Twice as long as any other Castlevania game

>Twice as long as any other Castlevania game
>New engine so no reused models, something previous games were notorious for
>Actually varied locations instead of just a single Dracula's castle

Why do Castlevania fans hate it? It seems genuine effort was put in it and it's one of the least lazy entries in the series in terms of content

Attached: Castlevania_Lords_of_Shadow.png (256x315, 164.86K)

Castlevania was never good

Content amount doesn't matter when you wanted a Castlevania game and you get God of War set in a shitty Hideo Kojima fanfiction universe.

Because it was just another god of war clone developed by kojima, instead of the castlevania experience fans wanted from IGA.

Kojumbo was actually barely involved in making of this game

The engine has nothing to do with the models, i don't even understand how it is possible for people to think otherwise

It's the best Castlevania game. Better than any God of War except -maybe- 4 too.

You forgot:
>gameplay was a copy of GoW, but without being good
>forgettable characters
>contrived plot
>real ending was paid dlc
>obvious cashgrab that had a cliffhanger to set up the seuquel

Because it’s not a Castlevania game. It’s a trend-chasing action mess that’s wearing the name of Castlevania.

So is the game that bad? I've been planning on playing it for a while

>more is better
Do you want fries with that?

You do know that two engines can support the same model right?

>food analogy

Because Castlevania fans like Igarashi who made Symphony of The Night 7 times

The western niggers made it generic and boring. Might as well do a Castlevania set in the wild west with cowboys.

Best Castlevania game

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>thanks to the slow motion on death obviously shit hitboxes where attacks already hit you before they connect
>pointless PoP climbing sections with no danger like objects falling from above or lava rising outside of the DLC
>The Cake Is A Lie jokes
>context sensitive shit ALSO EVERYWHERE - think you can come back later and climb that ledge with your double jump now? Nah, you still need that wolf because getting up there requires triggering a cutscene
>utterly pathetic fight against Satan
>utterly retarded fight against Forgotten One
>Jesus Christ, that sequel

But hey, at least it looked pretty.

that monitor, ohh

I actually like it a lot. Now what the fuck was up with 2.

It's a TV

Attached: IMG_0046.jpg (1824x1368, 1.93M)

Castlevania has not been good since the 16-bit era.

What a fag

>Garbage gampelay
>Garbage plot
>Absolute fucking trash unmemorable soundtrack on a franchise known for its amazing soundtracks
This game is trash and I'm CV can never be raped again.

>on a franchise known for its amazing soundtracks

Attached: Castlevania_Harmony_of_Dissonance.jpg (640x640, 101.75K)

If I want God of War, I go play God of War

When I want to play Castlevania, I want to play Castlevania

Above is the reason why this 'reboot' failed

Awesome environments is the only thing I will remember about this game.

cv fans are fags, just look at their shitty cartoon.

The only thing I disliked was the true ending being a DLC. Still a good game in my book.

>Completely rip off the formula of God of War
>Literally God of War with a Castlevania skin
>Originality 0
>Gameplay God of War but looks like Castlevania

Nah, we didn't like it because it was a lazy shit pile. I could make a far better Castlevania game if given half the budget.

>Why do Castlevania fans hate it?

Cause its not a castlevania game. It doesn't play like one, the characters are only very tangentially related to their original counterparts, the story has massive holes in it, and it doesn't even have the music the games are famous for.

that sounds kinda badass.

are any of the 3d castlevanias good?
the only one i tried was the original N64 one and dropped it pretty quick

>absolutely ATROCIOUS qte out of ass everywhere you can't disable
>entire levels dedicated to lame puzzles
>extremely primitive combat system where you can barely evey use your specials given how limited your magical resources are
>lame bosses, DLC boss in particular was complete garbage since someone had a bright idea of making him invulnerable for ground combos in a game with shit aerial combat
>some of the bosses are godawful shadow of the colossus ripoffs with such a mind-numbingly boring gameplay it would be better for the game if they weren't in the game at all

Lords of Shadow (2010)

>are any of the 3d castlevanias good?

Definitely not. Steer away from them at all costs.

Why'd they ditch all the western horror influences for the western reboot? Going from American and British monster movies to God of War. It's like they just slapped Castlevania on the box of an unrelated game.

>It's like they just slapped Castlevania on the box of an unrelated game
That's how I felt especially in 2.

>Gameplay is boring GoW clone
>Grimmdark aestetic
>Shit reimagining of Castlevania lore. "Dracula is a Belmont lol"
>Shit orchestra music
It's not Castlevania

Also, apparently that was more or less exactly what happened.

it's probably the most boring AAA game I ever ever played.
everytime I try to give it a chance I end up leaving it out of boredom.
the gameplay is copy pasted from DMC and god of war and the enemies are sponges and the boss battles are shit with annoying QTEs all over the place.

garbage game desu

>It's like they just slapped Castlevania on the box of an unrelated game.
Just rename Gabriel Belmont and take out the "Dracula/Belmont" influences and its literally exactky that

It wasn't supposed to be a Castlevania game originally, it was changed to be one early in development, so it's whatever.

Also, as a castlevania fan, I don't hate it, it's flaws are overblown but I completed it satisfied for what I got. Its got the linings of a Castlevania title but fundamentally it's a bad representation of the franchise. Its not a trash game but its only worth about $20 even for how long it is.

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was it me or the DLC boss was balls to the wall hard?