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Is P3P worth it? I only have a Vita

It is. The original was 3D and this has vn exploration during the social part of the game but that's not a problem and makes it even faster, dungeons are still in 3D plus you can control all members of the group

>vn exploration

game is structured like a visual novel for the social links since they stuffed it into a psp
the battle portions are in full 3d tho

Instead of actually being able to walk around the maps they're all static images and you just tap on the character you want to talk to and to go between areas

alot of anger in it

How's the waifu game?

P3 characters feel like their own characters instead of just wank you full plus there are interesting waifus. You can also play as a femc to do romantic routes with the dudes if you are a faggot plus 1 yuri route if you are a subhuman

Honestly I loved being able to play the femc. I dont get why they dropped her as a concept for later games.

It's okay. Only a couple girls worth dating desu. Pic related is based

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She's my princess.

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In the long run it gets more comfortable, more so if you are going to play p4 vita which has everything 3D
Probably being lazy, I'm surprised give how much money yuri makes

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The FemMc is actually what interests me
Am I missing anything compared to FES?


the cutscenes maybe but you can just watch them on youtube or watch the movie later. The answer is shit

Damn, Ken's girlfriend looks like THAT?

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I figure its just laziness. Tried p5 and wasn't really worth it.
Femc is probably going to be the make or break it for future games for me. Persona games are okay enough, but there's nothing pushing me over that edge like having the femc option in 3 did.


Just the 3d aspect and the answer which is just a super long dungeon. P3P it's pretty much worthy, go for it

P5 is too "Gary stu" for me, don't know if a female would fix that, maybe if they make the future games shorter they can try the female route again, P5 was too long for its own good

You're a nonce

>O R G I A
>M O D E
>A C T I V A T E D

Hours of frustration

Because according to Hackshino a female main character wouldn't have fit in P4 or P5.

why is she so based bros?

actually that’s Yukari’s girlfriend

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I remember reading that they had concept designs for a femc when the first planned the game so it was easier to incorporate than in the other games but who knows if that's true.

Thanks for the rec lads

I always feel female Gary Stus work better than males because they feel less like a power fantasy and more just wanting to see competent females. There's room to fuck it up dont get me wrong, its just easier to make it work without feeling like a cringe harem anime.

When girls write their weird power fantasies its a completely different type of power wank compared to guys writing it.

>all the boys AND girls want to fuck her
>cares about all her friends equally
>can stop death itself
>literally fucks death
she seemed more like female Yu than female Door really


Basically just laziness

She's closer to Maya sans the moments her mask falls away.

Needed more yuri options. I went in trying to fuck Yukari so hard and got the BFF ending and was extremely disappointed.

At least i got to fuck aegis and the blue lady.

The games are written as a male MC in mind. A female main character would have either change a lot of dialogue and some story elements or keep things just copy the male MC dialogue.
Take for example the characters. All the female party members are written as potential love interests for the main character and the male main characters while the male party members are more like friends.
The characters won't work very well as love interests for a female main characters unless there is a yuri option or some characters get replaces by new characters more fit to be love interests.

The beginning of P5 would be completely different if you were a girl and the protag’s relationship with characters in P4 would be completely different, also the Izanagi/Izanami connection wouldn’t play off as well. The only reason P3 worked with a female protagonist because they originally intended to have one but scrapped it during final development and because the protagonist gender didn’t really affect all that much

I really enjoyed P3P just don't expect it to be a drastically different play through from the male. Just some neat highlights that are really different.

That's only a factor for 4 given the Izanami/Izanagi dynamic. 5 could have easily worked with a FeMC especially given Sukeban culture.


>the protag’s relationship with characters in P4 would be completely different
In what way?

>The beginning of P5 would be completely different if you were a girl
If people can be led to believe that a 90-something pound twink can assault a grown man, there is literally no reason why they wouldn't believe the same lie that he was assaulted by a teenage girl.

I love Fuuka!

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shido wouldnt be able to deal with the embarrassment so he would just have you killed instead