>Devs accidently leave Cross play enabled for all consoles + PC
>PC fags ruin it for everybody
Devs accidently leave Cross play enabled for all consoles + PC
git gud
Now you know why consoles need auto aim
Oh no i have a harder to beat opponent in my competitive match, what am i gonna do now
Improving my gameplay? Naaaaah
yeah I dont understand this shit, I can play bf4 and bf3 with a pad with no auto aim on pc and top the board.
Literally get good console friends, I am a console player but still play pc often
Lightsaber combat in JKA doesn't even rely on precise mouse movement. They are just shit at games.
>Jedi Academy Remaster
Hold on what? when did this come out
Get shit on, joystick fags. Mouse is simply a more precise tool.
no one cares you worthless brain damaged retard
I could beat 70% of pc player on a no auto aim pad easily
the rest have no lifes so they might be able to win
I don't know anything about Star Wars but considering this game's been out for nearly two decades, is it not more fitting that Switch bambis are getting absolutely destroyed by Jedi masters that've honed their skills for nearly 20 years? lmao
like, last month
Why is this a big deal? Console players have been shitting up the latest FPS games with crossplay by having an aimbot for aim assist. The ones in Halo Reach literally aims at your head through walls and that shit isn't even crossplay yet.
>If you beat me you have no life.
You're a very fragile individual, lol.
>everyone worse than me is ez
>everyone better than me has no life
straight from the scrublords bible eh
I'm more worried about the fact for all the "different ecosystem, can't play together because of REASONS" all this apparently took was inputting the correct IP. Platform is absolutely no obstacles and only reason why console and PC can't play together is because Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo said no.
>no one cares you worthless brain damaged retard
Why haven't I heard about it?
What's the catch?
It was in the freaking direct dude.
> PC offers a challenge
> whine about it instead of getting good
This is what's wrong with console fags
stop playing with a fisher price toy babbo
To be fair, we're talking about veterans who have played Academy for over ten years AND M&K is a distinct advantage here. It's rooted in fucking Quake 3.
Typing a server IP is hacking? Okay then
no catch, its good and my fav of the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight family of games.
>resetera user explains
>"it doesn't take much hacking to do"
>I joined a game and got my shit handed to me so they must've been using PC's
Is this a joke? Is this a joke article?
It reads like it's out of the fucking onion
>if other people is better than me they must be cheating
This your average consoletard brain
I think you'll notice that this article is based on a "Switch player from ResetEra" getting owned in an online game.
Aside from Sony, no one said no. Even Sony have relented and given the ok to some games, but I dunno if that's a policy going forwards or if it's just those exceptions like Rocket League.
I can't think of a reason for them not to just have crossplay in Jedi Academy in the first place; aside from the obvious disadvantages of playing on console.
>we can't have crossplay because it's difficult
>we can't have crossplay because it's against our policies
>meanwhile in Jedi academy
I hate playing against PC players in MW.
At least it finally gave us PC players some non-MB2 servers.