Literal Chinese spyware rootkit that sends all your information directly to the Chinese Ministry of State Security

>Literal Chinese spyware rootkit that sends all your information directly to the Chinese Ministry of State Security
>Still can't even stop hackers for less than 24 hours
Imagine voluntarily hooking up your computer to the literal Chinese government cyberwarfare division and still playing with hackers every game

Attached: VALORANT_Jett_Red_1_1.jpg (1400x1400, 152.72K)

tencent is owned by africa, cope valve drone

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>tencent controls the US
>africa controls tencent

Holy shit. You guys made fun of niggers when they were playing 9d chess

I'm not sure why you're being an immature little goblin, but let me explain it to you as easily as I can. My fellow posters can also chime in with their own knowledge.

It's not a rootkit and you cannot push your own code through to it, unlike games like Team Fortress 2 which are a security risk. Also, this game is designed by the art director of Team Fortress 2, so his improvements can also be seen here. Every character has their own unique look, and no matter who you are, there's someone that you can look at as a HERO that looks just like you.

If you don't want cheats, play a closed off system like the fabulous Playstation Four, or upcoming Playstation Five.

Please don't be racist in a serious thread.

Attached: 1587652454134.gif (300x221, 1.13M)

Okay I'm sorry

do people really install this willingly in free countries? a friend tried it and it fucked up her labtop so bad she was crying.

>chinese spyware meme

Take your meds, schizos

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your operating system and hardware is also literal spyware you retard

It’s not that it’s harvesting data and shit. It’s that it leaves a massive back door into your PC. An anti cheat should not have KERNEL LEVEL ACCESS in any case.

You don't have friends women don't play Valorant none of that happened

>It’s that it leaves a massive back door into your PC.
Um, where's your proof that they've done anything wrong?
Where's your proof that they can?

oh noes the chinese military will steal my smug anime reaction faces!!!!!

Attached: index.jpg (242x208, 6.96K)

>sent from my Windows 10 Pro

Nigger are you seriously implying that Valorant has a good artstyle?
1989 Tienanmen Square now shoo insect.

Attached: chink deterent.jpg (640x996, 131.01K)

What's wrong with the artstyle in Valorant?

It looks like it was tailor made for ironic weebs and chinks who have no standards. It's foul and an assault on the eyes.

>Kernel access backdoor known only by the Chinese Ministry of State Security
Enjoy getting sent to Guantanamo when the Chinese hijack your computer and use it to sabotage some vital government network

It does exactly what it needs to do.
If you actually paid any attention to what Riot has been trying to do with this game you'd know they need a clean looking enviroment which contrasts the players and skills being executed for competitive purposes.
Also, it needs get high fps and be able to run on toasters.

Disagree or not, there's a method to the madness.

Yes there is a method to the madness. It's made for retarded gooks and chinktoids to compete with crossfire and what better way than to have the bootleg anime look. Tencent know very well what they are doing, they are masters at milking retards dry, both in the east and the west.

You can do that without making the art style look like absolute shit

Attached: Untitled.jpg (961x977, 210.01K)

It's not that bad, but the colors are oddly desaturated and the lighting is too flat in some maps. The map set in japan with the ropes is the best looking one so far and has the most personality. When I play on that map I feel less like I'm playing a chinese knockoff and instead something that actually has character. The 3 bombsite Tibet map looks like shit and reminds me of 2012 Dota 2 with the muddy textures and flat lighting. The desert one is alright and I like the contrast between the industrial and moroccan buildings. If they raise the saturation the game will automatically look better. Also the charaacters don't feel like they belong in the worlds, imo. They're just random people and don't fit the settings.

do Americans actually?

Imagine complaining about sexual harassment and then working at Riot.

>imagine caring this much about muh grafix

You're not supposed to put the maymay arrow in front of that, newfag.

>trying to justify a game requiring 24/7 kernel level access
Really ironic that you posted a SFV gif, since their (now removed) kernel anti cheat had a huge security flaw.

>not knowing that south africa is owned by china
amateur hour

>My fellow posters can also chime in with their own knowledge.
Translated: "other shills help! the goyim know!"

well this is a big cope

The only reason nobody cares about a program having a huge as fuck backdoor is because nothing huge has made the news about a backdoor shitting on everybody. The moment some public news channel says
Is when everybody on the board retarded enough to install this shit is going to collectively shit themselves.

given that i live in south africa, nope.