GameFreak is holding back potentially the greatest game series

Imagine Pokemon with an actual ambitious, skilled dev team behind it. Imagine a full-fledged RPG (with actual roleplaying elements ala classic Fallout and in-depth WRPGs where stats actually matter for every action). Imagine all the great mechanics, great stories that could from a fully-realized fresh take on Pokemon. Because of Pokemon's unrivalled popularity, any great unique mainline game made would still sell gorillions. And that game would go on to inspire other franchises to take risks and also be more creative. It would literally be a vidya renaissance that would elevate the medium further.

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>imagine Pokemon without GameFreak

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why don't you play any other of the monster collecting games then? why does it have to be pokemon?


What is the bottom one?

none of them are good


that's fucking retarded, take FF4 and FF6 as an example. early gen and end gen games

But would we have gotten Marnie?


so Pokemon is good then, yeah?

I always wanted to live in the pokemon world. The girls are better than real life. The locations are better than real life. The pokemon are better than shitty real life animals. 20 years later, I still want to live there. Real life is fucking gay. But yeah, I guess you're right, OP.

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smt, digimon and ff world are good, if you think they're bad but likes pokemon you have shit taste

Fallout in no way is transferable to pokemon, unless you mean they should fight in that style to include positioning. But how much variety would there even be in grass environments. Put some imagination into describing what you want cause it's clearly not coming through.

Just move on like any other reasonable person.
Why be ambitious when you can just ride off of your laurels with cheap games? It just works and I can't even blame them at all for doing what they do.

Most of those "improvements" sound terrible.

As long as people keep supporting games like Sword and Shield, that won't happen anytime soon. Laziness keeps getting rewarded for this franchise, and the only way to combat that is not buying the games or merchandise.

Check out fangames. Pokemon Insurgence is pretty good, and if you can enjoy over the top edginess then Reborn is also good.

Its pretty funny how after some development stuff showed up from gen2, its revealed they were literally always incompetent and did not listen to feedback.

>playtester comment
>hey the pokemon here in lategame feel like they have extremely low level whats up with that? Could you fix it?
>gamefreak response
>its working as intended
>the most common complain about gen2 is how the level of wild mons in late game is stupidly low
They were always retarded hacks that managed to get lucky on pokemon, literally every single other gamefreak project has failed for good reason, and they know that, and the pokemon games which are now shit only sell because of brand name, and they know that. GF must be the most depressing place to work.

it's a romhack called Pokémon Life

Marnie farting on your face.

Have you played it?
Is it worthwhile? I've looked at a few videos but they're all played by overly enthusiastic fags who are clearly biased so I won't get an honest answer.

Because Pokemon, or GF to be precise, shows what happens when you have ZERO competition at all and a devoted fanbase that have been instilled since they were children. Hell, even Call of duty has battlefield(and every other military shooter) to keep them in check.

GF are hacks but can you really blame them? They know theyre incompetent but they know even more that they have an established audience as well as the actual demographic of new children, so they can get away with any half ass piece of shit they churn out.

Just learn to move on, user. Sooner or later you'll learn that this series was always shit

I blame bamco and how they handled digimon, it could have stayed as king of second bananas and picked up any pokemon fan who startded becoming disappointed with the series if they hadnt fuck it up.

Game Freak does miss a lot of Pokemons potential, but shit like real time combat is not needed

fuck that, pokemon needs showdown style instant unit building and pure focus on pvp/battle mechanic adjustments with none of this VGC bullshit

Looking at it franchise wise, pokemon had A LOT of starting power with the pokemania days.

digimon on the other hand had it rough, their cartoons actually ended and weren't as neverending as pokemon while their games released infrequently as they constantly experimented with their games...they had no chance.

Yeah vgc is garbage and so are the mechanics that demand you to breed and grind like an autist but that's part of what showdown is for.

If you want to instantly build/experiment with teams where actual tiers are enforced then it's a good alt to the actual retarded game.

>Also gba
My fucking asshole, yeah. If you run It on the latest VBA patch, sure, but try putting that shit on an EZ flash and playing it on a real GBA, that shit would fucking melt on the main menu.
The GBA doesn't have anything close in power to what modern emulators can do.

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Yeah, a lot of people forget/dont realize that most of these romhacks wouldn't even work because of the limitations of the gba and it's cartridge.

...but there's still no denying that GF are still about a gen and half behind everyone else. Even worse considering how high their brand is

I swea these images are made as bait

sliver and gold were the last games they tired thier best. they actually made a game to the point if needing gods help compressing it to work on the gb.

When did you stop playing Pokemon, Yas Forums?

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>greatest game series
>thinking pokemon has changed in quality at all after 4th gen
Double trannyikes

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