Wow. Just wow

Wow. Just wow.

Attached: 1587775857603.png (1080x650, 1.02M)

now post the loss edit

whats the original image?

is this the latest twitter meme we are being graced with?

Looks like a hospital so probably a doctor

Based European cover version.

The original image is twitter shit. Making fun of it is Yas Forums.

Attached: 1587854881564.png (1024x614, 668.61K)

Attached: 1586312889289.jpg (768x576, 20.9K)

I remember when Yas Forums originated memes.


Attached: Screenshot_20200426-080648_Chrome.jpg (1080x639, 337.95K)


Attached: 1545174884687.jpg (612x598, 25.64K)

Who unironically draws this shit

is this a fortnite reference?

I wish I was autistic enough to have multiple copypastas ready to shitpost any time someone praises FFIX for any of it's shitty aspects.

Attached: 1587231907511.jpg (640x481, 30.53K)

I found the original and its indeed cringe shit.
Im glad people are making fun of it

It’s /lit/‘s only meme.

what about the senator armstrong lookalike

Wasnt that Yas Forums?

Attached: Woah.png (1080x650, 865.07K)


pls someone post the pepe shitting himself

The Doctor Manhattan is what gets me the most


If Final Fantasy IX the greatest RPG ever made? Yes.

Attached: 1390262233836.jpg (2984x2920, 1.3M)

absolutely based

Doke doke dokeeeee

Attached: doke.jpg (720x420, 77.4K)

Why does this artist draw so many cankles?

no, not the guy in the shower, the one that's a drawing

can someone post the original?

Attached: dancing sneed.webm (1080x648, 463.63K)

speaking of, how do the remakes of 1-6 fare on playstation

>plot goes to shit the instant "lol another planet" asspull is mentioned
>Tetra Master is literally soulless Triple Triad
>3/5 of the main cast has no plot relevance
>literally who final boss
>equipment-bound abilities
>plot is a rehash of FFIV's
>no combat difficulty whatsoever. The two hardest opponents, namely Ozma and Yans, are only so because they cheat the ATB system with interrupts
>incredibly tedious and unfunny minigames that rely on RNG (chocobo h&c, Tetra Master) or button-mashing (Hippaul race, rope jump) rather than skill

You tell me.

/5 of the main cast
Whoops meant to say 3/8. Still a lot.

i never understand this argmuent. i fucking despise furries and at no point i felt that the game was going for that.

its like sasying disney movies are full of furries

wtf real?