People that buy prebuilt PC's, why?

People that buy prebuilt PC's, why?

Attached: Prebuilt-Gaming-PC-Featured.jpg (1280x842, 96.69K)

Because I want to play PC games but I'm not autistic. Unlike you I have a well paying job so I can spend a few extra hundred to have it professionally built for me.

You don’t build your oven, do you?

building it is fun pay me and ill play your video games for you too

Because I know I will screw up handling something that expensive

I buy them like I buy consoles.

Plug and play. Why you PCfags don't understand this is your problem in understanding why Consoles sell in the first place.

Building is not fun for me, which is why I pay a company who hires autists like you to do my bidding.

Because I am a complete retard and I don't trust myself to build one

Because time = money.
If you've got money, no need to waste time, and if you've got time, no need to waste money.

because sometimes people are brainlets at pricing
I got a pretty good prebuilt for 500 dollars three years ago, back when building it myself with those parts would've cost me 800
over time I've replaced/upgraded some parts whenever I find a good deal

This. Been fucking around with my older PC's for years now, but I STILL don't trust myself with putting a brand new rig together. I'm deathly afraid of attaching heatsinks, those corners pop like as if you just broke them.

I'm in your boat dude, but "professionally" isn't a good term for it. It's a bit of a learning curve for sure but definitely well worth it. I'll be getting a temporary "pay raise" for a year so I can afford a lot of the high end stuff but it just makes more sense to learn and build one for your needs.

hey buddy is that way

>i'm not autistic enough to put together a basic lego set
You're right. You're not autistic, you're full-blown retarded.

when I got my first PC parents wouldn't let me build my own until years later

>it just makes more sense to learn and build one for your needs.

because it was made good

It's extremely easy to put a computer together. It takes like 10 minutes, tops. You're paying hundreds for ten minutes of work.

>why do i need to know how to take care of my stuff?
I bet you don't know how to change a tire on your own, you absolute embarrassment of a human.

below average IQ and high credit limits
ive seen people throw out alienware laptops because the screen or keyboard failed, you can literally swap these parts out for less than $100

Sorry I’ve never had to change a tire in my life

Do you not have AAA? They take care of that shit for me.

I bought an Alienware when bitcoin mining was at it's peak and graphics cards were really expensive - it turned out being cheaper than building it myself because the prices were firm. When I got it it had a faulty fan and they sent out a technician who replaced with a watercooler for free. I could have done it all myself but honestly the support was actually really good and came with a two year warranty if ANYTHING went wrong.

Fun hobby, potentially can make more money for yourself if someone pays you to build theirs. That's all I got really

Yup poorfag

i had one prebuilt in 2015, still working today, i will get another one this year. So should i wait for the next gen GPU Ampere nvidia or just get a one with 2070 super?

I bought a prebuilt that was a few thousand the other day can't wait to outperform you OP

I bought a prebuilt because it was around the time bitcoin mining had one of its craze spikes and shit was expensive. So was RAM at the time. Also I worked retail so I was able to hide a prebuilt and it got clearanced to the point of costing vastly less than had I built the same specs myself.

Lookin forward to building a new one though.

I have actual job skills, so I don't need to do basic manual labor like building shit to get by.

wut r u poor xd
*computer dies or causes house fire because didn't research what good components are while having dropped $2k on it anyways*

just because a pc is prebuilt doesn't mean they're bad. there are always good deals on for prebuilts and i know people who got into pc gaming by taking advantage of them because they didn't know how to built a pc, which is fine, hence why prebuilts exist. and now they're full pc gamers.

Does buying your own parts separately then taking them to a shop for someone to put it together count as a prebuilt? Or is it just ordering one from ibuypower/ayylmaoware

Only poorfags waste money on useless shit so they can feel like they have more money than they do.


How much should I spend on a PC if I just want to be able to play every big budget game coming out in the next 5 or so years?

I've seen several prebuilts go on retard tier sales for various reasons when I'm looking for parts
pic related is a PC that I just took prebuilt instead of building a new one for my little bro

Attached: price history.png (287x298, 6.11K)

>only poor people have money to spend
lmao let me buy you a lego set so you can keep building

No, that's the smart thing to do not like the rest of the coping baited brainlets in this thread. You actually researched good components so you'll a much higher quality product than any of the tards do who retardedly put their faith in companies just making a quick buck akin to GAYMURRR accessories.

I bought one because at the time I had no clue how to build a PC. Over the years I've gotten the knowledge so now I'm about to gut this PC for any parts I can put in my new case along with the new parts I ordered.

What id I did my research on components then purchased a prebuilt one with those components?

Not comfortable enough with computers to want to learn and they don't really enjoy DIY. There are also misconceptions about how complex they are and so on. DIY in general, appliances, plumbing, computers, cars, it's all very similar when you've taken it apart at least once.

I bought one because I was scared of fucking up something while building it. I'm a very neurotic and fidgety person.
I'm probably going to build one myself or have a friend help me next time though.

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So do I, but that's not really an excuse. Now I get what you're saying if you're someone taking in well over 6 figures but it's still a neat hobby to have nonetheless

>be able to play

At least 60 fps and intended graphics settings.

Because last time I tried, I bent the CPU pins and cost myself hundreds of dollars.


You're gonna have to pay out of the ass if you want something like 4K 60fps or something.

I pay 30bux to have it assembled for me because I cba with cable management

If you're talking about ultra quality 4k 144 fps well over 4k, but just enough for a pleasurable experience 1.5-2k

Good but can be hard to find one where they aren't skimping out on "less important" components to make profit, so many people doing this have to compromise. Biggest example is naive people overlook the importance of power supply and so do the companies selling pre-builts, and they give you some shit sending 3rd-worlder tier electricity to your expensive shit.

I always enjoyed having the option of next day indoor service and express replacement on technical fault.

Paying someone to put your parts together and buying overpriced components are not the same thing

Didn't feel like going without a PC/Being stuck with a shitty old one while I spend a whole day building and troubleshooting issues with it and also the painstaking amount of time it takes to get everything shipped, and god forbid if you get a faulty part
I'll definitely build one now but I don't wanna spend my weekend looking at a hunk of stress while I'm left with a 7 year old PC until I finish it