Wow. Just wow.
Wow. Just wow
now post the loss edit
whats the original image?
is this the latest twitter meme we are being graced with?
Looks like a hospital so probably a doctor
Based European cover version.
The original image is twitter shit. Making fun of it is Yas Forums.
I remember when Yas Forums originated memes.
Who unironically draws this shit
is this a fortnite reference?
I wish I was autistic enough to have multiple copypastas ready to shitpost any time someone praises FFIX for any of it's shitty aspects.
I found the original and its indeed cringe shit.
Im glad people are making fun of it
It’s /lit/‘s only meme.
what about the senator armstrong lookalike
Wasnt that Yas Forums?
pls someone post the pepe shitting himself
The Doctor Manhattan is what gets me the most
If Final Fantasy IX the greatest RPG ever made? Yes.
absolutely based
Doke doke dokeeeee
Why does this artist draw so many cankles?
no, not the guy in the shower, the one that's a drawing
can someone post the original?
speaking of, how do the remakes of 1-6 fare on playstation
>plot goes to shit the instant "lol another planet" asspull is mentioned
>Tetra Master is literally soulless Triple Triad
>3/5 of the main cast has no plot relevance
>literally who final boss
>equipment-bound abilities
>plot is a rehash of FFIV's
>no combat difficulty whatsoever. The two hardest opponents, namely Ozma and Yans, are only so because they cheat the ATB system with interrupts
>incredibly tedious and unfunny minigames that rely on RNG (chocobo h&c, Tetra Master) or button-mashing (Hippaul race, rope jump) rather than skill
You tell me.
/5 of the main cast
Whoops meant to say 3/8. Still a lot.
i never understand this argmuent. i fucking despise furries and at no point i felt that the game was going for that.
its like sasying disney movies are full of furries
wtf real?