Every content creator, streamer and videogame reviewer say that the ending is awesome

Every content creator, streamer and videogame reviewer say that the ending is awesome.

Why Yas Forums won't accept that they are in the wrong?

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Millions of retards can't be wrong.

>content creator, streamer and videogame reviewer
Literal trash subhumans, the lot

Yas Forums got filtered

Yas Forums still doesnt digest that there are no time travel or alternate timeline focus

but gotta shitpost about time jannies and future and past!

>every person who's livelihood depends on video games and popular opinion says popular game is good

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eat shit
millions of flies can't be wrong

Streamer and reviewers are total dipshits. Theyre the same people that liked the disney sequels. They just dont think critically about stuff. Theyre consoomers.

These are the same people who said Bioshock Infinite was deep.

>Yas Forums accept being in the wrong

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>tfw Clemps, the submissive, "I'm gay!" parading, "If it functions it isn't shit" yes man, of all e-celebs, took issue with it.
Bizarro World.

Cope harder

>Every content creator, streamer and videogame reviewer say that the ending is awesome.

Because they are being sponsored, and forced to say that is why.

I can't trust anyone who's being paid.

Most people I've seen that have reviewed the game, or more importantly, the ending, have stated that they are cautiously optimistic about going forward and that they are more excited about the prospect of a new adventure than a straight re-telling of a story they already know.
This, for some reason, is "shilling". Anything less than a 1:1 remake is shilling on this board.
These same goons more than likely think that "Half-Life Alyx" is game of the year because it's in VR and it's from Valve. And they have the audacity to call FF7 fans "consooomers".

>Average Yas Forums poster

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Only Plague and epicnamebro were extremely butthurt about it

Excessive Profanity generally was not that emotionally invested in how the story went, he was mostly of the mind that the entire game was a waste of potential from a gameplay perspective. That kind of criticism I can at least appreciate since it's devoid of any kind of nostalgic brownnosing, it's wanting Part 2 to be better, and it has to. Part 2 cannot just be a literal hallway simulator again, they have to be able to at least get to 80 to 70% of Witcher 3's field exploration gameplay. Outside of Midgar, there needs to be a sense of adventure and a fear of the unknown instead of 'follow the arrow pointing upward'.

>people who haven't played the original either like the ending or think it's fine
>people who have played the original shit on the ending because it's different

Here's the ugly uncomfortable truth too -

guys, you are getting fucking old. If you were a teen when you played FF7 in 97/98, you are in your mid thirties today.

The majority of content creators on Twitch that were playing this game other than Max or Pat are all mid to late twenties guys and girls. Guess what? They never played OG FF7, and they would have zero intention to ever play it if it were not for this remake piquing their interest. The only nostalgic reaction that you were able to extract out of these streamers was when Zack appeared. Yes, that's right, 90 to 95% of this modernday gaming audience has more nostalgic feelings towards Crisis Core than they do OG FF7. And why? It's something from their childhood. PSP was released in their formative years.

Here's the ugly truth guys - it's all fucking nostalgia. Your twenty something, if they didn't grow up on PS1, they aren't going to play a PS1 game like FF7 that looks as primitive as it does unless they have an emotional investment in it.

Frankly, at 30+ years of age, if your entire identity revolves around this game and you get so assblasted by a new change of direction because company executives wisely realize that a bunch of ageing 30 something manchild boomers is a failure of a customerbase if there was any, it's time to re-evaluate your life priorities. Seriously. Take the lessons of OG FF7 to heart I guess, start a family, treasure every minute or second of your life, start offspring. Anything better than going full manchild because 'muh orange Nomura man bad - he changing muh childhood story'.

Using consensus as a basis for objective truth is some straightup nigger shit.

>if you don't like thing, you're old, stop, you're not allowed
Cry about it. And you know what else? I don't think I like you very much. Try not to cut yourself.

So literally all the people with a vested interest in not shitting on the game. Ok. It's more telling IGN the biggest game dev/publisher cum gargler of them all shit on the ending.

I don't think the ending is "awesome", but it's not terrible either.

The way Yas Forums went on about it, it legit sounded like they were setting up a COMPLETELY NEW GAME for part 2, but the way it actually ended, that's not the case. It's clearly going to be the same "85% identical, 10% new shit, 5% old shit remade" formula. A few things are slightly different, but all the characters are in the same place they were at the end of Midgar in the first game

No lots of people admit it's bad and potentially series ruining

>>people who hold the original up as sacred shit on the ending because it's different

I wouldnt use that argument to say a game is good or not.

Just my own opinion, from someone who actually played it.

Bullshit I subscribed to 4 YouTube bros yesterday that were shitting on this meme game to death.

i liked the ending. They shouldnt have sold the game as a "remake" tho. Just call it a sequel.

>if you like it you must be lying! you just cant admit that it's bad!
>i didnt play it but i know it's bad!! Yas Forums said so!!!

It’s too ambiguous and people are conditioned to enjoy media that spells everything out for them. The original got pretty ambiguous and symbolic as well with the final battle and the post credits scene.

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This part was the remake.

The next one isn't going to be called "FF7 Remake 2". It's going to be called "FF7: The Unknown Journey Continues" or some shit.

I would actually go with this. I swear people complain about every mystery not being immediately solved these days.