/vrg/ has too much drama. Post VR Webms and talk about your VR experiences that's not VR Chat.
VR Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Gorn is ugly and overrated.
That gave me a good chuckle
Thanks OP!
Game? I'm not familiar with VR stuff, but I'm thinking about picking up a Rift S after the quarantine is over.
Boku no Pavlov
Escape from Pavlov
Early /vrg/ was good, when the discord got made it started becoming more and more of a /soc/ circlejerk and now it's just gone.
They don't discuss VR or VR games at all, they just jerk off to eachother in VRchat.
It's actually extremely pathetic, in a very saddening way. Like if you saw a homeless person begging and also they have no legs and also a dog has just pissed on them. That's the same feeling as /vrg/ evokes.
i think vr sucks
Distance VR is underrated
so i was suggested vr porn here and tried a vid from p*rnhub
it was SO shit. it didn't even feel 3d. i could look around but it was more like being under a dome and the video being projected on the ceiling.
>VRChat just got Udon which means a bunch of cool minigames are being created for it, already seeing golden era sourcemodding tier ideas for what to do with it
>Can't talk about it because of a bunch of discord drama and retards
I hate that I can't talk about shit that I like because of mentally ill trannies, they're a fucking blight on everything and they have the gall to wonder why people hate them
You gotta torrent high-resolution 3D 180 degrees porn. The shit you can stream sucks really bad.
>when the discord got made
how could you let that happen?
Sorry op I thought you meant HEY WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING VRCHAT YET
*posts exact same 3 choobie webms that appear in every thread*
very relatable video.
i was playing that FFA mode where you have to manage a kill with your gun before you get a new one, until that you just respawn with the same one, loaded. got some super weird weapon that i couldn't figure out how to reload. after trying for a minute i shouted "HOW THE FUCK DO I RELOAD THIS SHIT"
dude from behind shoots me in the head then says "that's how."
i had to dl it but my problem wasn't quality but that the roastie didn't look 3d at all, the whole thing projected over a dome above me. it was 180 degrees, but more like watching porn on a giant screen than being there.
goddamn that was weirdly adorable
There were a fuckton of outsiders and tourists from VRChat anime discord channel, and outcasts from other /vg/ communities. It never stood a chance.
Just talk about stuff you like and ignore the naysayers, user. If you're on a forum, block them. Don't let other people ruin a hobby for you. I find most gaming communities insufferable, but I don't let that ruin my favorite games. Plus, there are some cool people that I've met by chance. Most people are shit, but the few nice folk I've met make it worth easing through the garbage.
Is there like, a Yas Forums Steam group or something? /vrg/ fucking blows.
I really need to create some VRChat webms that are from the kind of shit I've been enjoying in VRChat to balance out the degenerate coomer webms because I think VRChat is not getting a fair shake because of these people and it's criminal, to put it from my perspective, it's like if people wanted doom modding to die in an alternate universe where everyone focused on only HDoom webms.
You should try Blade and Sorcery. Melee is actually satisfying.
Game's Pavlov. It's basically Counter Strike in VR
Outside groups are what caused /vrg/ to die in the first place
See the problem with that is we're not in the kung pow stream era of Yas Forums, that'd only just become exactly as much of a disaster as /vrg/ once the trannies find it and decide they wanna push their /soc/ bullshit there after all of the sensible people leave the /vrg/ steam group and migrate to Yas Forums, we're better off just having nice VR threads and interact through this, if we wanna host game nights, we should do it from the threads.
It's a shame because it would be nice to have something like that dedicated to non degenerate bullshit in VR, but alas.
sound here
>Outside groups are what caused /vrg/ to die in the first place
Okay, but there's no Yas Forums VR related groups at all.
It's impossible to even host a game of Pavlov here, trannies at least manage to do that.
I remember when Yas Forums used to laugh at waggle.
as a EU I just gave up. Nobody on this shithole continent has VR, and if they do they only use it for absolute faggotry.
das so cute
I love you user
vrchat gives you a default latency of 200ms even if you're playing w ur neighbour, playing with mutts doesn't cause any significant overhead
but yeah american communities are higher quality for literally every multiplayer game than eurocucks
I had a look at /vrg/ once and decided real quick that I wasn't going to be sticking around.
Also I love playing classic Doom in VR and I recommend it to anyone who can handle full locomotion, shit's great. I finished Eviternity and it was amazing, but I don't know which wad to pick up next.
You should hang out with aussies man. We're a lovable bunch
The thing is Wii was wagglan because it wasn't true 1:1 motion controls, the motion controls you got from that console could easily be replaced with a button input. And Kinect? A fucking inaccurate disaster of bullshit that barely worked outside of some niche PC applications and one big application which was Garry's Mod.
VR is not wagglan, it's actually achieving the motion control future we were promised with these previous blunders, it is precise enough to juggle with and having something cover 85% of your eye's entire vision spectrum with the other 15% being the headset itself does a lot to help immersion. It's really not something that can be described with adequate suffiency, it has to be experienced. I totally understand why people would think it's the same shit though.
We could host them here on Yas Forums instead, unless you know a way we can out those faggots in /vrg/
I mean, I can/have to hang out with other timezones, but fuck playing pavlov with 300+ ping difference.
Nah, you avoid /vrg/ like a plague.
Ameriburger here, can I please hang out with you guys too, timezones are gonna be a bitch obviously but I just wanna play around a bunch of shitposters rather than degenerate tripfag discord drama starters