Why are LoL Players so Mentally Handicapped?

Attached: TheEternalLoLPlayer.jpg (600x908, 105.08K)

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all mobas are for mental migets

no one ever said the sentence on the left

Are you retarded? Dota 2 has complex skill mechanics with simple executuon(point snd click), lol has simplier mechanics with arcadely harder execution(skillshots).

seething doturd
how is your dead game?

>implying lol is not dead
hi yang

literally got told both of these two things by two different LoL players within the same minute in a thread a few minutes ago

its not even funny to bully dotafags anymore

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>haha look bigger number on twitch!
>totally not correlated to the fact riot pay streamers to play their shit dead game

>tencent botting views for a dying game
anything new?

Realistically speaking, LoR isn't doing that good either.


>fact riot pay streamers
They don't. Streamers have to announce if they are paid ir they will be fucked in the ass by FTC.

That dot is so god damn small
Why did their change their font?


Twitch is based around the host or the events. If the person you're watching is interesting then you'll have thousands watching a terrible game because of that one streamer. Same as how you can have thousands of people streaming a great game with one viewer each because the people aren't interesting to watch.
Then we get onto bots and views faked by game clients.
Finally dota specifically allows you to watch live games yourself without needing twitch.

the league of legends client contains an html5 div with an embedded twitch video

It's ironic because it's their best game.

no, even during the world cup
only watch.lolesports.com/ has embedded twitch streams

Dota is rapidly dying
LoL keeps steadily growing
Hoe the fuck dota vs lol threads are still a thing when LoL won by being a better game than current Dota 2?
>m-muh twitch views say nothing
Most LoL videos get millions of views in a few days after their release while dota popularity dwindles.
Cope all you want but that's true, most dotards already jumped the shit to LoL or stopped playing assfaggots altogether

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>LoL keeps steadily growing
its been dying since Fork knife came out
since then, tencent has been clamping down on information about how many people are playing, a stark contrast to the days where the player count was the number 1 thing they would talk about
>implying that the number of people playing a came correlates with the quality of the game
fortnite is a dogshit game, yet has more players than any other

>>m-muh twitch views say nothing
no they don't
tf2 got like 600 viewers

>Your favorite food is dead, check out how many people watched this ad for McDonalds!

>blah blah numbers don't matter blah blah look at my crowd funded prize pool blah blah

the typical dota dicklet dichotomy

If the price for having a bigger comunity is chink shit on my game, then i dont want riot games to be alive anymore
Having weeb shit champions and gold adornments aestetic made the game souless

>Look at how many more people eat fast food compared to a gourmet meals! The number of people consuming a product is a direct reflection of how good that product is!

no one talk about prizepool here you schizo

>doturds and lolbabbies still fighting over which is the least easy game

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i like both

>food analogy

>like peruvians or russians are any better

>look at my crowd funded prize pool, playerbase is irrelevant btw

it was going to get brought up, it literally gets brought up in every dota vs lol discussion

kill yourself