What's wrong with the Animal Crossing community?
What's wrong with the Animal Crossing community?
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do you spend more time on Yas Forums discussing videogames, or trannies? be honest
I don't get it why did she rip the photo? I haven't played AC btw
>discussing vidya
>on Yas Forums
Why would we know? We don't autisticly watch and discuss about communities we don't care about, right?
Kys tranny
Because they can’t accept reality
They're friendly and accepting of everyone
How did her butt get bigger?
She dumped her bf and stole his Switch + copy of AC and ripped up the photo of him to clear her guilty conscience.
post-vore weight gain haha
HRT causes fat redistribution and affects bone structure if you start before your early twenties.
>what is squatting
Does someone have that Yas Forums screencap of some user that did so many squats that his ass got too big for his pants?
Neat. I wonder if it will ever be possible to selectively choose which effects you want from it? Pills that make you into a trap and not a tranny would be something
>Pills that make you into a trap and not a tranny would be something
The difference between a trap and a tranny is your state of mind.
I'm not an expert but apparently there are things you can take alongside HRT to at least prevent breast growth. You should ask on /lgbt/ or whatever about it.
Men are all mentally ill tranys, faggots, or suicidal. Nobody sees you as a girl and if they do they are just playing along with your larp you don’t have a female brain it’s a fetish kys.
have sex
A sickening combination of mental illness and greed.
Lol no. I want to be more fem but fuck having breasts, having your dick atrophy, and all that stuff
>A sickening combination of mental illness and greed.
Explains a lot about Jews, really.
dilate, tranny
This pic explains it
>what is lying to yourself through your art
>I want to be more fem but fuck having breasts, having your dick atrophy, and all that stuff
Eat more vegetables and take up squatting & jogging. No pill is going to give you an effeminate jawline though.
>autistic incel/femcel trannoid furfags are attracted to degenerate childish self-inserting escapism bullshit
stop pointing inconvenient facts out or you'll trigger the gaslighters you alt-roight notchzee /pol!!!!
Good point, I suppose that's why traps rarely post faces, or just wear masks and shit. Guess it's a near-unobtainable aesthetic in real life
Tranny shit
Did he get his dick split like a fucking hotdog though? Otherwise he's just a pretending bitch ass nigga
i don't see the problem here, unless you're actually defending fucking pedophiles
>The difference between a trap and a tranny is your state of mind.
Gaslight more, trannoid scumbag.
Traps are crossdressing dudes who are into catfishing and role-playing as the relationship's turbo-omega-sissy, period. Trannies believe they are the wrong gender. Fuck off with that bullshit, you've done the same thing to tomboys. Commit suicide, 41percenter.
Unironically get your dick split.
>that schizo level writing on the wall
After 2015, everything went wrong with every community because people have to push their gay/tranny bullshit into everything just to ruin everything. I miss having to say the word "faggot" extensively without getting "cancelled" by oversensitive faggots on social media.
Thanks for legalizing gay marriage Obabo.
I love how they always draw themselves hot/cute when in reality they're probably not
Side not does anyone have that image?
>That's totally me
MAP's are 100% every single bit as valid as trans women or anyone on the queer spectrum.
What's the problem with the snoyniggers?
You know its the latter.
lmao what the fuck, seconding this, i have to see this
Kill yourself.
fuck off kiddy diddler
People tolerate fetishes and mental illnesses a little too much these days.
>Traps are crossdressing dudes who are into catfishing and role-playing as the relationship's turbo-omega-sissy, period. Trannies believe they are the wrong gender.
You just proved me right though. Trannies are just traps who forgot that they were just larping.
Who hurt you?
video games?
half these fucks just need a better hairstyle, the bottom row need to stop brushing so high over their giant foreheads
The existence of MAPs, now please die.
holy based.
I don't know why asians are so vain and in denial, even their anime characters are far more superior looking to them. oh wait....pic related.
and then what, you'll fuck them?
nobody, i just don't like catholic priests
Is there really a rise of trannies in the AC community or are people just cherry picking the worst of the group?
Go on...
no but at least then they'll look more like someone's aunt instead of someone's uncle
Kill yourself trannoid.
No matter how irrationally fucking hard you try to twist my words to suit your agenda, reality will not change.