A PC and some time setting up emulators could replace all that

A PC and some time setting up emulators could replace all that.

Probably fit on a 10TB HDD too.

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ya, but then how would people get the 2 second high that comes from consoooming?

sure but no soul then

And they'd play better too. If you're playing ps1 games without PGXP and a 200% cpu overclock you're just a retard.

If you actually knew what you were talking about 10TB can't hold many games. And the idea behind these collections is to feel like you are in a game store all to yourself.

sounds like jealousy, you starting a thread

>keep money in bank
>inflation dries your savings
its pointless to keep more than 8 months in bank

PC gaming and playing on emulators is as soulless as you can get

NES games takes a few MB at most.
PS1 700MB or so.

With gamecube, ps2, xbox you may run into issues. 4.7GB each max? With a few multi disc exceptions.

You don't even need to use an emulator. You could just get a couple of flashcarts and be done.

Collectorfaggotry is autistic as fuck.

to be fair anyone who thinks opeth is good is a shiteater anyway so w/e

>NES games takes a few MB at most.
You mean a few kB

Collecting stuff is just a sign that you're financially secure enough to not give a shit anymore
When my sister and I moved out my dad just started getting really expensive knives because it didn't really matter how he spent his money

You're supposed to invest it retard. Do you keep all your money in your current account?

Is gaben your dad

It's the newer generation systems that are a problem and emulation also sucks for them.
With the older games there is a thrill to buying them and displaying on a shelf and knowing they work.

how’s that going for you, recession aside ?

I can't fathom someone playing all 7,000 games. Hell, I'd struggle finding time to play 0.5% of those games.

That room looks soulless as fuck. Looks more like a shop than a place where someone lives.

You can't play 30 games?

I think that's the idea. Anyways, if people do a game room like that, it should be its own separate room, like a functioning adult would do.

Forgot to add "a year" even though I know my annual game completion rate is closer to 20 games.

heres your soul bro

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Cool story bro. How much can you resell those emulated games for, in a pinch?

This is what CRT owners deserve.

20+ years of dust build up just ready to ignite.

>One picture, of a house fire, endlessly trotted out, for YEARS
>this is the best argument they can think of

Lol laugh out loud

No single woman that looks anything worth a shit with any dignity would want to touch the manchild that has a room like that.


I have pretty much every video game for every system before the ps3/xbox360 era on a 4tb drive. Another 6tb sounds about right if you take into account the newer systems. Might need a little more than that.

why not both? why does it make you seethe that someone prefers physical? does it hurt you in any way?

youre on Yas Forums retard

>all those retro consoles
>flatscreen TV instead of a CRT
Some people just shouldn't be allowed to own old consoles

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It might be souless but it's not as retarded as having $100k worth of video game cartages and systems in your basement most of which you will never ever use but you have because your autism compels you to have a complete library.

I wonder if insurance covered his collection.

I don't need to resell them because I didn't dump my life savings into game cartriges dumb retard.

>"Hey Yas Forums, anyone else bored of playing vidya? I just don't have the desire to play like I used to. I wonder why that is?"
>I've got a hard drive with 10 TB of games on it, but I don't feel like playing any of them.

I'd say most people who own CRTs for gaming reasons in 2020 open them up and clean them.

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Like you're ever gonna get a girl to willingly enter your home to see that room anyway. Who are you kidding?

Isn't collecting for its own sake pointless, though? You think every play those games? Do they even know where each game is?

You would need around 130TB for all console games (that you can pirate)

So everyone that collects video games has dumped their "life savings" into buying them? Oh. Sounds like you really know what you're talking about here.

all it takes is that one fire, user. if you're autistic enough digital content can be backed up in multiple ways.

I agree with you. Collecting video games for the sake of "collecting" is the height of retardation. I buy games I want to play, not because "omg you know how hard that game is to find? In this condition?"

That's exactly why it's better to have a 10tb emulator collection than dumping $100k on video game cartridges.

Yeah, because Xbox, 360, Saturn and N64 emulation are absolutely perfect, right?

How about if I have both?

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Too bad emulators have inaccuracies and are unpleasant to use and get running right. I’ll stick with my og hardware that just works thanks.

Knowing that game consoomers tend to be retards, no he probably didn't insure it.

We're talking about collectors here dumb idiot. Not people that have a few video game cartridges.

200IQ would be OG hardware+ cfw/flashcard

How is downloading 7000 games that you'll never play and paralyzing yourself into decision fatigue any different from consooming though?

i can understand buying games and keeping the ones you like or buying a bunch of digital only games because they are usually cheap as fuck and given in bundles but ill never understand collecting this much shit just for the sake of it.

I bet this nigga, just like Scott The woz, doesn't even play or beat more than half of these games. I mean imagine owning 3 fucking copies of Resident evil 4 on 3 different systems and never fucking playing it.

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No, insurance companies are penny pinchers and will only cover the cost of your house, anything in it you’re outta luck.

It doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

50 systems!?

are there really that many?

Emulation isn't perfect for every system yet though.

That meme is missing the absolute worst part of LCD, the fucking input lag.

Easy. You didn't spend your life saving to have the same problem with physical games.


Most works perfectly, save $1000s of dollars by only buying shit that doesn't emulate well. I've emulated hundreds of games and have only had problems with a couple.


The if that's what works for you, do it. Means less half assed shitters are buying up games they don't really want to own and jacking up the market

can i has list

Why is it that I can't get into games if I'm emulating them? I can play through games fine on the actual hardware.

>he plays on a modern display
kek enjoy your input lag

Deepens on where you draw the line between a system and a generic toy.


There is also like three Xbox One's on the market you know.

Xbox One
Xbox One S 4k Bluray playback
Xbox One X 4k bluray playback and more power
Xbox One Digital Only.

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