Why does the west hate making attractive video game characters?
Why does the west hate making attractive video game characters?
>Can't even show her bare thighs
>no tits again
Japan is slowly being California-ized
america & canada =/= the west
We had this thread already earlier today.
It was more than enough, trannoid. Shoo.
You only think the right is better if you think sexualizing female characters in media is okay, or a good thing.
Because we literally invented the attraction you Jap fagboys are copying every day.
This was your ideal feminine fantasy character before we came in and made everyone big tittied
>america & canada =/= the west
>He doesn't understand what Globalism does
neither of these are very attractive
women in the west are taught to hate themselves being/trying to be attractive
women in the east embrace it
You want the REAL answer...? Because of feminism.
Modern day, fourth wave (yes, we're up to wave FOUR of this movement now) has infiltrated gaming, especially in the West, and in no small part thanks to Anita Sarkeesian.
Game developers wish to appeal to feminists, s o y boys and other outcasts (i.e. LGBTQIIA2++) rather than straight males. But how does this work? Well, feminist is about controlling the narrative and about procuring POWER. One way to divert power to women is to stop giving men what they want in regards to showing sexy women in bikinis, etc. Think about to E3 and other shows completely REMOVING all booth babes. Why did they do this? Is firing women who worked at those venues - of their own free will - a "feminist" or "empowering" decision? Hell no. It's about controlling the narrative and about POWER over males.
This may all seem rather petty - because it is - but this ideology is based heavily upon doing so. Feminists also believe - rather humourously - that you can literally CHANGE what men are attracted to by imposing and enforcing other body types in the media, since they believe everything, including male attraction to thin, large-breasted women with long hair and youthful faces, is a "social construct" rather than an evolutionary leftover from human biological processes. So they are literally fighting - and winning - a ideological war on male desire; something they seek to control, yield power over and ultimately, change to suit their will.
This is just my opinion, but I believe it's because more and more women have become involved in vidya the past decade or so, and in my experience they either strongly dislike or are genuinely jealous of fictional women for tending to represent idealised version of their sex. Whether that is based off political or purely selfish reasoning I don't know but basically I think they're afraid of fake girls stealing real men from them
Based and remember you have Jews to thank for the feminist movement in the first place.
The right tool for the right job.
left is a character from a post apocalyptic setting suffering from lack of industrialization and resource drought so she has to make do with anything she salvages in this case male clothing.
Right is a stripper modeled by chinks for the purpose of manipulating and siphoning money of weeaboo gamer pedos.
yet western women are much bigger whores
Women don't exist to please you
Found a roastie
>Why does the west hate making attractive video game characters?
fictional women do
It is, sexualize the men too. Its a fucking video game, nobody cares. Also people sexualize each other in real life constantly, whether they make it obvious or not. Stop acting like a scared pre-teen about sex.
Why does Yas Forums hate making original threads?
Why do cuum brains obsess over females in video games?
Grow up and fuck a real woman and stop fantasizing about pixels.
No, but video games do and video games are meant to be pleasing, not ugly trash. If I wanted trash I'd go down to the garbage dump and play.
Either feminists are right to believe that or they are not winning, you can't have both.
The real reason is because white people don't like sexy women.
Most white people are huge puritanical idiots, so much so that they don't even teach their children the birds and the bees then act surprised when little Becky gets raped by some Muslims while she's out slutting it up with the other members of the itty bitty titty committee in middle school.
For white people, sex is an evil tool of oppression (for leftist whites, it's a tool of the patriarchy used to keep down women, for right-wing whites, it's a tool of the Jews used to keep men complacent).
The reality is, it's distinctly a white people problem, because almost every other country on the planet is full of extremely sexualized media, and don't face nearly the same issues that white people do regarding said media.
Some good examples of their nature are:
To them, sexualizing a woman is the worst sin you can possibly commit, because in their minds, sex is the root of all evil.
What a shit twitter take
>anime avi
of course it's dumb weebs
They're both pandering, they're just pandering to different demographics. Stop trying to justify one and condemn the other.
But most of them are disgusting sluts.
video game women do
>extremely aesthetic right arm
>huge muscle
Put it on the left, and you definitely have me.
If you don't think white people and the west have sexualized media or didn't in the past then you are sorely mistaken. The problem started with the Hippy/Left movement in the 70s and everyone lashing out and over time. That mixed with media portrayal and the internet of big dicks and chads only has left 80% of men left fighting for the bottom 20% of women, which leads to massive problems because those women aren't attractive and its just boring.
White person here, we need more titties and ass, hell throw the ladies a bone and give them more abs and dick.
No, not the worst sin obviously, no need to be so dramatic, incel-kun.
It simply isn't a good thing, or an example that should be followed.
Here's a hint that will blow your mind: just because it makes your peepee hard doesn't mean it's good or okay.
>If you don't think white people and the west have sexualized media or didn't in the past then you are sorely mistaken.
Read nigga read.
No one's saying whites don't have sexualized media, only that modern whites hate sexualized media (hypocritically I might add).
In the mind of the average white person, it's perfectly fine for a woman to be a slut, so long as she's just some slut on the internet or a prostitute, but if it's a fictional woman or a woman playing a character in a TV show/movie, THAT is when white people take issue.
It's very confusing for those of us who aren't absolutely insane.
>the west
Last I remembered Neil Druckmann is a jew.
Sexualizing female characters in media is okay tho.
>women in the west are taught to hate themselves
This is good, though, it makes for a more submissive population and more easy to control.
Last thing you want is the stupid civilians getting uppity.
Look, if you only want to play H-games, be my guest, but just do that then instead of this disingenuous bullshit.
That's a left only thing and only because they're mad that any man could possibly be attracted to something other than them. its a woman thing and why they're constantly jealous and fighting among themselves, they've just now spread it to fake women too because its threatening them. Women are like apes fighting over who is the alpha among them and will even fight mirror versions of themselves if they perceive it to be a threat. The left and women in general are not cognitively aware of themselves or anything else around them.
>"Lets make the character look sexy!"
>>"...but what if that offends someone?"
>"Yeah, you're right. Let's subdue it."
Both of those are trash. She looks best in MK11, but that isn't saying much, because she still sucks there too.
Do I need to remind you that asians are the biggest race traitors in the planet?
>striped black and white stocking with that outfit
I must know what game
Jews are the heart of western civilization
>That's a left only thing
Clearly not, last I checked shit like is not posted by leftists.
No user, this is not a left/right issue, just go to Yas Forums and you'll see plenty of this shit being spouted (only without the hypocritical "it's okay for women to be sluts in real life" stuff).
Again, this might hurt to hear, but the issue is just generally white people disliking sexy women in media.
Jews are the cancer of western civilization.
They are the heart of America though.
>It simply isn't a good thing
Only if you're white.
The rest of the world disagrees, and seeing as how this line of thinking has led to whites becoming a minority in their own countries and the destruction of gender relations, I'm going to say that the rest of the world has you beat in this regard.
We'd have to be as suicidal as you are to unironically follow your moronic beliefs.
>They are the heart of America though.
The most relevant and influential country in the world? Yeah, ok