Game is only playable with 10x speedhack

>game is only playable with 10x speedhack

Attached: XCOM-2.jpg (1519x2156, 538.12K)

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literally all turn based jrpgs

>game is only playable if you drink your own cum
what did he mean by this?

I just started playing this game and holy fuck, those first two missions were absolute utter pain. rookies are godawful. As soon as I got to take a higher tier soldier into a mission the game instantly opened up.

More like the game only has the tactical legacy pack on pc! The new soundtrack included in it is baller being a consolefag is suffering.

Is claiming that Xcom2 was slow af the latest meme on the block?

That's right, user, and for just $10, you can remedy that with the latest Xcom installement: Chimera Squad™!

>new soundtrack included
Post youtube links for listening

the boss aliens make the game too hard
lazy ass nigger

It had tons of slow ass animations and annoyances. There's a reason why Stop Wasting My Time is #2 mod on steam workshop, while also being one of the first mods ever created

watching long animation of your guy getting ready to shoot when you know he will miss because of the camera position spoils it is the worst thing about the game

what are some mandatory mods

just give your sniper armor piercing bullets and the game becomes easy modo
All of them are light as fuck and don't change the gameplay

Not really. Most of the time you can just focus them and ignored the rest if youre well positioned

I like war of the chosen and was fun beating it but holy fuck the fucked up the early game badly. Every single time you try to do anything a pop up appears with a mission or what not. You cant even pick up supplies in peace till like 2 months in

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This is the most zoomer post I've ever seen

I wonder how this is gonna run on the switch. It ran like shit when it come out on PCs and it ran even worse on the other consoles

Why did my torque start with such a high aim bonus

it was at +20 before I did anything
and +2 health too.
no items

Is this the power of SNEK?

Attached: GKujJD9.png (822x848, 551.12K)

That one monthly perk/card where one block of progress gets removed every month will basically make the game go forever. It's nice being able to have all the time to research and buy everything. Once in a blue moon the countdown timer will align where it ends just before our monthly reset.

You playing on babbin mode?

thats not even needed desu taking out facilities makes you so pretty much never get a game over

on normal
I never used torque, when i was looking at her stats she had +2hp and +20 aim without doing anything

is this the JRPG thread?

Do you have tracer rounds on her or something?

I put on tracer and a scope for +10
but with no items it was already +20

It's a little long because it took me almost 4 days of non-stop playing but fuck me if this isn't the best PC game I've ever played.

Attached: XCOM2.jpg (2560x1440, 1.01M)

How technically intensive is this game that it might run and look like shit on Switch?

she got promoted now she has above 100 aim

Attached: Nj6BV0K.png (839x900, 675.6K)

You're not speccing your soldiers right. You take literally everything related to guaranteed damage and guaranteed armor shredding. Anything that maximises the offensive is the Grade A shit. So for Grenadier you want

>Demolition or Suppression is preference
>Heavy Ordnance
>Volatile Mix
>Hail of Bullets
>Saturation Fire of Rupture is preference

Avoid the fuck out of "lol more defense" because playing defensive is playing delayed you get fucked.

>game is unplayable without speed mods, quality of life mods, improved AI for retarded civvies mod, and at least 30 voice packs, textures for weapons and armor that slow it down to a crawl on startup.

Great game haha

>>That's right, user, and for just $10, you can remedy that with the latest Xcom installement: Chimera Squad™!
The fuck are you talking about? There is nothing fast about waiting 30 seconds at every singe encounter (bear in mind that most missions have 2-3 encounters) watching your fucktard ayylmao squad opening 3 different doors/breaking 4 different windows to jump down from.

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>Allowing the enemy to take a turn

You filthy casual.

t. pleb. The only "QoL" mods you need is a handful of stuff like better icons and Evac All.

>and at least 30 voice packs, textures for weapons and armor that slow it down to a crawl on startup.
Literally all fluff that's not necessary.

Is Phoenix Point as shit as it was on launch or did they fix it up?

Nice stuff my man


fuck off. multiple playstyles should be possible. what if I want to rp imperial guard horde strategy? Cant.

>he didn't invest in the chad pistol sharpshooter that can poison entire rooms, one-turn sectopods or crit enemies multiple times in a turn

>Dude just take the bad perks because roleplaying!
Okay nigger, get wrecked by The Chosen Assassin I guess.

I mean if you want to play like a retard you can, but don't bitch about losing because you deserve it


>How do I Overwatch traps

Did you put her in the training room? That increases stats.

>first time playing xcom 2
>get machete guy to attack with 95% hit chance
>missed, immediate flashback to XCOM:EU
>turn the game off
fuck this gay shit

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Sadly this is the case. The law of Xcom dictates that you will miss 99% shots and get hit by 1% shots then 0.01% crit high damage roll.
Playing Xcom is all about making 100% and 0% a certainty. ayylmaos can't hit you if they're already dead.

Fuck off

no she was lowest rank
i tihnk it might be a glitch cause i dont think she has 100 aim during combat. hit % arent that high for what should be 100 aim

Sword are fairly inaccurate, and you're boned if you miss. Don't use them.

95% is not 100%.

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