Do you prefer STR or DEX builds?

Do you prefer STR or DEX builds?

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I prefer to feel the power of the...MaaAAaAaaGicc!


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STR is easier

Riddle me this, STRfags:

How can you hit what you cannot catch?

str is for my mules, have dex


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CHA too, but also fuck GoT. Shit is garbage. The popularity has utterly fucked fantasy fiction in every medium, just like Harry Potter when it was at its apex.

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To be slightly fair, he would have won that fight if he hadn't stopped to boast and just finished Mountain off


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I mean he did “win” in a sense, the outcome was far worse for giganigga than if he just got snikt’d

> The popularity has utterly fucked fantasy fiction in every medium, just like Harry Potter when it was at its apex.

None of these things were ever any good to begin with.

Grow up you dumb manchild fag

>its another "dexlets coping thread" episode

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fantasy has been fucking garbage for decades in every medium
also GoT was just mild mannered Spartacus made by Am*ricans with syfy-tier direction and story changes

*gets killed by a female*

>hates fiction
>posts on vidya board, which consists of nothing but fiction
Fuck off retard.

>tetris is fiction
storyfag holocaust when?

i like dex because it's more elegant.

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>he would pick str or dex
>when con(stitution) is far better than either of them

CON builds are best builds ya fags

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>become bullet sponge
>can't attack or dodge worth shit

This argument is stupid because if you are strong you are also fast

don't need to attack or dodge when you can outlast your opponents


When I was younger, I thought dex builds were the coolest and most skilled, letting you flex your superior reflexes and dab on opponents as you danced around them. Now I prefer str.

Slapping one of those (me, projecting) tryhards with one good power attack or whatever and receiving hate mail was always great in dark souls, rolling up to some autistic AD assassin or whatever as rammus and pressing two buttons to kill them, knocking giants on their ass and batting gryphons out of the sky in dragons dogma, nothing is quite as gratifying when done right.

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Quality builds
...but if i have to pick between the two, strength

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>Medieval setting
>They have boom mics and propane tanks

You see this? This is you.

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Sorry DEX fags, real life is a STR world.

STR/CON is the way to go, m8

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nuh uh, i'm this

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Why low fantasy is so boring?

>not STR/INT /fitlit/ hybrid

because what's the point of a fantasy world if you aren't going to put crazy outlandish shit in it?


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>Melee attack that has a chance to slow the player.
>Frost Nova, similar to the Sorceress skill.
Sounds more like a CON / INT build to me which is acceptable.


The point of low fantasy is often to showcase worlds that could have been, alternatives to what we had/have.

real kino are worlds that appear low fantasy at first, but then on closer inspection turn into pure science fantasy and weird shit

Same, though talent points in extra mana reserves are a must.

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Whatever looks cooler

i'm also sometimes this guy with 6 Khadgar's Gem of Health in my inventory

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>tetris is fiction

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I think most highly acclaimed fantasy fiction does that