Why does Yas Forums shit on this game? Gameplay wise it's the best in the series...

Why does Yas Forums shit on this game? Gameplay wise it's the best in the series, it offers ton of replay value in fob and single player.

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its boring

Spotted the multi-task addict. How's that shortening attention span working out for you? It must suck to be on the mental level of a goldfish.

Ah yes the classic "hurrr y u no likey?! me likey a lot!!!!" starter.

>Empty open world with nothing interesting to see
>Guard Outposts are very small, samey and generic looking
>Developing higher level weapons and items requires hours of mind numbing grinding
>Story is practically non existent
>Forgettable OST
>Forgettable boss battles
>Miller is the only entertaining character in the entire game
>Ending makes no sense and shits all over the series lore

MGSV is an abomination.

So it's not more fun than the other mgs games?

I agree with everything you said in your post but the game has great gameplay. Gotta give credit where it's due.

MGS4 also had great gameplay, but 8 hours of cinematics made it unplayable. It's the same as MGS5, but with the world design getting barren thanks to Kojima spending money is his waifu or some shit, thus making the half game TPP was and still is today.

I prefer MGS4's gameplay for some reason as sparse as it was.

>>Forgettable OST
Kinda true, most remembered track is the equipment screen theme, which is the PW Theme.

The game is really nice to play and it is a shame we won't see the fox game used again for games, but it isn't a good MGS game.

The CQC in MGS4 is way better.

Never touched this franchise before, in what order do I play these games in?

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Why do people never explain what they mean by 'best gameplay' with MGS5? I disliked it precisely because it felt so lackluster in that regard compared to 4.

Emulate MGS1, 2 & 3. Watch the MGS4 movie on youtube. If you want, you could also watch the cinematics of PW and then Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain.
If you really want the MGS experience, just play the first 3 MGS.

I loved raiding people’s bases and stealing their best soldiers and all their shit, good times.

I like 100%ing my games. And 100%ing this one is an absolute pain in the ass

1, 2, 3, Portable ops, 4, peace walker, 5
Chronologically it's 3, Portable Ops, Peacewalker, 5, 1,2,4
But in order to get the full series you have to play metal gear series too, which was released before the solid games but chronologically metal gear 1& 2 follow mgs5

Story is meaningless for anyone who doesn't already understand ethno-linguistic nationalism & EVEN THEN for someone who's paying attention its undermined by how much the game has to rush & overload it's metaphors with shit like explaining DA WOLBACHIA overshadowing the actual themes & message that Skull Faces Vocal Cord Parasite plan is meant to convey

the story will feel even more hollow if you don't know what happens in the previous games

if you're just looking for a good gameplay experience, go ahead and start with Ground Zeroes and then Phantom Pain.

But I'd recommend you to start from MGS1

You don't need to understand ethno-linguist nationality

Open world, counters, weapon mods and acquisition, fob base raids, Fulton extraction, buddy system, etc

You gotta turn wallhacks off at the very least but I can't really imagine anyone being stupid enough not to & my experiences and opinion on the gameplay don't really factor in the boring experience that anyone who didn't would have had

Turning reflex off also exposes that the detection system is really good in this game. Things like the fact Enemies who spot snake can be gunned down with unsuppresed machine gun fire without immediately triggering an alert, other guards turn to look at the source of the noise but don't auto-detect snake like they do in other MGS, they'll report & enter a caution state, investigate the area, find the body of you left it, get suspicions of bloodstains if you didn't, etc, all manner of shit that even be abused pretty dynamically by drawing them away from patrols & keeping them occupied


Fuck off, the game was hyped as fuck around here

Ground Zeroes is better. Same gameplay, a better and more focused map, highly replayable and doesn't outstay its welcome like the entirety of TPP's Chapter 2.

I disagree, unless you can demonstrate to me an understanding of how the real world relevance to Skull Face's & Ciphers intent to use language as a tool of genocide

>>Ending makes no sense and shits all over the series lore


(agree with everything else though)

>stealth game
>1 camera in entire game
>guards spaced far apart
>not that it matters you can just fulton them away lulz
>only way to get an S rank is to speed through the mission like a crackhead
>good gameplay

no. ground zeroes had good gameplay, phantom pain didn't.

>ground zeroes
>same gameplay
really? I remember having to use actual stealth, watch guard patterns, watch out for security cameras, extracting prisoners via helicopter instead of a meme balloon, having guards wake up or be woken up and start patrolling again instead of being taken off the map w/ a meme balloon, etc.

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>Ending makes no sense and shits all over the series lore
That's the only part of the game that is important to the lore though and apart from it being a retcon it makes perfect sense for BiBo to become a villain after using one of his soldiers as an expandable tool like the US did with The Boss.

If you can comprehend that the parasites target people based on a specific language then you can lazily conclude he's trying to genocide Americans, you really don't need a comprehensive knowledge of language, culture, and geopolitical undertones to get the gist that Skull face hates imperialism, specifically American imperialism and for some unexplained reason he tolerated Soviet imperialism

The auto cover is the thing that really annoys me.

Why did skull face work for the United States in ground zeroes?

To fund his side projects of killing Big Boss and develop parasites so he could turn on the US and basically control the world

MgsV cons
>Venom snake
>Skull Face
>Man on Fire

Its a repetitive grindfest with a pointless open world

Sure the gameplay is great but it doesn't matter because there is nothing but fucking bandit camps all over the map and you can take them all out the same way.

So is breath of wild which has less gameplay mechanics