten bored.

>Got tricked into revealing he was in Japan
>Killed the FBI agent trailing him
>Used information only the police server had access to
He made a lot of mistakes.

>also the netflix movie was excellent

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The point is he's not smart, he's just a dumb kid and you guys would've made the same mistake.

maybe as a shitpost and under 8 caps of irony

No, not really
Light's issue was needing to be seen as a God. If it was me I would just kill people and be satisfied with the fact that the world is better off without them regardless if I get credit for it.

Also I would make girls suck my dick before they die of a heart attack

No way fagging Misa instead of plowing her pussy every night

>writes in the Death Note that Mia will fall to her death when she tries to take it from Light
>Acts surprised when she tries to take it and falls
What the fuck was he expecting? He wrote that she would do it. My friend it was a test and she would have lived if she hadn't taken it, but that's bullshit, you can't write if/else statements in the fucking book.

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Sounds like he was a dumb kid

>also the netflix movie was excellent

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>but that's bullshit, you can't write if/else statements in the fucking book.

I mean that's an interesting extension of the current ruleset.

not avoiding the police, because he was a cocky retard

ok i rewatched this shit recently

the worst part of all time (that everybody forgets in favor of less important shit) is when he DELIBERATELY revealed to the entire fucking investigation unit that he had insider information. this allowed pretty much everyone with 2 brain cells to narrow him down to just 100 fucking families from the entire population of his region

what's even worse is that the author portrays it as some type of "genius move" that proves how intelligent he is, because it somehow makes the police no longer trust L. 15 year old me also thought it was a brilliant move
in reality it was fucking suicide and it all went downhill from there. killing the fake L was completely insignificant compared to this decision

i suppose that this is what happens when a 90IQ author tries to come up with a genius character for his story

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>write one of the investigation team's names in the Death Note
>write that he tortures L until L gives up his real name, posts L's name on the internet, then dies
>retrieve L's name from internet and kill him

writing Kiyomi Takada's name down
if he hadn't, he would have seen that Mikami wrote it down, and would have easily been able to counter Near's cheating in the final act

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One of the rules is that a persons death cant cause the death of another

I wonder if it would work. Write in the book a girl will come over and suck your dick and kill herself later after that

torture, not kill. it's fine in theory.

the bigger problem is that none of the investigative team would torture L so it just wouldn't happen. you can't get them to do something they aren't already naturally inclined to do.

Anyone else feel like they missed the boat on Death Note?

It's like Hellsing or Evangelion, they would've been cool when I was 16 but no self respecting adult would willingly sit through this self-indulgent crap now.

Light's biggest mistake was not being creative enough to kill criminals so all their deaths looked like some crazy coincidence. instead opting to be a god like figured and just defaulted to heart attacks

But Evangelion is good for all ages

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It aged like milk and yeah most adult wont watch those show. But it still better then anything that have been made in the pass 10 years

Honestly if I had the death note I'd use it to kill murderers, terrorists, mafia dudes, and hitmen.
Especially if they're untouched by the law.

Light's biggest mistake was never having a good video game, unless you count an appearance in Jump Ultimate Stars.

Hellsing Ultimate is an enjoyable series. It's definitely got an edge to it, but it actually has a sense of style as well.

not impregnating the goth loli

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He made the mistake of being on a show that should have ended earlier.

Are beastars and fma the only anime worth watching on netflix?

The correct answer

It's also a huge plothole that the world immediatly jumps to the conclusion that all the deaths were ochestrated by someone instead of it being some kind of virus/diesease that's killing all the prisoners.

Realistically they wouldn't have been able to bring a magic death book in as evidence at a trial without being laughed off either. What jury would believe magic was a murder weapon? pic related

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>also the netflix movie was excellent
Good troll post

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His biggest mistake was not taking an extra second to write down a cause of death, defaulting to heart attack was a lazy move.


the second L knew without a doubt that Light was Kira, L would've put a bullet in his brain. there wouldn't have been a trial

It was indeed an if statement in the movie. And yes, it was fucking stupid. Light Yagami would have conquered the world three times over if he had a Death Note with rules that flexible.


>Implying L would haved killed someone in cold blood, even KIra

Nigga you miss the whole thesis of the show or something?

Mello was the only one who didn't have a no-kill policy on L's side of the argument, and he was a fucking retard.

Also Near as an L stand-in is so unsatisfying to watch play out, he's literally comes out of nowhere to fill the same role/character archetype but with none of the development.

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Not at all.
Light fucked up precisely because he didn't go full god complex.
He relied on Mikami and put too much faith in him. Then Mikami fucked up by revealing the existence of the fake notebook when it was unnecessary and not noticing the fake notebook switch.

But it wouldn’t cause death if it was non-lethal torture.