Will there be as big of a gap between next gen consoles and PC as there was this gen?
Next gen consoles vs PC
No, read the spec sheets
>PC make everything white and washed out
You can change the colors to how you see fit.
Consoles you can't.
No, not that big. Console CPU was pretty weak even on release this gen, it seems like they learned their lesson this time.
Also, this ENB is shit. Upper screen has much better colors.
That is just your preference. I like more realistic colors and no overly vivid cartoony colors like on the PS4.
I do hope the cpu change in the new consoles allows them to push more for A.I.
There will be a gap in power, obviously. But no developer will give a fuck as usual.
The GPUs were low-mid range and the CPUs were below low range. By comparison the new consoles have a top of the line GPU and a Ryzen 3700.
You literally just need to read the spec sheets. These new consoles are powerful computers.
That isn't vanilla. Looks like an ENB.
Yes, on PC you can change the way things look.
The low clock speeds of the CPU mean that they will still be behind PCs.
The CPU they use is NOT a 3700. It will perform nowhere near as good.
your colors are not realistic in the slightest. that's some hollywood ciNEmATiC color grading going on, you tasteless cunt
>Only difference is the color grading
probably not, last gen consoles were weak even at release. Doesn't really matter though when you go out of your way to make the game look as shitty as possible like OP
I know he made a bad comparison but come on now
Nah the PS4 was using a mid range GPU at release and even the next gen Xbox is using a mid range GPU.
The next gen Xbox is similar in power to a 1080ti but with RTX.
By the time it releases it will be similar in power to an Nvidia 3060 which is a mid range gpu.
The CPU change is the biggest difference compared to last gen.
what am i looking at here?
Apparently you never leave your room and watch too much anime if you think the cartoon overly vivid colors of the PS4 image is more realistic.
This is a useless comparison without specifying the specs of the PC. If it's a base PS4, similar specs of PC should be used. Obviously everyone understand that more powerful hardware can have better graphics and performance.
If ray tracing really takes off in the next couple of GPU generations there will be a substantial difference fairly quickly, but otherwise it's just a question of how long the console gen will be around for.
Honestly what is even the point of PC anymore? Devs make their games for the lowest common denominator (consoles) and then port their shit to PC with 5% increase in texture quality. It makes no difference, only framerate which is a fucking totalbiscuit meme anyways
>mid range
Considering AMD were the weaker ones that generation too...
>low clock speeds
They're fine.
Witcher 3 looks like garbage no PS4 and phenomenal on PC.
And it's pretty much the only worthwhile game this gen (excluding Switch games).
144 fps with 1440p is worth putting everything on low/medium
are mustards legitimately retarded? what do they expect?
Consoles in 2013 weren't using "mid grange" hardware they were using low range. Pic related
did you forget about the potato masher?
>framerate which is a fucking totalbiscuit meme anyways
I too limit my framerate to 24fps for the cinematic experience
I hate aiming on a controller
>It makes no difference, only framerate which is a fucking totalbiscuit meme anyways
if you're used to playing games at 60fps and above, playing on a console is painful. Not to mention the noise of the fans attempting to reach orbit.
very funny bud, haven't seen that joke before. well done
3 females in an identical hunched animation with their arms clipping straight through their legs.
does not matter how "realistic" rendering gets, if the art&animation quality never improves...
>PS4 shit
>PC shit
PC skyrim
>dude blur
skyrim babies were dropped on their head when they were young
>a medieval world with no oil tankers or cars will look just as polluted as the city I live in, color doesn't exist
Even suburbs of America have more color than your hideous screenshot. Get over yourself.
lol consoles
lemme know when they can look even close to PC games, allow custom mods, higher than 60fps, etc etc etc.
Have you ever seen a real sunset user? The sun is bright as fuck.
It's the new mod I'm installing now that's from the site
Kill yourself fuck nut framerate is important and the only people who don't think so are consoletards who can't see shit anyway.
it looks god awful
Depends on the time of day.
It can look bland or vivid depending on the weather and time of day.
Not everything has to look covered in neon colors.
But you are entitled to your opinion as much as I am.
>Days Gone
guaranteed replies
nice ad homs, you gonna keep going or give me an actual arguement here?
No one thinks neon colors look good, and no one with functioning vision thinks your shitty screenshot looks like neon either. Get your eyes checked.
>the absolute state of pc gaming
yeah okay bud, been there, played it, beat it.
dulled colors ≠ realistic
unless it's overcast 24/7, your perception of weather and lighting and their realistic effect on colors is trash
There's no point. If you actually can't tell the difference between 24 and 60 and 120+ fps, there is no point talking to you, let alone allowing you to speak. It's like asking a dog their opinion on your choice of interior paint.
>cherrypicking that hard
are you autistic or just obsessed?
You don't realize how bad that looks do you
you are such a dullard
days gone looks completely average, washed out, blurry, and low resolution everywhere
i can tell the difference between 30 and 60. guess what, games that need to be 60 are 60 on consoles. FPS, fighters, racing... i dont need 60 on a fucking 3rd person open world game
like I said time of day can make something look bland