Will I enjoy this if I'm not typically into racing games...

Will I enjoy this if I'm not typically into racing games? Also is it even worth getting into given that they'll probably announce a new game in the series to coincide with the release of the new Xbox?

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>Will I enjoy this if I'm not typically into racing games?
Possibly, the game is a simcade rather than full sim but you'll still be expected to stick to racing lines and actually brake for corners even with all the assists on. But the game does do a decent job of encouraging you to slowly turn those assists off and try harder. But most of these kind of games appeal is collecting cars and racing them.

>Also is it even worth getting into given that they'll probably announce a new game in the series to coincide with the release of the new Xbox?
A new Horizon game won't be released for a while, while Motosport and Horizon are developed by different studios Microsoft likes to keep the game releases on alternate years. So likely Motosport 8 will come out this year and Horzon 5 in 2021.

it's on gamepass

This game is the most complete and fun racer I've played since underground 2. Its just too good. Defo going xbox next gen just so I can play horizon 5 I wouldn't miss it for anything.

I kinda like Horizon 3 a bit more with the hot wheels DLC and blizzard mountain so far over Horizon 4 and its Lego DLC but both are really fun comfy games to relax and play.

Its not a tryhard sim racing game like the standard forza titles

Interesting. I guess I'll give it a shot then. I typically don't like racing games, but Underground 2 is one of those exceptions. If it's that good, I oughta try it.

I would like to try the one in England just to roam around in a mercedes while it's snowing or raining in the dark.

3 definitely has a better map.

4 sadly lacks any sense of progression, the sounds aren't up to par, and 3 honestly had a better overall atmosphere, it just kept CtDing on my machine.

Anyway OP it's a pretty good game regardless, def worth trying for the intro alone.

Agreed, though 4 undeniably runs better on PC. I'd say lego is still slightly better than hotwheels though. It lacks the same wow factor but having a closed circuit and proper stunt arena were things that the base horizon games have been lacking for so long.
4 lacking any custom championships or even tracking what seasons you clear each exhibition race in is stupid though, the game could have a ton more content otherwise. The weekly forzathon stuff only takes a couple days to do.

Is the DLC mandatory or any good?

Also is there a way to have two save files or profiles?

Honestly I think 3 had better map, events and dlcs
Also, 4 is way too focused on multiplayer for my taste, its strictly personal wether you see it as a downside or not tho
I didn't enjoy the weekly seasons, and the lootboxes bummed me out to no end
As an extremely casual racing games player I enjoyed horizon 3 much much more

DLC is a fun change in both 3 and 4, offers a different experience than the "British" map, watch some trailers or gameplay footage.

No way to have different profiles, I wanted to start over, had to rename the older profile which is somewhere in program data or some shit, there are guides for it.

Never played the DLC but you can have two saves by just having two different hotmail accounts because xbox live is associated to each individual account and each profile gets automatic cloud saving via xbox live whether you're playing on PC, xbox or in the xcloud beta.

4's literal only upsides are
>bigger car list
>slightly better graphics

the rest is the same or worse than horizon 3, this game has no reason to exist

>and the lootboxes bummed me out to no end
But 3 had wheelspins too.

3 didn't have wheelspins full of cringy avatar clothing items and avatar emotes or whatever the hell useless fluff like how it is in 4

Attached: forzahorizon4.jpg (1280x720, 113.6K)

True, but the game spams so many wheelspins at you that you'll quickly get to a point where every wheelspin only offers money or duplicate cars.

Sure, but wheels pins in 3 were just bonus money or the occasional special car
4 lootboxes are ridicolousy inflated by dumb clothes, horns, dance moves, useless shit added in just to make it harder for you to get the stuff you actually want
It's ridicolous and shouldn't be there in the first place
Lootboxes are a fucking plague

This, I just love how it teases you by starting on the image of a rare or kino car, spins then slowly stops on an emote or a pair of leggings.

i love the game but it has a fuckton of bugged shit still

3 of my irl mates recently bought it

>try playing ranked because it's fun
>if one of the players doesn't accept the queue you have to remake the convoy and reque otherwise the que will be bugged
>win a game
>don't get any points added

for a game made for fucking around with friends they sure make it hard sometimes

There are tons of user made liveries too. From historical to weeb and anything in between.

Attached: lego.jpg (1920x1080, 549.03K)

been playing the shit out of it recently with a friend and never encountered these issues

i did enjoy it for a longer time, the soundtrack and high speed driving meshed perfectly together and it just created this really beautiful and comfy atmosphere. also the game didn't fall to any of the actually bad kikery which meant that i wasn't driven away from the game.

but a few weeks back when i tried to play it again but it didn't hit the same any more. my worst problem was how the game forced me to go to menus all the time.

Attached: Forza Horizon 4 Screenshot 2018.12.15 - (3840x2160, 605.73K)

Alright, you've sold me on this. There any good ones of Rem?

Haven't played the game in a while but it think there's one. Japanese cars tend to have more anime liveries than historical racers for example.


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Somehow Horizon 3 wound up with not one but two of the greatest DLCs of all time, 4 is a mechanically better game but it lacks the SOUL of 3

Hot wheels was fun as fuck

Too bad they can't do the same thing twice

being able to rep Highway 35 / Acceleracer cars is just the best

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Honestly the game needs a quickrace option where you can select car class, type, race event and season or leave them to random and the game just plops you in a race. Custom online adventure is kinda like this already, I just wish there was a singleplayer version.
The custom routes feature while a fantastic addition also really needs refinement, specifically a way to filter out all the shitty meme maps or ones that are only there to farm cash and exp.

yes because it's for casuals

If you go further to the realistic side then you'll see actual racing sims. Those are definitely not for casuals.