Press button

>press button
>end game
What the fuck were they thinking?

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They wanted to be based

>be a shitter and let man get 25 kills consecutively
>be punished for it

it's the perfect answer to "our matchmaking fucked this round up"

noob trap
in 99% of cases it's a wasted perk slot

To based on what?

*One Man Army noobtubes u from across the map*
nothin' personelle kid

>wanting to stay in a game where someone has basically gone 25-0 already
They were thinking they wouldn't waste everyone's time anymore.

>Reward someone who's good enough to get 25 kills in one life with a free victory
>This is bad
Zoomers get ye gone

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Imagine not wanting to get a tactical nuke. This is why girls aren't attracted to you