Nioh 2

How many of you have accidentaly the yasakani?

Attached: ONRYOKI'D.jpg (1024x576, 88.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Not yasakani but I have accidentally 3 +9 armour piece.

One job op, not even the correct pic


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Jesus Christ how horrifying

Too late

any reason to use a zen book?

...To reset your title points?

Fuck the yasakani, give us the moth

yes or no faggots


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what's this series name?
you're spamming it every thread but no one answers

Is anyone going to host rooms later?

I've actually shared download links for the show but okay
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2010

>still no DLC updates

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Did the europeans pulled off an all-nighter again?
I swear these threads were more alive yesterday
The link's been shared in previous threads like the other user says

Working on it, just a little more patieCOOF

Lads don't try to force the threads. It's been a good nearly two months. Things will naturally burn out in time.

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I'd be down to host some in not too long, got any missions in particular you wanna do?

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>final boss uses 3 advanced versions of your own yokai shift
>THEN he gets his true form
>THEN he gets his true super form with even more unique attacks
>one of them is literally Unlimited Blade Works

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I'm thinking it's more what this guy said One thing is burning down and moving to /vg/ and other is disappearing from one day to the other

This. It's nice to have lively threads but trying to keep them up constantly isn't working. Things will jump again when the DLC hits.

Doesn't matter, maybe you should try to move to /vg/, there you can open rooms and shit like that without getting archived due to the massive amount of ff7 threads getting created

>when the DLC hits
I would like to them to share some info even if it's delayed because of corona
Like, they showed us half of the fucking game before the release, they can show us something about the dlc unless they haven't done any progress at all

Purifying the Dark Realm puts the player at a disadvantage.
>purify Dark Realm
>all yokai get out of ki
>go fight that yokai
>instant yokai puddle

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I used the summon visitor at NG bird in a cage if anyone wants to join.

>Have the Inner Light mystic art
>One-shot them with Lumber Chop while in the Yokai Realm
Yeah I'm thinking axe is sick.

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There's probably still atleast a couple people summoning into that mission on NG, so if you make it a specific code I can come help out

Put a code user
We can jump inmediatly there like that

Jumping in random encounters wont work, we need a code

>tfw finally beat the nine tailed fox without cheese builds

I have no idea how to. The change setting in the sub menu is locked. And if I withdraw the cups and go into sub menu before, it opens up, but the changing conditions is locked.

When you summon visitors it shouls allow you to choose conditions user
You can choose there to put a code so only those you want get in there

>The change setting in the sub menu is locked
Care to upload a pick?
How can that be locked?

It was redded out.
I got to the menu where I could change the setting, but the d-pad arrows were red and no amount of fiddling changed anything.

You probably need to stop summoning if you ain't already, then set the code, then start summoning again. Never used the feature though.